Health Myths Emylie Howie

What health myths do you believe?

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An audio package based on common health myths.

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  • 1. Health Myths Emylie Howie

2. Health Myths have been around for years! 3. There are even myths about alcohol 4. There are even myths about illnesses 5. Mixed signals? 6. Can they? 7. Cracking your knuckles Myth: Cracking your knuckles causes arthritis Truth: When a person bends, cracks or pulls on these joins, tiny air bubbles form in the fluid and when they burst you hear a pop or snap. 8. Chocolate Myth: Chocolate causes skin breakouts Truth: Chocolate isnt bad for your skin, it may in-fact help our complexion. 9. Dim Light Myth: Reading in dim light causes bad eyesight. Truth: Back in the day, our ancestors did all their reading by light of a flickering candle and their eyesight didnt appear to suffer. 10. Chewing Gum Myth: It takes 7 years to digest swallowed gum. Truth: Although gum sticks to just about everything, our stomach is an exception. Your body doesnt digest the gum, but it still passes through.