USV- Ecosprin Strengthening the heart of the brand A Business Expansion Strategy By Mudra Brand Therapist Sept. 27, 2006

Usv Asprin Final Presentation Pitch

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USV- Ecosprin

Strengthening the heart of the brand A Business Expansion Strategy

ByMudra Brand Therapist

Sept. 27, 2006

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Brief Recap

Ecosprin-A Position of Strength– market leader aspirin brand – generic to the category – highly recommended/prescribed by doctors for

patients of heart disease and those at high risk The Problem-Growth Stagnation

– since it is a prescription drug the prescription route has reached a ceiling

The Opportunity-Heightening Patient Awareness– widening the base for the brand by bringing in

patient pull/influence in its use and prescription

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The key communication task

To evince consumer (potential patient) interest in the importance and simplicity of the drug (aspirin, where Ecospirin is the generic support brand) in their day to day lives to combat the risk of heart disease

To make a strong connect with their lives to demonstrate that the use of aspirin can lead to a healthy, risk free heart

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Who will we talk to

People who are at high risk of suffering a heart attack– Medical risk-

• high cholesterol, hyper tension, over weight, diabetes

– Lifestyle risk- • stressed and time starved, no or inadequate

exercise, high indulgence in alcohol & smoking, improper diet

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Why do we need to talk to them

India at risk – startling incidence and growth of heart disease

The increasing ubiquity of cardiovascular disease – Not just a disease of the stressed middle aged, but

almost 12-15% amongst the below 40 group and alarmingly predicted grow to 20% by the end of the decade (in India)

– The paradox of heightened life expectancy but the epidemic form of lifestyle related coronary diseases

• 16 million people afflicted in the Indian subcontinent as against 1.6 mn in the US and 1 mn in the UK

• Three fold higher incidence of coronary heart aretery disease as compared to Americans and six fold as compared to the Chinese

• Projected deaths arising from coronary artery disease – 10.3% in men and 9% in women by 2015

– Growing adversary – appearance of multiple and diffuse blockages to the extent of 40%

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Contd… High incidence of the GNB3 gene which is

associated with the development of the obesity and metabolic syndrome. This triggered by our lifestyle of affluence in the middle classes who have seen sudden prosperity and so called development – TV watching, couch potatoes– Fast food junkies- Imbalanced diets high in calorie

and low in vitamin and mineral– Stress of keeping up the career that provides the

material growth Heightened premature ageing of the body

cells largely due to lifestyle changes

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In sum

Heart disease has crossed all traditional notions of socio economic class, gender and age and thus can afflict just about anyone

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Understanding what are the common perceptions of

aspirinin this frightening scenario

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The common knowledge…

A mild, daily pill for – Headaches– Fever– Body ache

“Its like Crocin, Disprin types, for fever and headache” “Can be taken without any fear …bacche ko bhi khila

sakte hain” “Like vitamins …needs no real doctor to tell us how to

take it”

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Believability and acceptance as a pill for healthy heart

All said they would appreciate the advise but would need more credible reasons on why they should take aspirin on a daily basis

Doctor’s intervention essential…“My GP has to prescribe Aspirin and convince me more about the benefits. Why should I just pop a drug?”

“I was told by my GP once to have half a crocin everyday to maintain the blood flow for healthy heart but I don’t do it as I am not convinced enough by the doctor to practice it.”

“I would not consume medicines just like that as I have fear side effects”

“Since I have family history of heart problems, to avoid it I will definitely go for it”

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Trepidation when it comes to popping a pill…especially for the

heart Building high relevance a must The fear of dependency on a pill must

be dispelled The fear of side effects nullified The role of the doctor never lessened

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Is the problem as simple?

No association of Aspirin with a healthy heart

Thus dispel the common myth …aspirin is for headaches, not for heart aches!

Is this substantial enough Is this substantial enough to become a communication route?to become a communication route?

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People need more to believe before they accept the need to take any pill

Thus the need to find the right connect

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The key

Is to find the core vulnerability …that will make us believe in the importance of this tiny but vital health support

And convince that aspirin is an effective weapon to counter the risk of heart disease – but not the substitute for healthy living

Thereby understanding and promoting the need for a healthier lifestyle

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Mudra team chats with the TG…Age 40 plus (mandatory), Urban,

working and non working, M/F At least one medical and one lifestyle


An eye into today’s prospective consumers

lifestyle…finding the insightful connect

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Tracking today’s life needs towards health

Physiological needs – biological/what my body can’t do without

Physical needs-what I can do physically

Social needs What I have to do to live/

be accepted in society

Self /individual needs What I need for my

own balance and peace of mind

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Heightened Awareness Most people today are highly aware of the risk of heart problems and a healthy lifestyle is aspirational. However…

