Teething •When your baby's first tooth shows up, you might be taken by surprise or you might just finally understand what all those surefire teething signs — drooling, night waking, crabbiness — were pointing to. Every baby experiences teething differently: Some have virtually no symptoms, while other babies experience teething pain for months. Fortunately, there are some signs to watch for as this developmental milestone approaches that can help make teething easier for your baby — and for you.

The teething process

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• When your baby's first tooth shows up, you might be taken by surprise or you might just finally understand what all those surefire teething signs — drooling, night waking, crabbiness — were pointing to. Every baby experiences teething differently: Some have virtually no symptoms, while other babies experience teething pain for months. Fortunately, there are some signs to watch for as this developmental milestone approaches that can help make teething easier for your baby — and for you.

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• Most babies grow their first tooth around 7 months old, although there's a wide variation in timing of teething. For example, some babies grow their first tooth as early as two or three months whereas others don't get one until after their first birthday. Teething symptoms, however, can precede the actual appearance of a tooth by as much as two or three months.

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• The most common first teeth are the two in the bottom center, followed by the two in the top center. Then, the pattern goes outward with lateral incisors, which are in the next spot over, followed by the first molars, or the molars closest to the opening of baby's mouth. Then come the canines on either side of the lateral incisors and last are the second molars in the very back.

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• Drooling. It's hard to believe so much fluid can come from the mouths of tiny babes, but teething stimulates drooling, and the waterworks are on for many babies starting from about 10 weeks to three or four months of age. If you find that your baby's shirts are constantly soggy, fasten on a bib to keep her more comfortable (and cleaner), and gently wipe her chin throughout the day to stave off chapping.

• Teething rash. If your teething baby is pouring out prodigious amounts of drool, the constant drip may cause chafing, chapping, redness and rashes around her mouth and chin (and even on her neck). Patting away the drool will help prevent the rash. You can also create a moisture barrier with Vaseline or Aquaphor, and moisturize with a gentle unscented skin cream as needed. Have some nipple cream (like Lansinoh) on hand? It's great for protecting tender baby skin, too.

• Coughing and/or gag reflex. All that drool can make babies gag and cough (you'd choke too with a mouthful of spit). It's no cause for concern if your baby has no other signs of cold, flu or allergies.

• Biting. Pressure from teeth poking through under the gums causes baby a lot of discomfort — and that discomfort can be relieved by counterpressure (aka, biting). Teething babies will gum whatever they can find, from teething rings and rattles to your soon-to-be sore nipples (if you're breastfeeding) and fingers.

• Crying. Some babies breeze through teething with nary a whimper, while others suffer from a good deal of pain due to the inflammation of tender gum tissue — which they feel compelled to share with you in the form of whining or crying. First teeth usually hurt the most (as do the molars, because they're just plain bigger), although most babies eventually get used to what teething feels like and aren't quite so bothered later on. Talk to your doctor about when to offer pain relievers like infant acetaminophen.

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9 COMMON TEETHING SYMPTOMS• Irritability. Your baby's mouth will ache as that little tooth presses on the gums and pokes up to the

surface, and, not surprisingly, it'll probably make her feel out of sorts. Some babies may be irritable for just a few hours, but others can stay crabby for days or even weeks.

• Refusal to feed. Uncomfortable, cranky babies yearn to be soothed by something in their mouths — whether a bottle or the breast. But the suction of nursing may make a teething baby's sore gums feel worse. For that reason, teething babies are fussy about feedings (and get more frustrated as neither their discomfort nor their hungry tummies find relief). Babies eating solid foods may also refuse to eat during teething. Keep at it, and call your pediatrician if the strike lasts more than a few days.

• Night waking. The teething fairy doesn't only work days. As your baby's teeth begin to emerge, her discomfort may disrupt her nighttime slumber (even if she previously slept through the night). Before offering comfort, see if she can settle herself back to sleep; if she's still restless, soothe her with patting or lullabies but avoid a return to nighttime feedings (which will come back to haunt you when teething is done).

• Ear pulling; cheek rubbing. Teething babies may tug furiously at their ear or rub their cheek or chin. The reason? Gums, ears and cheeks share nerve pathways, and so an ache in the gums (especially from erupting molars) can travel elsewhere. (Babies with ear infections will also yank on their ears, so do check with your pediatrician if you suspect your baby may be bothered by more than just teething.)

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