Dr. Justina Law OMbiance Yoga www.ombianceyoga.com Office Yoga

OMbiance Yoga - Office Yoga Guide

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Dr. Justina Law OMbiance Yoga www.ombianceyoga.com

Office Yoga


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| Why Office Yoga?

| About Justina and OMbiance Yoga

| Simple Poses You Can Do at Your Desk

| Standing Forward Fold

| Sitting Pigeon

| Chair Twist

| Eagle Arms

| Neck Stretch | Wrist Stretch

Why Office Yoga?


3 Office Yoga www.ombianceyoga.com

here are 1440 minutes in each day. I actually have a post-it note with this number on my desk as a daily reminder of this gift. I personally spend approximately 540 of these (that’s 9 hours) either sitting at a desk (or car), using a computer/laptop/mobile phone/tablet, or (gasp) a combination of these…and I’m a yoga teacher, with what I would consdier to be excellent body awareness.

Offices, especially in North American culture, are rife with people with rigid upper backs, tight, tense shoulders, sore lower backs, stiff necks, wrist fatigue (think carpal tunnel), tight hips, tension headaches, and the list goes on and on…

So what can we do? Many workspaces, including RVS, have recently become more ergonomically aware, bringing a new emphasis on personal health and wellness into the workplace. You’ll now find many open work areas with natural light, ergonomically improved chairs, gym or fitness rooms, or flexible furniture such as adjustable or stand-up desks. While this is definitely an improvement, spending multiple hours sitting, standing, typing, or being tied to a screen simply wrecks havoc on your body.

Introducing Office Yoga! It doesn’t matter if

you can’t fold forward and touch your toes. Office yoga is about simply bringing movement into your workday, reaching, stretching, twisting, and doing things that feel good to your body, without a change of clothes or rolling out a yoga mat. Let’s get started…

About Me

4 Office Yoga www.ombianceyoga.com

Hi, I'm Justina (Yoga Mani)! I'm a passionate educator who has been practicing yoga and meditation regularly for the past 10 years. I've attended yoga and meditation intensive courses and workshops locally and internationally, and completed my yoga teacher certification in Delhi, India. I specialise in hatha and restorative yoga, and align my instruction with specific client needs. Having travelled every month for over a decade, to more than 70 countries, I've combined my two loves - travel and yoga - to create unique OMbiance Yoga retreats that focus on personal growth and wellness. I hold a Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership, Masters degrees in Educational Leadership and Educational Psychology, a B.A. in Psychology, Sociology and History, a B.Mgnt in Human Resources and IT, and a B.Ed in Social Studies Education. I currently work as a school district learning specialist, university professor, educational consultant, and certified yoga teacher.

When I first started practising yoga, I was a full time high school administrator, and full time doctoral student, juggling work, friends, family, and relationship responsibilities. Squeezing in a yoga practice was no easy feat. I had to find a studio, buy a membership, or pass, and show up on time for classes each week. It often didn't jive with my busy schedule and I ended up missing multiple sessions each season. Getting to yoga became another “thing to do” on my already extensive list, causing more stress. That's when I realised that although I understood the importance of a healthy work-life-health balance, I didn't have flexibility in my schedule as a busy working professional, and OMbiance Yoga was born. Being able to flow with my schedule and carve out time to cultivate a dedicated yoga practice has helped me to find the balance I so desperately needed in my over-committed life. It’s given me more space and allowed me to focus on those things that inspire and fuel me on a regular basis. OMbiance Yoga allows for flexible scheduling each week, bringing personalised yoga sessions to your home or office, so all you have to do is step on your mat.

Simple Poses You Can Do at Your Desk

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1.  Start from a standing position. Cross your right foot over your left foot, and bring your feet parallel (side by side).

2.  Begin folding forward by lengthening your back and chest.

Remember to always fold chest first (as though someone is pulling a string that is tied to your sternum).

3.  Bend your front knee and keep your back leg straight.

4.  Place your hands in front of you, on the floor, a block, your chair, or your desk, depending on the height that you need.

5.  Pull your weight forward into your hands. The further forward

you can move your weight, the further along the stretch will travel to your hips.

6.  Repeat on your left side.

Standing Forward Bend (Modified) Problem: Tight hips, hamstrings, IT band, lower back pain Target areas: hamstrings, IT band, psoas

7 Office Yoga www.ombianceyoga.com

1.  Start from a sitting position. Ensure that your knees are at a 90 degree angle with your feet flat on the floor.

2.  Cross your right ankle over your left knee. Ensure that your

ankle is at a 90 degree angle. 3.  Place your left hand against your right heel, and your right

hand on your right knee (do not exert a lot of pressure on this knee). Ensure that your hips are squared.

4.  Pull your chest forward and fold. 5.  Repeat on your left side.

Sitting Pigeon Problem: Tight hips, hamstrings, IT band, lower back pain Target areas: hip flexors, psoas

8 Office Yoga www.ombianceyoga.com

1.  Sit in your chair with your knees at a 90 degree angle with your feet flat on the floor. Cross your left knee over your rightr. Twist to the opposite side of your top knee.

2.  Use the back of your chair to leverage a twist to the right. Start

the twist from your back, moving to your shoulders, and lastly, turn your head in the direction of your twist. Stay here for a few breaths.

3.  Change the direction of your twist.

Chair Twist Problem: Tight hips, tight shoulders, tight neck, lower back pain Target areas: neck, shoulders, back

9 Office Yoga www.ombianceyoga.com

1.  Sit in your chair with your knees at a 90 degree angle with your feet flat on the floor.

2.  Bring your arms up to form a T. Pretend to be gripping a bar

over your head. Do an imaginary chin up, pulling the bar towards you, engaging the back of your shoulders. Keep your arms engaged as you bring your right elbow over your left. Twist your arms around and connect your hands if possible.

3.  Lift your elbows high and pull your hands forward. 4.  Switch arms.

Eagle Arms Problem: tight neck, tense shoulders, rigid upper back Target areas: shoulders, neck, upper back, arms

10 Office Yoga www.ombianceyoga.com

1.  Start by standing with your feet parallel, shoulder width apart. 2.  Reach your left arm up (straight as possible). Cock your head

to the right side and bring your right hand to your left ear. 3.  Keep reaching your left arm high as you pull your left shoulder

down. You can move your head around a bit to give yourself a stronger stretch. Turn your head slightly to look towards your toes.

4.  Switch arms.

Neck Stretch Problem: tight neck, tense shoulders, rigid upper back Target areas: shoulders, neck, upper back, arms

11 Office Yoga www.ombianceyoga.com

1.  Stand and place your left hand on the wall, ensuring that your arm is shoulder height. You can also do this pushing into a desk.

2.  Spread your fingers as wide as possible and push your weight

into the palm of your hand ensuring that your carpal knuckles are flat against the wall (or desk).

3.  Use your right fingers to pull down on your left thumb. 4.  Switch sides.

Wrist Stretch Problem: carpal tunnel, wrists Target areas: wrists

If you have any questions about creating a personal yoga practice or need

further instructions, please contact [email protected] or visit