A majority said that they tried in some way to adopt healthy eating habits– Vegetarian food, home cooked, less fatty, avoid sugar,

smoke less– But what can I do, there is so much of outside food

that we cannot control-fast food, cheese, snacks…I can’t be unsocial. Besides often both of us work…so there is no option”

The need for a fitness routine is high, but few actually get around to putting in adequate hours of exercise – I try and walk at least on weekends– “Where is the time I get back home in this city…I try

aerobics or some form of planned exercise, but it is hard to keep up”

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The need for an active social life is also high as it is the new attitude to life –work hard, play hard – “Yes we do socialize a lot and we have to be part

of the crowd”…justifying the need to indulge

The need for time for self high (…but it is only the new generation that is putting it’s foot down)– The 40’s of today are competing to be ahead in their

career’s …many succumbing to the pressures of their jobs/lives

– “I keep trying to rejuvenate by taking weekends off. I also joined yoga, tried meditation & art of living …but it really takes a lot to keep up with all this”

Thus a gap between aspiration Thus a gap between aspiration and perspiration and perspiration

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Shortcuts are the way…

I try and eat salad at least once a


I can’t exercise regularly –so I eat veg food twice a week

I only smoke

when I step out of office – that helps me reduce


I get my check ups …nothing is

abnormal so why should I


I use Equal in my tea –

now I don’t feel so bad

After all we are only human and we will find rationalizations

I usually don’t drink –but

socially I let go

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The reality

The fact is that people stop listening if another message comes along and tells them to inculcate healthy lifestyles…a mental wall gets gradually built

There is thus, a need to find a sharper trigger and ride with a real need

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Attitude to life post forty

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The rush to keep up Life in a consumerist society has pressures to keep

up and all of us are guilty Competition intense and so are our insecurities

– At 40 the key insecurity is to be overtaken by the younger lot …thus the need to stay youthful and in touch

– At 40 most of us have responsibilities & dreams too…house loan, car loan, personal loan, kids education, travel abroad. And the fear “will I be able to provide for all these”

Post forty is the threat of a mid-life crisis that will urge me to dwell within and realize that the younger part of my life is gone and there is yet much to be achieved

The poor heart is keeping up with these fears and vulnerabilities

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Need to fit into children’s lives Parental relationships are not the traditional

top-down structure …friends is the definition of today

Strong need to keep up and fit into the kid’s life & doing things together …a 50 year old wants to hike with his kids and keep up. Today it is shameful to self admit one cannot keep up

Look at the way people dress today-the walls defining age have dissolved to a more universal look– Capri's and tees for mom and daughter – Same sneakers & jeans for dad and son

High need to be as youthful – look and feel

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18 till I die Today age is no criteria to curtail living a

full life. Most 40 pluses are living it up– Having the health to do all the things young

people traditionally did – People have far active lives – travel more, are

out of home more – Breaking of the archetypical roles – decorum

and dignity of doing youthful things after a certain age …its now ok to let your hair down

There is also social pressure to look good (youthful & fit) and in turn feel good

The definition and criteria for being young has expanded beyond 40

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The key fears on the risk of heart problems

A life of part dependency-on family, drugs, etc An active full life – I should be able to play

cricket with my son, take my family on picnics, travel, eat normal food…you are young but once

To look and feel as youthful…a heart disease can age you prematurely as the restrictions post are not the way of a youthful life

Of being burned out –a heart problem spells that you have to slow down

Of becoming old before my time – what will people say, “heart trouble hai usko. They only said that of old people”?

Fit for the future – as my kids are dependant on me, I have to fulfill their dreams

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The fear A life curtailed before its time…

The fear of old age catching up and not letting people do the things they have

dreamed and wished to do

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The Medical Fact

Today the age of the organs has nothing to do with the chronological age of the person

Recently the oldest man in the world died. Post mortem declared the age of all his organs was much younger than his chronological age of 123 yrs

The heart too can age prematurely if not kept healthy and fit

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The Brand

The elixir for a youthful heart Keeps blood pumping into it keeping it

healthy and fit The upholder of all good things to

keep young

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Making the connections to arrive at the brand proposition

The Promise Aspirin for

Young Hearts

ProductRational benefitClears arteries for uninterrupted blood flow to the heart keeping it youthful

Human insight The fear of growing old before one’s time

The Brand ValuesThe elixir of a youthful heart Proponent of a healthy lifestyle

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Creative Approach 1

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AspirinJawaa dil ka pill

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Introducing – Yo the young heart

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Other Young Heart Ideas

Young Hearts Health check up camps – Get your ECG and check theage of your heart

Young hearts Laughter Clubs at major parks across the city

Yo merchandise

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Route 2

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Web and interactive ideas

Website – [email protected]– How forty are you – 40 good things to start today – Message board – Blogs – Hearty 40 community– Forty great books to read – Page 40– 40th birthday wish– Friends referrals – over 40ies receive a gift on

your behalf