Muscle building and weight gain at any age

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Page 1: Muscle building and weight gain at any age
Page 2: Muscle building and weight gain at any age

Content 1. Muscle Building and Weight Gain at Any Age

2. Muscle Building Fast - Do You Want To Bulk Up Fast?

3. Muscle Building? 4 Mistakes to Avoid

4. Muscle Building Program Myths

5. Looking to Build Muscle? 3 Supplements to Jump

Start Your Muscle Building Program


Page 3: Muscle building and weight gain at any age

1. Muscle Building and Weight Gain at Any Age

A person's ability to gain muscle is wholly dependent upon a few

important variables. The first thing that has to be considered is their

own particular body makeup, for each individual due to their age and

size will build muscle and gain weight at totally different metabolic

rates. Most importantly though, is the training program a person

decides to use, for not all programs are constructed the same, just

like no two bodies are the same. One particular exercise program

may work very well for a person, but it certainly doesn't mean it will

work for all.

In saying that, there are scientific rules to muscle growth and if you

follow these specific tried and tested rules, then you can build your

own personal muscle-building program around them in whatever

fashion you wish. Just make sure you follow the basic rules. If you are

the type of person that can gain weight and build muscle rather

easily, you should have no problem finding a routine, for most will

work no matter what you do.

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But what if you are a hard gainer?

In layman's terms, this is someone who will always struggle to build

muscle because their body easily over-trains, lacks fat and actually

breaks down the muscle itself for energy. So discovering what body

type you are is the initial step towards building strong lean muscle

and natural weight gain.

I personally advise all people to take extra days off in between their

workouts to let their muscles fully recuperate; for if they decide to

train again too soon with tired aching muscles, it will do more

damage than good. Their muscles will noticeably weaken in only a

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few weeks and their strength will decline with it, due to over stress.

Eventually the whole body's nervous system begins to fail, opening

the person up to injury and bouts of inevitable illness.

It's a fact, that the majority of workout plans are not designed for

hard gainers, purely because they are written by people who have

never struggled to gain muscle, so most of their routines contain far

too many exercises and sets for a beginner. But luckily there are

trainers out there who take this sort of thing seriously into account

and who design routines that have the person only working out

when their muscles are 100% recovered.

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This is known as "instinctive training."And personally I have always

trained my clients in this fashion. Why would you stress your body

with more weight lifting, if you weren't 100% recovered? Because for

sure you will not increase any weight or reps, and it is these two

important factors that matter most in your muscle-building and

weight gain progression.

If someone was to ask me "how can I gain muscle", I would tell them,

that the best workout routine for a hard gainer would consist of only

3 hours in the gym each week spread over two training sessions. Yes,

only two. I would advise them to train more intensely by using a

mixture of the most basic compound exercises and super sets, and I

would certainly tell them to stay well clear of fixed machines.

I would advise them to train all their pulling muscles on one day and

then all their pushing muscles the next, so that their body's nervous

system can completely recover. At the very most I would suggest to

anybody, that 3 one-hour sessions is quite enough. The 4 days off

during the rest of the week, is ample time for the muscles to

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recuperate; but of course if you need the 5 days off then most

certainly take them.

Again I ask you!

Why would you train if you weren't 100% fully recovered?

For more information go to


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2. Muscle Building Fast - Do You Want To Bulk Up


Over the years, many people have committed the mistake of trying

to workout but using the wrong programs or not knowing how to

properly make muscle building fast. There are some who spend

months, or even years, trying to put on more muscle but fail to do so.

Body builders actually have a lot of secrets as to why they are able to

bulk up a lot faster. In order to be successful, people have to get a

hold of these secrets. This article will help those who wish to build

bigger muscles and have toned bodies in a short period of time.

Listed below are some of the secrets that body builders share in

order to obtain muscle building fast.

a) Lifting

In order to help the muscles increase in size is to cause the muscle

fibers to work or to tear and the only possible way for that to happen

is to apply external forces to which these fibers are not accustomed

to. This means getting one's hands dirty on lifting weights like

dumbbells, barbells, and a lot more.

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b) Do multi-joint exercises

Single-joint movements such as triceps extensions and the like do

not really help to build muscle quicker. Multi-joint exercises such as

bench pressing, squats, and many more are used to help with muscle

building fast because they workout more muscles in a shorter

amount of time but with heavier weights.

