Understanding How Organic Your Food Is By Nabila Khashoggi

Understanding How Organic Your Food Is

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Understanding How Organic Your Food Is

By Nabila Khashoggi

Page 2: Understanding How Organic Your Food Is


Nabila Khashoggi is the owner of NabilaK, an all-natural home and bath products company. She is also the author of a popular children’s graphic novel series. Nabila Khashoggi has always enjoyed learning about alternative medicines and organic foods.

Page 3: Understanding How Organic Your Food Is

Organic Foods

Organic foods can be defined as those that have been farmed in methods that emphasize soil and water conservation while limiting the exposure to pollutants and pesticides. In order to determine whether foods have been prepared in an organic fashion, it is best to check for a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) label. Foods that sport a USDA Organic label have sufficiently met the government’s high standards, which extend beyond the growing process and monitor the handling and processing of all foods.

Page 4: Understanding How Organic Your Food Is


Single-ingredient organic foods like eggs and fruit can bear the USDA label without issue, and multi-ingredient foods made only with organic materials can be labeled “100 percent organic” or bear the USDA label. Food products consisting of 95 percent organic materials, on the other hand, are simply listed as “organic.” Any product consisting of 70 percent organic materials can claim to be made with organic ingredients. If a food is made up of less than 70 percent of organic materials, the word “organic” cannot be used in any way.