
Sistema Organa Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oils

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At first glance, olive oil, a staple product found in many kitchens, seems to be a simple and well known item. After all, it has been around for thousands of years and its benefits have been touted by generations of farmers and companies big and small. Recently, however, the bland business of olive oil has taken on a new shine. Scientific analysis is confirming centuries of experience and explaining why olive oil, and especially extra virgin olive oil is so good for the human body. From antioxidants for cancer prevention to beneficial cholesterol fighting abilities to aiding in combating heart disease, olive oil is proving to be a viable and preferred alternative to many other oils in kitchens around the world. As the popularity of EVOO grows, so does the need for education. This presentation touches on several key areas, providing answers and encouraging further exploration of this "Liquid Gold" - a product of thousands of years of human agriculture, brought to light anew in the 21st century.

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organic extra virgin olive oils

this not just olive oil: this is pure organic olive juice

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sourced from the cleanest environment of Andalusia, Spain, the heart of olive oil country

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sourced from small growers with limited production and centuries old tradition

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( ) Estate grown in Spain, at medium and small family-owned estates with long

tradition of crafting fine oils.

( ) Our olive trees were planted over two hundred years ago and the estates are in an

area of Spain (Andalusia) where olive oil has been produced for thousands of years,

going back to the times of the Roman Empire.

( ) The trees are not fertilized in any chemical way, only natural fertilizers such as

compost are used to replenish the soil.

( ) Our trees are ancient and do not have any GMO concerns.

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( ) All Sistema Organa oils are certified Organic.

( ) We have triple certification:

* from the Spanish authorities (CAAE)

* from the European Union

* from the USDA

( ) It takes multiple inspections over a course of three years for a farmer to become

certified organic. This assures consistent production methods and high quality


( ) The farmers continue to be audited and must pass inspections to retain their


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a sign of organic, natural product: bird’s nest in one of our olive trees

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( ) Spain produces over 40% of world’s total olive oil output.


( ) Spanish oil is often used as the majority component in oils packaged in other Mediterranean


( ) This is often second quality oil.

( ) This blending of multiple oils leads to substandard product which has negative impact on consumer

experience and perception of olive oil in general.

( ) By law each manufacturer must disclose the origin of the oils used.

( ) Check fine print on the bottom of the back label: the oil you are buying may not be all that it is

claiming to be.

Sistema Organa oils are


100% Spanish origin.

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Spain: western Europe’s land of best olives and ecological, sustainable, organic agriculture

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( ) Only Spanish olives are used.

( ) Each oil is made using one type of olive only.

( ) We do not blend our oils with anything. The oils are pure without any additives.

( ) Unlike other common brands of olive oils, we do not add oils from other countries

and sources.

our oils:

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( ) There are over 200 varieties of olives.

( ) We are focusing on the most cultivated, best tasting varieties.

( ) Picual = The Robust (robust, peppery taste)

( ) Hojiblanca = The Mild (mild, smooth taste)

( ) Sistema Organa INTENSITY LEVEL scale

( ) Uses colors and positioning to easily distinguish between the two

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( ) Oil is extracted from the olives via traditional mechanical methods.

( ) We do not use chemicals or excessive heat.

( ) We only use oil from the first pressing.

( ) This allows us to designate our oils as: First Cold Pressed Oil.

SCIENCE:Malaxation, a stage in olive oil extraction, is the action of slowly churning or mixing milled olives, typically for 20 to 40 minutes. The churning allows the smaller droplets of oil released by the milling process to aggregate and be more easily separated.

The paste is normally heated to around 27°C during th is process. Oil yield is proportional to the temperature and mixing time. However, the use of higher temperatures and longer mixing times increases oxidation of the oil and therefore decreases shelf life, so a compromise must be struck.

The temperature of malaxation and extraction is crucial due to its effect on olive oil quality. When high temperatures are applied the more volatile aromas are lost and the rate of oil oxidation is increased, producing therefore lower quality oils.

In addition, the chemical content of the polyphenols, antioxidants, and vitamins present in the oil is reduced by higher temperatures.

Sistema Organa oils are First Cold Pressed,

retaining maximum health benefits and

superior taste.

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( ) Our unfiltered “Mild” oil is actually lightly filtered.

( ) This removes pits and impurities, but leaves behind a bit of


( ) Unfiltered oil is cloudy in appearance.

( ) Filtered oil is clear.

( ) Which is better? NEITHER! It’s a matter of taste and


( ) Think of it as being analogous to orange juice varieties with

pulp or without.