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c) Cardio exercises should be avoided in certain cases.

Cardio exercises actually burn a lot of calories and in order to bulk

up, you need calories. When you incorporate cardio into your weight

training workouts, you are actually burning those needed calories.

This will result to little or no increase in muscle mass.

d) Bulk up by eating.

According to experts, in order for a person to be able to put on one

pound of pure muscle, at least 3500 extra calories should be

consumed. The foods to be eaten, however, should be from healthy

sources and of the right components. Healthy protein, fat, and

carbohydrate sources should be sought out, such as grass-fed beef,

avocados, and sweet potatoes.

e) Use supplements.

There are a lot of supplements used today that could be very helpful

in adding bulk to one's physique. The most common and most

effective of these include high-quality protein powders and creatine


f) Rest is a must.

Muscle fibers need exercise but when they are worked too hard,

they become damaged and thus fail to grow. Rest is needed to help

these muscles recuperate.

I have prepared very powerful body building techniques below,


To get cutting edge techniques in body building and getting in the

best shape of your life, click here: muscle building fast


Page 8: Muscle building and weight gain at any age

3. Muscle Building? 4 Mistakes to Avoid

If you are like me, you are building muscle to not only look better but

feel better. Everyone has their own reasons for building muscle,

mine is mostly directed at hitting a golf ball further than my buddies!

We all want to look the best we can and feel good getting there. A

good fitness program that teaches you the right way to build muscle

so you don't get hurt is exactly what you need. Building muscle

requires weight lifting and many different type of exercise. Knowing

how to do each exercise and how much weight is key to not injuring

yourself. There are some important steps you need to take to make

your muscle-building program and exercise as safe as you can.

First-Adding weight to quickly, this is one of the biggest mistakes

people make. Most people will do a particular weight lifting routine

for a couple weeks and then add ten pounds to the bar, in most

cases that is too much and the damage you will do will set you back.

It is better to add like 2.5 pounds and continue the same routine, by

adding the weight in smaller amounts, you will give you muscle more

to do, but limit the potential damage. Your muscles want the abuse!

but they want it in a form that does microscopic tears in the tissue

not rips in the muscle causing muscles to hurt so much you cannot

do your next routine without pain.

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Second-Neglecting strength, Every muscle you are working on rely on

other muscles to help the building process. You need to train for

strength. For example, if your triceps muscles are so weak that

they're impeding you bench press, then the result is that you're not

going to fully train your pectoral muscles.

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The solution, train all muscle groups so they can help each other.

-Strong triceps will help you with chest muscles.

-Strong shoulders will help you with chest and back exercises.

-A strong core will help you with most compound lifts.

-Strong biceps will ease your back lifts.

-A strong back will help you leg lifts (and vice versa).

-A strong grip will help you improve performance on a variety of lifts,

including back exercises, bicep exercises, etc.

Third-Avoid power lifts, leave those for the big guns that want to

impress the gym. All power lifts do is increase your chances for

damage immensely! A muscle reacts and builds faster when you use

a good routine that breaks down the muscle and rebuilds it in a very

consistent way and minimizes the potential for damage. Our muscles

can take allot but when you do something stupid one time you can

wreck your muscle-building process for months. Stick to lifts you can

do the reps and not a quick power lift to impress someone!

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Fourth-Training too long, You should limit your workout to an hour

or less. Work all the muscles you were planning for that day and

keep it to under an hour. Train hard, rest hard and eat right, that is

all there is to building muscle. Your muscles want the intense

workout but they don't want to be subjected to hours of work, it

does nothing for the process. Keep it short and intense and you will

see results much faster.

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There are many other tips that you can use to help your workout

experience, a good fitness program will show you all the right things

to do and not to do to be successful!


Page 11: Muscle building and weight gain at any age

4. Muscle Building Program Myths

OK I give up!

Is that how you feel when you are on a muscle building plan that just

seems to be not working anymore? You may have had great results

in the beginning but now things have come to a screeching halt.

Better yet, you are not on any program at all and you're just winging

it. Well I can tell you that every muscle building programs lifespan is

very short. You'll see great gains in the beginning but then suddenly

your body adapts. What do you do?

We are going to dive in and debunk some common myths about

muscle building programs.

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1. I have to work out even harder than I did before.

