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  • 1. CAREER AS A VETERINARIANBy: Kimberly Harrity

2. OVERVIEW Give advise on how to care for animals Perform surgery Treat wounds and sick animals Vaccinate animals against diseases Euthanize animals Use stethoscopes, surgicalInstruments, and diagnostic equipment 3. CONTINUED OVERVIEW Train and supervise the medical assistants Diagnose animals with health problems Prescribe medicine Set broken bones Go to peoples houses withemergencies 4. EDUCATION AND TRAINING High school courses in biology, chemistry, health,mathematics, and speech Two years of an undergraduate university Four-year college degree from Veterinary School Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine degree Pass a state license exam 5. SALARY Beginning salary- $44,150-$79,050 Middle salary- $61,370-$86,700 Potential salary-$134,920-$155,300 6. OUTLOOK AND JOB GROWTH POTENTIAL The job expectancies for a veterinarian areexpected to grow faster than average through 2018 The career of a veterinarian is going to grow+32.5% 7. RELATED CAREERS Aquarists Zoo Keepers Zoologist Biological Scientists Physician and Surgeon Dentist Podiatrists Veterinary Researchers Equine Veterinarian Zoo Veterinarian Anesthesiologist Physician Assistant 8. DIFFERENT SETTINGS Zoo Aquarium Veterinary Office 9. ANIMALS VETS TREAT Frogs Lizards Dogs Cats Horses Snakes Rabbits Cows Pigs 10. THOUGHTS ABOUT SUCCESSo Victory is what happens when ten thousand hoursof training meet up with one moment of opportunity (Anonymous)