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tastes the way mother nature meant it to be – no chemicals, no preservatives, all pure and natural

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( ) The oils are bottled directly at the estates.

( )This assures we control the whole process, quality, and reduces the carbon footprint as

we do not need to ship our oil to central production centers.

( ) Our oils are bottled in dark glass bottles.

( ) The reasons are as follows:

* glass is recyclable.

* glass does not interact with the oil unlike plastic or metal containers.

* glass does not release potentially harmful chemicals as might be the case with plastic.

* dark glass protects the oil from sunlight and UV rays which can bleach the oil of its

beneficial contents.

Clear glass, plastic bottles or metal

containers are not ideal for the

quality of oil.

Look for dark glass bottles!

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( ) When stored under

proper conditions of:

- low light

- dry

- cool temperature

our oils have a “best before

date” of no less than two

years from bottling date.

( ) Oil is not like wine, it does

not get better with age, so it

needs to be consumed in a

timely manner.

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( ) We did months of research to find our growers.

( ) We knew of several growers already from our familial roots to which we added a large

list and through personal investigation and third party interviews, we identified the hidden

gems of the Spanish farmers.

( ) Our personal relationships and knowledge was verified by the staff of the Andalusian

agriculture office which has strict controls in place to assure growers adhere to high


( ) In addition, we monitor our farmers to assure quality, and we also compensate them

with a premium price paid for our product.

Verified small and medium-sized

farmers producing high quality

product in an ethical manner.

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c o n f i d e n t i a l

( ) We ship our oil via ocean-going freight and not air, reducing our carbon footprint.

( ) Our oils go from estate to ship without being stored in warehouses for extended periods of time.

( ) Our logistics assure just-in-time transports meant to bring the freshest oils to the markets as

quickly as possible.

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olive oil taste

pairing oil with food can be just as complex as pairing food with wine


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sixteen sensory classes seventy two descriptors

bitter taste indicates high content of beneficial antioxidants

common attributes to look for:

Fruity: Having pleasant spicy fruit flavors characteristic of fresh ripe or green olives.

Bitter: Creating a mostly pleasant acrid flavor sensation on the tongue.

Pungent: Creating a peppery sensation in the mouth and throat.

pairing oil with food can be just as complex as pairing food with wine


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general pairing and use:

drizzling, marinades, salad dressings, sauces, stews, soups, some pastries, frying, grilling.

Olive: Hojiblanca

Oil: Sistema Organa Mild

Taste: Bittersweet, fruity, almond finish.

Use: Frying, baking breads, making pasta, pastries and cakes, sautéing, casseroles.

Olive: Picual

Oil: Sistema Organa Robust

Taste: Slightly bitter, hints of wood, some are sweeter with a fresh flavor

Use: Frying, salads, gazpachos, meats, stews.

be not afraid to fry

Frying in olive oil, especially the extra virgin variety has been done for centuries and it is considered

healthier than frying in butter or vegetable oils.

Heat up the oil to no higher than 370F and fry away!

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Complimentary flavors:

blend of similar ingredients, oil does not overpower primary flavors:

( ) Mild oils enrich and complement subtle foods like fish, mushrooms, seafood and baked goods.

( ) Robust oils enrich and complement heartier foods like red meats and rich pastas.

Contrasting flavors:

separating each ingredient to bring out and harmonize both:

( ) Robust oil drizzled over fresh mozzarella contrasts the flavors

( ) Medium oil drizzled over hard cheeses contrasts sharpness and subtlety

choose to compliment or contrast:

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( ) very high content of phenols, a beneficial, natural antioxidant compound.

( ) high in monosaturated fat beneficial to heart health.

( ) evidence suggests that eating about 2 tbsp. (23 g) of olive oil daily may reduce the risk

of coronary heart disease due to the monounsaturated fat in olive oil.

( ) protects against heart disease as it controls the "bad" levels of LDL cholesterol and

raises levels of the "good" HDL cholesterol.

( ) replacing butter with olive oil helps balance the ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats.

( ) known to lower blood sugar levels and blood pressure.

( ) as part of Mediterranean diet, olive oil may be responsible in part for the low incidence

of heart disease.

( ) a natural, deep penetration moisturizer, regenerating skin cells and softening the tissue.

( ) found to reduce oxidative damage to DNA and RNA, which may be a factor in

preventing cancer.

health benefits of olive oil


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the best olives for the best olive oil

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Sistema Organa’s organic, natural products available at: www.SistemaOrgana.com | www.Amazon.com

and at fine organic retailers.

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