Pro-Active Siesta Presented by:

Pro active siesta

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We all are told to relax, but never told how to do it. Just to complicate matters, when someone says relax, we tense up even more. Here is a very simple exercise to help you calm down and release your muscles. It'll help you get rid of your back pain and all the tension even if you have no pains, at least not yet.

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Page 1: Pro active siesta

Pro-Active Siesta

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Page 2: Pro active siesta

1. Siesta refers to short nap taken in early  afternoon, often after mid-day meal

2. This exercise isn't sleeping in it's true sense. It intends doing what sleep is meant to do. All of us sleep, but very few of us use it to recover. Its meant to unwind, release tension throughout the body and refresh the back

3. It can be done anytime of the day

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Part 1Take off your shoes and lie down on a firm surface, not one that would make you sink in like a very cushioned mattress.

A yoga mat on the ground works well.

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Lie on your back, with knees bent at a comfortable angle, with your feet flat on the ground.

Have your feet shoulder width apart.

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Hands are placed on your abdomen as shown, with elbows completely relaxed.

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Use a firm pillow or a few books to support your head. Height of pillow or books should be such that you feel comfortable with the thought of elongating the spine and also doesn't tense your neck, shoulders or upper back.

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If possible, have your neck supported as well. If you have access to a pillow and towel, put a rolled up towel in the neck end of the pillow.  This is meant to support the curve

in the neck area.

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Focus on elongating and releasing your spine, not so much straightening your spine.  This is to be done by not forcing,

but letting go. No physical pressure is applied. Think of your skull and tail bone to be going away from each other. 

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Relax your neck, its easier said then done. Think of  loosening  your neck and let go off the tension as your skull and tail

bone go their separate ways. 

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Remind yourself to let your shoulders relax and let go from rest of the torso.

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Let your elbows go in opposite directions to that of the shoulders, in effect  lengthening  your upper arms. 

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Now think of letting your forearms lengthen as well by elbows going in opposite direction to that of the wrists.

Relax your wrists.

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Now think of letting the front and back of your thighs relax, and also the calves.

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Imagine moving your knees up towards the sky.

But at all times, keep your feet on the ground.

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Let your feet expand by letting your toes and heel move in opposite directions. Let your feet widen as well.

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15. Get up slowly by rolling to your side. 

16. Start this exercise with 1-2 minutes, but you can build it up to 20-30 minutes.

17. Soon this will become second nature.

18. But keep going back to check the basics. If yo keep doing it incorrectly, newer faults will keep creeping in. 

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