Nervous System _ Dent 1

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• Largest part of the brain

• two cerebral hemispheres connected by a mass of white matter (corpus callosum)

• hemispheres are separated by the Longitudinal fissure

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HEMISPHERES ARE SEPARATED BY: • surface layer of each

cerebral hemisphere composed of gray matter

• folds (gyri) separated by fissures (sulci)

• large sulci subdivide the surface of each hemisphere into lobe

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INSULA• ka Island of Reil

• ▪folded deep within the lateral sulcus between the temporal lobe and the frontal lobe

• ▪functions– perception

• – motor control– self-awareness– cognitive functioning

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PRECENTRAL GYRUS • mmediately anterior to the

central sulcus

• motor area

• – control voluntary movements on the contralateral side of the body (corticospinal tract)

• • decussation at the cervicomedullary junction

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MOTOR HOMUNCULUS• body is represented in an inverted


• nerve cells controlling the the feet located in the upper part

• those controlling the movements of the face and hands in the lower part

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• immediately posterior to central sulcus

• sensory area

• – pain, temperature, touch, and pressure from the contralateral side of the body

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BROCA’S AREA • above the lateral sulcus motor speech area

• –  dominant in the left hemisphere in right- handed persons

• –  dominant in the right hemisphere in left- handed persons

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SUPERIOR TEMPORAL GYRUS • immediately below the lateral sulcus

• auditory area

• – concerned with reception and interpretation of sound

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BROCA’S AREA • above the lateral sulcus motor speech area

• –  dominant in the left hemisphere in right- handed persons

• –  dominant in the right hemisphere in left- handed persons

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VISUAL AREA• situated on the posterior pole in the region of the

calcarine sulcus

• ▪receiving area for visual impressions

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FUNCTIONS OF THE DIENCEPHALON• 5 Functions of the Limbic System

• Feeding

• FlightFight

• Feelings

• Fucking (SEX)

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Largest part of diencephalon Influences mood and registers unlocalized, uncomfortable perception of pain.


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Small area located superior-posterior to the thalamus Emotional and visceral response to odors


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Most inferior part of the diencephalon Maintaining homeostasis Control of body temperature, hunger, and thirst


Sexual pleasure, feeling of good after a meal, rage, and fear. Infundibulum – funnel-shaped stalk Major role in controlling hormones from the pituitary gland

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Connects spinal cord to the brain Consist of: Medulla oblongata Pons Midbrain

Functions vital functions: Control of heart rate, blood pressure and breathing

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Medulla Oblongata

Most inferior part of the brainstem Contains ascending and descending Pyramids- descending tracts Conscious control of skeletal muscle

Functions as: Regulation of heart rate, blood vessel diameter, breathing, swallowing, vomiting, coughing, sneezing, balance, and coordination.

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Contains ascending and descending tracts Relay information between cerebrum and cerebellum. Footbridge

Functions as: Breathing, swallowing, balance, and control. Chewing and salivation.

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Smallest region of the brainstem Colliculi – 4 mounds posterior to the midbrain

2 inferior – major relay centers for auditory nerve pathways 2 superior – Visual reflexes; turning the head on a tap shoulder, sudden noise, bright flash of light

Coordination of eye movements and in diameter of pupil and lens shape. Substancia nigra – basal nuclei

Regulation of general body movement

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• narrow part of brain that passes through tentorial notch

• two lateral halves called cerebral peduncles

• – anterior part is crus cerebri

• – posterior part is tegmentum

• – pigmented band of gray matter (substantia nigra)

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Flow of CSF

• Choroid plexusLateral ventriclesForamen of MonroThird VentricleAqueduct of Sylvius Fourth VentricleForamina of Luschka and Magendie Subarachnoid spaceArachnoid granulations

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