Obesity and psychotic disorders The author : Matej Orešič Published in : Sep 2012 To be presented By : Khaled Alkhodari On : 21 st Dec 2014 Supervisor : Dr. Hani Farwanah

Obesity and psychotic disorders

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Obesity and psychotic disorders

The author : Matej Orešič Published in : Sep 2012

To be presented By : Khaled Alkhodari On : 21st Dec 2014

Supervisor : Dr. Hani Farwanah


Outline :


The lipidome in health and disease.

Detecting early markers of metabolic disorders.

Assessing obesity co-morbidities beyond metabolic syndrome.



Obesity : is excess body fat, stored in adipose tissue and it is usually associated with co-morbidities -as insulin resistance, diabetes, dyslipidaemia and NAFLD … - tend to co-occur in the same individual so they are called : Metabolic syndrome.

o The adipose tissue expandability hypothesis : there is upper limit for fat storage in adipose tissue , exceeding this limit storage in non-adipose tissues as liver & muscles lipotoxicity.



There is a near-linear relationship between body weight and insulin resistance.

Changes in the concentration of specific groups of metabolites are sensitive and specific to pathologically relevant factors such as genetic variation, diet , age, …etc.

The pathogenic mechanisms involved in metabolic syndrome might also contribute to the development and/or acceleration of some psychiatric disorders as schizophrenia.


The lipidome in health and disease

lipidome : is used to describe the complete lipid profile within a cell.

Earlier the lipids study wasn’t important.

Recently it’s emerged as “Lipidomics” which is related closely to “metabolomics”.

Lipids have many functios in the body as : Cell signaling.

Structural component of cell’s membranes.

Energy storage.

Lipidomics is considered one of the key technologies for studying metabolic disorders as lipotoxicity.


Detecting early markers of metabolic disorders

Determining the metabolic profiles associated with obesity is an active area of research. For example :

Metabolomics studies identified a-hydroxybutyrate as an early marker for insulin sensitivity.

Lipidomic studies have revealed TAG with lower carbon number and double-bond content are associated with insulin resistance, high liver fat & diabetes risk.



ELOVL 6 is the responsible enzyme for cell membrane remodeling.

The lipids that accumulated in the membranes of adipocytes of obese patient are precursors of pro-inflammatory lipid mediators.

Fig. 1


Assessing obesity co-morbidities beyond metabolic syndrome

Obesity and insulin resistance, NAFL and psychotic disorders.

Psychotic disorders is of increasing research interest.

The incidence of psychotic disorders peaks in young adulthood .

It has been suggested that the unhealthy lifestyle and pharmacological side effects increase morbidity and mortality in individuals with psychotic disorders.



Some antipsychotic drugs weight gain, insulin resistance and so metabolic syndrome.

Lipid abnormalities in the brain observed in schizophrenia include : Alterations in free fatty acids and phosphatidylcholine in grey and white matter.

An increase in ceramides in white matter.

Several fatty acids and ketone bodies are elevated in the serum and urine schizophrenia.


To brief up :

Lipidomics has a very important relationship to metabolomics and its necessary for any individual to monitor his food , exercise and to maintain a normal lipid profile in his plasma so he can prevent any metabolic disturbances lead to critical changes in his lipid profile.

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31 األِعِراف

قال و َمَن َبطنُه، َبِحْسُّب اَبَن آَدَم ْلقيُمات يقُمَن صلبُه، ِفإن ُكان ~ »َما َمأل اَبَن آَدَم وِعاء شِراKَفKْسGُه« ~ ِفثلث ْلطعاَمُه وثلث ْلشِراَبُه وثلث ْلن رَواه التِرمذي َوحْسنه. اَلَبٍد ِفاِعًال

Any Questions ?


The Author : Matej Orešič

Journal : Disease Models & Mechanisms )Dis Model Mech.( Impact Factor 2013 : 5.537

September 2012; 5 (5)

Web site of the journal : http://dmm.biologists.org/

Pubmed.com : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22915023

Dec 2014 Sep 2012

Thank You for Listening and Have a Great Day.

رِعايَتُه و حَفظُه و اْللُه سًالَم ِفي َدَمَتْمَبِرُكاتُه و اْللُه رحُمة و ِعليُكْم اْلْسًالَم و