
Tobacco smoking and its bad effects

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Facts about Tobacco1.3 billion people smoke world wide

6000 billion cigarettes are smoked every year world wide

Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death.

•Worldwide, tobacco use causes more than 6, million deaths per

year, more than 600 000 are the result of non-smokers

being exposed to second-hand smoke. and current trends

show that tobacco use will cause more than 8 million deaths

annually by 2030.

•Cigarette smoking is responsible for about one in five deaths



There is enough nicotine in four or five cigarettes to kill an average

adult if ingested whole. Most smokers take in only one or two

milligrams of nicotine per cigarette however, the remainder being

burned off

-Cigarettes contain arsenic, formaldehyde, lead,

hydrogen cyanide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide,

ammonia and more than 60 known carcinogens.

-Urea, a chemical compound that is a major component

in urine, is used to add “flavor” to cigarettes.


Scientists claim the average smoker will lose 10-14 years

of their life due to smoking. This however does not

necessarily mean that a smoker will die young – and they

may still live out a ‘normal’ lifespan.

Most smokers take up the habit in their mid teens, well

before the legal age for purchasing them.

•Nearly 80% of the world's one billion smokers live in low-

and middle-income countries.

A single cigarette contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer.

Forms of Tobacco

Tobacco comes in different forms

Cigarette s

Chewing tobacco

Pipes and water pipes


Second-hand smoke kills

Second-hand smoke kills

Second-hand smoke is the smoke that fills restaurants, offices or other enclosed spaces when people burn tobacco products such as cigarettes, bidis and water pipes. There are more than 4000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, of which at least 250 are known to be harmful and more than 50 are known to cause cancer.

There is no safe level of exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke.

•In adults, second-hand smoke causes serious cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, including coronary heart disease and lung cancer. In infants, it causes sudden death. In pregnant women, it causes low birth weight.

•Almost half of children regularly breathe air polluted by tobacco smoke in public

Bad effects of TobaccoTobacco:

Is addective more than heroin or cocaine

Makes your cloth, hair, and breath smell bad.

Turns your teeth and finger yellow

Increase risk of stroke, hypertension and heart attacks

Increase risk of developing diabetes

Is the most common cause of lung, throat and mouth cancer

Impairs fertility

Pregnancy problems

Some of diseases caused by smoking

Smoking 400,000

Accidents 94,000

2nd Hand Smoke 38,000

Alcohol 45,000

HIV/AIDS 32,600

Suicide 31,000

Homicide 21,000

Drugs 14,200

Consequences of Tobacco-Use:

Preventable Causes of Death

Smoking and costIn a simple count, the all adult population of Georgia is

4185000, over all prevalence of smokers about 30%, supposing the mean cigarettes number smoked/day is one pack, and the price of one pack is $ 0.25.

4185000 x 30/100 x 0.25 =313875 US Dollars are spent to cigarette daily in Georgia>

313875 x 360=112,995,000 US Dollars spent anually.

Tobacco users need help to quitIn 2008, WHO introduced a practical, cost-effective way to scale up

implementation of provisions of the WHO

Framework Convention on the ground: MPOWER.

The six MPOWER measures are:•M-Monitor tobacco use and prevention policies

•In most countries around the world, the legal age for the purchase of tobacco products is now 18, while in Japan the age minimum is 20 years old.

•P-Protect people from tobacco use•Graphic warnings can persuade smokers to protect the health of non-smokers by smoking less

inside the home and public enclosed areas and avoiding smoking near children.

•O-Offer help to quit tobacco use

•W-Warn about the dangers of tobaccoE-Enforce bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship

•Bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship can reduce tobacco consumption

•R-Raise taxes on tobacco.•A tax increase that increases tobacco prices by 10% decreases tobacco consumption by

about 4%