Searching the Pharmacology Literature INDS 208: Pathobiology Treatment & Prevention of Disease Robin Featherstone [email protected] Andrea Miller-Nesbitt [email protected]

Searching the Pharmacology Literature

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Lecture given to Unit 8 (INDS 208) -- Pathobiology Treatment and Prevention of Disease -- in the undergraduate medical curriculum at McGill University on September 10, 2012.

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Page 1: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

Searching the Pharmacology Literature

INDS 208: Pathobiology Treatment & Prevention of Disease

Robin Featherstone

[email protected]

Andrea Miller-Nesbitt

[email protected]

Page 2: Searching the Pharmacology Literature


By the end of this lecture, you will be able to:1. Describe the five phases of the drug life


2. Identify appropriate sources in which to find pharmaceutical information

3. Execute a search for drug information using subject headings, subheadings (where appropriate) and filters

4. Export citations to a RefWorks account and output a bibliography for an academic paper

Page 3: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

Drug DiscoveryLab Research

5 K – 10 K potential drugs

2 – 10 years

Pre-Clinical Research(animal testing)

~250potential drugs

3 – 6 years

Clinical Trials

6 - 7 years


1 approved drug

1 – 2 years

Ongoing Analysis

Review of side effects

Life of the drug


1. http://hlwiki.slais.ubc.ca/images/e/ef/Drugapproval.gif

Health Canadawww.hc-sc.gc.ca

Drug Products Database

Page 4: Searching the Pharmacology Literature


9505 titles



7687 titles

ACC Cardiosource Review Journal

Acta Toxicologica

Actualites Pharmaceutiques Hospitalieres

Advances in Hematology

American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Cancer Cell International

Journal of Pharmacy Technology

Journal of Physiotherapy

Journal of the History of Biology

Journal of Translational Medicine

Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics

Biomagnetic Research and Technology

Conflict and Health

Gut Pathogens

International seminars in surgical oncology

Thyroid Research

Environmental Entomology

Page 5: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

Database Subject areas Subject headings

How to export to RefWorks

PubMed Biomedicine and health care

Yes Save citations and import

Embase Biomedicine and pharmacology

Yes Direct export

SciFinder Chemistry and biochemistry

No Save citations and import

ClinicalTrials.gov Patient trials of interventions

No RefGrabIt

Database comparison

Page 6: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

1. What is the molecular structure of Dronedarone? A. EMBASE

2. Which injection method is the most effective for administering lidocaine?

B. Clinical Trials.gov

3. What drug therapies are most effective for alcohol withdrawal in adolescence?

C. SciFinder

4. Where can you find information about patient recruitment for a study of enzyme use in celiac disease?

D. PubMed

What is the best source for these questions?

Page 7: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

• Web-based citation management software

• Information on RefWorks: http://www.mcgill.ca/library/library-using/citationsoftware/refworks

• McGill group code: RWMcGillUni

• Request a RefWorks consult or ask a question: [email protected]

Page 8: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

• Identify a target molecule• Find a promising “lead compound”• Determine pharmacokinetics

Drug DiscoveryDrug DiscoveryLab Research

5 K – 10 K potential drugs

2 – 10 years

Page 9: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

What are the pharmacokinetics of orally administered anti-cancer drugs?

Drug DiscoveryDrug DiscoveryLab Research

5 K – 10 K potential drugs

2 – 10 years


Anti-cancer drugs

Administered orally

Page 10: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

Audience Experts

Compare to NCBI Entrez

Cost Subscription (registration required)

Coverage Chemistry and biochemistry

URL http://scifinder.cas.org/

Drug DiscoveryLab Research

5 K – 10 K potential drugs

2 – 10 years

Page 11: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

Pre-Clinical Research

You are interested in the research done on orexin antagonists for the treatment of insomnia.

Pre-Clinical Research(animal testing)

~250potential drugs

3 – 6 years

Page 12: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

Pre-Clinical Research(animal testing)

~250potential drugs

3 – 6 years

Audience Experts

Compare to Web of Science

Cost Subscription

Coverage All subjects (science focus)

URL http://www.scopus.com/

Page 13: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

Clinical Trials

You’re interested in therapeutic use of enzymes for patients with celiac disease.

Clinical Trials

6 - 7 years

How would you combine the terms for celiac disease and enzymes?

celiac disease


Page 14: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

celiac disease


Celiac Disease OR Enzymes Clinical Trials

6 - 7 years

Page 15: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

celiac disease


Celiac Disease AND Enzymes Clinical Trials

6 - 7 years

What’s missing from this search strategy?

Page 16: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

• Start with your first concept“celiac disease”

• Combine any synonyms with OR”celiac disease” OR “coeliac disease” OR “celiac sprue”

• Repeat for your second, or any subsequent concepts

enzyme* OR biocatalyst*

• Finally, group your concepts with brackets and combine with AND

(“celiac disease” OR “coeliac disease OR “celiac sprue”) AND (enzyme* OR biocatalyst*)

How to SearchClinical Trials

6 - 7 years

Page 17: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

Clinical Trials

6 - 7 years

Audience Everyone

Compare to ISRCTN

Cost Free

Coverage Patient trials of interventions

URL http://clinicaltrials.gov/

Page 18: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

Clinical Trials

You’re interested in therapeutic use of enzymes for patients with celiac disease.

Clinical Trials

6 - 7 years

What if you wanted to know more about the results from trials of oral enzyme therapy for patients with celiac disease?

Page 19: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

Clinical Trials

6 - 7 years

Audience Experts

Compare to PubMed

Cost Subscription

Coverage Biomedicine and pharmacology

Training URL http://ovidsp.ovid.com/ovidweb.cgi?T=JS&PAGE=main&D=oemezd

U/N & P/W mcgtrain & training

Page 20: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

Drug Review

You’re interested in the availability of the new oral dose medication Gilenya (Fingolimod) for patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis.


1 approved drug

1 – 2 years

Where would you look to find information about approval of this drug in Canada?

Page 21: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

Health Canadawww.hc-sc.gc.ca

Drug Products Database


1 approved drug

1 – 2 years

Audience Everyone

Compare to eCPS

Cost Free

Coverage Drug product information / drug monographs

URL http://webprod3.hc-sc.gc.ca/dpd-bdpp/index-eng.jsp

Page 22: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

Ongoing Analysis

You’re interested in rates of patient compliance with drug therapy post heart attack.

Ongoing Analysis

Review of side effects

Life of the drug

Where would you look to find studies on patient compliance?

Page 23: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

Ongoing Analysis

Review of side effects

Life of the drug

Audience Experts

Compare to Embase

Cost Free

Coverage Biomedicine and health care

URL http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?otool=icamuhslib

Page 24: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

1. Where can you find administration and dosage information for a patient taking ampicillin for meningitis? 2. Which drug therapy for patients with type I diabetes is associated with the fewest adverse reactions?3. What is the molecular structure of tapentadol hydrochloride?4. What is the safest method of administering antibiotics to febrile infants?

What is the best source for these questions?

Page 25: Searching the Pharmacology Literature

1. The 5 phases of the drug life cycle are …

2. A database that contains information about pre-clinical research is…

3. Combine synonymous terms with …

4. PubMed tools for finding pharmaceutical studies are …

5. Three methods for importing citations into RefWorks are…