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Never before seen toenail fungus remedy

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Toenail fungus is a bacterial infection which millions are afflicted with. Considering that poor hygiene and walking barefoot in moist and warm environments such as swimming pools and public showers are the main culprits which cause the fungal growth, simple changes in ones habits can eliminate any chance of getting infected. Make a habit of wearing footwear in damp public places, and do dry your feet well when you get out of the shower. Refrain from sharing footwear with others, do not wear the same socks for days on end, and take off sweaty socks the moment you finish your exercise routine.

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Picture courtesy qcora.com

Page 2: Never before seen toenail fungus remedy

Toenail Fungus Remedy

Let’s be honest, toenail fungus is probably one of the ugliest and least

pleasurable health issues we face. Unfortunately, it affects both men and

women equally; many studies however proved that toenail fungus is more

common in men.

Courtesy www.iambossy.com

There is several toenail fungus symptoms which typically reveal the

presence of this painful fungus. Symptoms usually are very obvious. It

includes swelling, is yellow or brown in color, there is crumbling and

thickening of the nail, and inflammation is one of the primary symptoms

faced by most people who have to deal with this problem. Toenail fungus

can hardly go unnoticed as it generally produces a fowl smelling odor caused

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by debris which accumulates beneath the nail. The symptoms are clearly

visible in the toenail fungus pictures below.

Picture courtesy www.highonmarathon.com

Toenail fungus causes: fungal growth takes place in moist and warm

habitats such as public showers and locker rooms, around swimming pools.

Lack of personal hygiene where socks and shoes are worn for prolonged

periods also creates the perfect environment. Sharing footwear, not properly

drying feet after showering, etc also contribute. The fungus can spread from

one toe to another, as well as to other body parts. People wearing tight

fitting clothes and shoes are more at risk.

Can toenail fungus be cured? Good news! While toenail fungus laser

treatment is the quickest option, it also is the most expensive way to treat

toenail fungus. Simple home remedies can also cure the condition without

the medical bills and at a much lower cost. Some of the best home remedies

for toenail fungus deliver good results in a short time, provided the remedy

is applied persistently and as prescribed. During my research I scoured the

web in order to present you with only the top toenail fungus treatments

available. All of the remedies discussed work; it’s a matter of finding which

remedy’s application best fits your daily schedule.

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Picture credit to www.publichealthforums.com

Lemon juice –Lemon juice has antiseptic and antifungal properties which

will allow you to get rid of the fungus fast. Squeeze the lemon juice directly

onto the affected nail and massage it gently for five minutes. Unlike other

medications, lemon juice does not present any side-effects or risks and

applying it every day for one month should be long enough to eliminate the

toenail fungus forever and help restore the nail to its original healthy


Picture credit beautyhealthtips.in

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Oregano oil –Prepare this mixture by adding two drops of oregano oil to a

teaspoon of olive oil. For this toenail fungus home remedy to produce good

results, apply the mixture to the affected nail by means of a cotton ball once

daily for three weeks. Continue with the mixture until nail is fully restored.

Picture courtesy www.lahealthyliving.com

Lavender oil –Using lavender oil can help you fight the fungal infection and

prevent those toenail fungus symptoms, such as pain, swelling or

inflammation. Mix equal quantities of lavender oil and olive oil and add this

mixture to the affected toenail, massaging the area with a cotton ball. It is

advised to use it once or twice daily for adequate results.

Courtesy curetoenailsfungus.blogspot.com

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Listerine Mouth Wash – Mix Listerine with lemon juice and soak your feet

in it for approximately ten minutes every day for 4-8 weeks. This should be

long enough to obtain positive results; if not, use for as long as needed until

you are happy with the appearance of the affected nail.

Picture credit www.toenailfunguscured.com

Apple cider vinegar – Use this toenail fungus killer by preparing a solution

of equal quantities of water and apple cider vinegar. Now soak a cotton ball

in the mixture and massage the infected toenail with it. You should notice

the fungal infection is gone after a few weeks.

Picture courtesy practical-parsimony.blogspot.com

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Garlic – Take two garlic cloves, crush them and mix with two tablespoons of

olive oil. Apply this mixture to the affected area and allow it to do its trick for

the next 24 hours. Using this solution and eating a garlic clove every day

should have the fungus infection gone in a few weeks.

Picture courtesy sfraw.wordpress.com

White vinegar – White vinegar is frequently used for calming and treating

many health issues, among which are skin tags and toenail fungus, some of

the most popular conditions. Just mix the vinegar with water and soak your

feet in it for about fifteen minutes. Bear in mind that you have to repeat this

process every day until you observe positive results.

Picture credit www.purenailfungus.com

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Orange oil – You will find different types of orange oil in drug stores and

natural health stores, but since all of them have antifungal properties any

orange oil product you buy will be able to deliver results. Using a dropper,

apply the orange oil between the toes and make sure you add a small

quantity under the toenails as well. Test the orange oil on your skin first; it

can cause severe allergic reactions for some people.

Picture courtesy vancouverfeet.ca

Baking soda – Preparing this home remedy is a bit more complex that

those discussed above, but since many found this mixture to be very

effective, it may be worth your while to try it. You will need equal quantities

of hydrogen peroxide, hot water and baking soda in order to make it. After

you mix all the ingredients together, add only a few drops of white vinegar

to the mixture and apply to the affected area using a clean cloth or a cotton

ball. Repeat daily for one month.

Picture courtesy bakingsoda1.blogspot.com

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Tea tree oil – It helps to eliminate the toenail fungus fast and make

toenail(s) soft again. Take tea tree oil and mix with olive oil or orange oil.

Apply to the affected area using a cotton bud. Massage the area for

approximately ten minutes, then take a clean toothbrush and scrub the area

gently. Make sure you use this home remedy once or twice per day until

your nail looks healthy again.

Picture credited to www.nailsfungus.org

Home remedies for toenail fungus is a slow cure; only diligent application

will render results, and in varying degrees. What works for one person may

not work for another. Once you have treated the fungus successfully; you

need to take care so as to not get infected again. Take in less sugar and

dairy products; add more good bacteria (probiotics) to your diet. Change

your personal hygiene habits if this caused the infection initially.

Courtesy www.toenailfungushomeremedies.net

Page 10: Never before seen toenail fungus remedy

The absolute best treatment for toenail fungus is to start with treatment the

moment you become aware of toenail fungus!

Picture courtesy www.foreverlookingood.com

Hey there, my name is Sonia. I research minor illnesses, striving to

bring you the best treatment solutions which won’t cost you an arm

and a leg. For the full article on toenail fungus remedy options as

well as some of the best treatment options for a hangover, acne,

sore throat, overactive bladder, canker sores, constipation, morning

sickness, etc. visit this loaded with information website.

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