While there may be some little truth to this like adding a few more

pounds to your bench the next time you do chest, sometimes doing

something different is far better. You can only add weight so many

times before you stop, so then what?

Most programs need to be switch up after 4-6 weeks. Your body

adapts to different stresses very quickly and when that happens its

time to switch things up a bit. We are creatures of habit and we tend

to stick with the same training methods for months or even years.

You got to change it up. Hire a trainer if you need to. A really good

one will change it up for you all the time.

How do people get those crazy looking physiques that they have? Is

it because they stuck with one thing? Or a variety of things? While

some programs will get you well on your way towards your physique

goals it won't make you look like a cover model on the front of a

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magazine. Those guys on the magazines and bodybuilders did a

variety of programs through years and years of different forms of

training. Just be ready to invest in yourself over a period of years.

It's just like in life, you go through different seasons and things

change. There are good times and not so good times but nothing is

permanent. Take what you are doing in the season that you're in

seriously and when it's over move on to the next one. I know it's

natural to stick to one thing, we are creatures of habit but its time to

get uncomfortable and move forward.

2. All I have to do is buy the supplements advertised in muscle

building magazines to look like him or her.

Don't be fooled by the guy or girl inside the muscle building

magazines advertising that x supplement will make you look like a

fitness model or bodybuilder. Do supplements help? To a degree, but

don't totally rely on them until your training and nutrition are 90-

100% dialed in.

Most of the models you see in the muscle building magazines are

either on steroids or a little bit photo shopped.

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3. I don't have good genetics to build muscle.

Don't believe the lie that you have to have good genetics to build

muscle, that's just an excuse some people use to not go to the gym.

We all have some type of limitations but that doesn't mean that you

can't change your physique and build muscle. Genetics only play a

very small role to your muscle building goals. I come from a family

who doesn't have the best genetics and in my early years I was very

skinny. As I began to educate myself on nutrition and building

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muscle, I put on weight, built muscle, got my nutrition in order and

still do it today.

If you are dedicated to your physique goals you can go well beyond

your genetic potential.

If you want to see an example of a guy other than me and want to go

beyond your genetic potential go here


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5. Looking to Build Muscle? 3 Supplements to Jump

Start Your Muscle Building Program

Exercising and muscle-building today is much different from it was

just a few years ago. In the past the muscle builders all went to the

gym and "pumped" weights, lot's of weight. The idea was to tear

them apart and let them build back into a bigger more efficient

muscle. Now, for the guy that is already ripped, that may be the

case, but not for the average guy like you and me! We need a

completely different approach to building muscle. We need a plan

that is well-rounded and covers not only the weight lifting,

exercising, but good nutrition which includes a balanced diet high in

protein. While it is possible to get all the nutrition you need from

food, it is very difficult to work a fitness program to loss weight and

gain muscle without supplements. Supplements, and I mean the

good, legal ones are very important to success. Many body builders

think that using things like steroids are the way to go as it shows so

much gain in a short period, but nothing could be further from what

a body should see. Pushing crap products like steroids into your body

is not only hard on your system, it fools the body into thinking

something you don't want it to think. You body needs to work at it

and not be fooled with products that have been proven bad for your

body's health. Stick with great nutrition plan and the right

supplements and you will feel great while building muscle.

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Muscle building products (legal supplements) do many things like--

Promote lean muscle tissue growth, Enhance protein synthesis (very

important), Reduce the risk of catabolism (muscle loss), Support

optimal recovery from intense workout routines, Increase energy

levels during your workout, Enhance your focus during your workout,

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Promote optimal blood flow to working muscle tissue, Reduce

Fatigue so you can push more reps, and more sets. As you can see,

supplements have many functions just like food, having the right one

in the right combinations is critical to your success and any good

fitness program will give you all the tools to meet that goal of a

muscle-building program that will allow you to see quick results

which will stimulate you to keep pushing ahead!

Our bodies are very susceptible to changes both good and bad, so

you want to start building muscle by starting off ahead of the game

and having all the right nutrients in your system. Eating lot's of good

protein that includes chicken, fish and nuts will help feed those

muscles. Using the right supplements will aid those foods and help

those muscles build quickly. Supplements like a good multivitamins,

Whey protein and Creatine are great products to help build muscle

and keep you healthy. Now, there are other supplements that are

great for building muscle and any good fitness program will give you

all the right supplements needed.
