Mental Disorders

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Page 2: Mental Disorders


A mental disorder is a psychological syndrome or pattern which is associated with distress (e.g. via a painful symptom), disability (impairment in one or more important areas of functioning), increased risk of death, or causes a significant loss of autonomy; however it excludes normal responses such as grief from loss of a loved one, and also excludes deviant behaviour for political, religious, or societal reasons not arising from a dysfunction in the individual.

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Eight women representing prominent mental diagnose

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Attention Disorder


Anxiety Disorder


Psychotic Disorder

OCDImpulse Control



Addiction Disorder

Bipolar Disorder

Major Depression


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ANXIETYIt is a mental condition in which excessive, ongoing worry interferes with regular activities characterised by feelings of anxiety and fear.

• Signs & Symptoms:

• Feelings of panic, fear, and uneasiness

• Problems sleeping • Cold or sweaty hands or feet • Shortness of breath • Heart palpitations

• Not being able to be still and calm • Dry mouth • Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet • Nausea

• Muscle tension • Dizziness

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Causes:1.Drugs 2.Alcohol Abuse 3.Caffeine 4.Side effect of endocrine diseases 5.Genetics Diagnosis:Anxiety disorders are often severe chronic conditions, which can be present from an early age or begin suddenly after a triggering event. They are prone to flare up at times of high stress and are frequently accompanied by physiological symptoms such as headache, sweating, muscle spasms, tachycardia, palpitations, and hypertension, which in some cases lead to fatigue. Treatment:Lifestyle changes include exercise, for which there is moderate evidence for some improvement, regularizing sleep patterns, reduce caffeine intake, and stopping smoking.Cognitive behavioural therapy.

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DEMENTIADementia, also known as senility, is a broad category of brain diseases that cause a long term and often gradual decrease in the ability to think and remember that is great enough to affect a person's daily functioning.

Signs & Symptoms:• Balance problems

• Tremor

• Speech and language difficulty

• Trouble eating or swallowing

• Memory distortions

• Wandering or restlessness

• Perception and visual problems

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Causes:Dementia is caused by damage to brain cells. This damage interferes with the ability of brain cells to communicate with each other. When brain cells cannot communicate normally, thinking, behaviour and feelings can be affected.

Diagnosis:•Cognitive &Testing

•MRI scan

•CT scan



Prevention:•Mediterranean Diet

•Physical Exercise

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PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS1. Schizophrenia: A brain disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally.

2.Hallucination: It is an experience involving the apparent perception of something not present.

3.Erotomania: It is a type of delusional disorder where the affected person believes that another person is in love with him or her.

Signs & Symptom:•Hyperactivity



•Frenzied Speaking



•Thought Disorder

•Self- Harm

•Nonsense word Repetition

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•Drugs of psychoactive substances such as deliriants, psychedelics, and certain stimulants & marijuana ,LSD, Cocaine.

•Medical conditions. By sense deprivation when it occurs for prolonged periods of time, and almost always occur in the modality being deprived (visual for blindfolded/darkness, auditory for muffled conditions, etc.)




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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder where people feel the need to check things repeatedly, perform certain routines repeatedly (called "rituals"), or have certain thoughts repeatedly. People are unable to control either the thoughts or the activities for more than a short period of time.

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PTSDPost traumatic stress disorder is a mental disorder that can develop after a person is exposed to a traumatic event, such as sexual assault, warfare, traffic collisions, or other threats on a person's life.

Signs & Symptoms:

1.Reliving the event.

2.Avoiding situations that remind you of the event.

3.Negative changes in beliefs and feelings.

4.Feeling keyed up.

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1. Trauma

2. Foster care

3. Domestic Violence

4. Military experience


6. Problems with Endogenous Opioid System


•Exposure therapy

•Group therapy


•Anti- anxiety

•Sleep aids

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How To Get Rid Of Mental Disorders?

• Time, Patience and Persistence are the main keys.

• Talk to an adult.

• Having balance in life.

• Good sleeping and eating,exercising habits.

• MD are not something out of which “one can snap out.’’

• Asking for help is OK.

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QUIZQ1. What is the full form of PTSD?

- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Q2. Bipolar Disorder is related to mood-swing or memory loss?

- Mood swings. Q3. Dementia can be treated by good Mediterranean diet or Raw food diet?

- Mediterranean Diet

Q4. Marijuana is beneficial or harmful for health? Why?

- Harmful for health. It is one of the cause of Addiction and Psychotic Disorder.

Q5. What are any 2 symptoms of Anxiety Disorder? Q6. Attention disorder is common among lovers or children?

- Children.

Q7. One way to get rid off mental disorder/ maintain a sound mind.

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