LICORICE_ MEDICINE OF “ALL THE FAMILY” DOCTOR AND 3 8 Many people use licorice as a drink instead of tea that is not known to benefits of licorice for health. Let's discover the benefits of this familiar herb! + Addison treatment Addison disease is an endocrine disorder disease that occurs when adrenal glands do not produce enough hormone cortisone for body. It can cause weight loss, muscle weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure, even fatal in all age groups. However patient can be out of danger with drinking gastric mucosa. To treat stomach ulcers, Vietnamese people often use 3 - 5 g licorice powder or liquid with three times/ day, drink continuously from 7 to 14 days and then pause. + Cough treatment, clearing phlegm Physician Truong Trong Canh has introduced a popular remedy which uses 8 grams of licorice, the root of platycodon (4g), 600ml water to bring to boil until the liquid get thick. After that, we divide this liquid into three parts and use in day. A number of other herbs Aloe Vera Fallopia multiflora


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Many people use licorice as a drink instead of tea that is not known to benefits of licorice for health. Let's discover the benefits of this familiar herb!

+ Addison treatment

Addison disease is an endocrine disorder disease that occurs when adrenal glands do not produce enough hormone cortisone for body. It can cause weight loss, muscle weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure, even fatal in all age groups. However patient can be out of danger with drinking 10-30 ml of liquid licorice in 30 days.

+ Stomach ulcer treatment

Many researches have shown that Many researches have shown that some substances in licorice may increase prostaglandin levels in digestive system, promote the excretion of mucus from stomach, and produce new cells in

gastric mucosa. To treat stomach ulcers, Vietnamese people often use 3 - 5 g licorice powder or liquid with three times/ day, drink continuously from 7 to 14 days and then pause.

+ Cough treatment, clearing phlegm

Physician Truong Trong Canh has introduced a popular remedy which uses 8 grams of licorice, the root of platycodon (4g), 600ml water to bring to boil until the liquid get thick. After that, we divide this liquid into three parts and use in day.

However, using of licorice in a long time can cause many harmful effects to patient, such as hypertension, cardiovascular problems. Thus, you should consult your doctor before using.

A number of other herbs

Aloe Vera

Fallopia multiflora

Lingzhi mushroom


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How to treat cold

and flu

without drugs


Drugs won't destroy a winter

virus faster – and some will even prolong it. But best remedies are familiar foods in your house.


It is a great drink to soothe sores, clear blood and reject mucus in your throat. You can mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with warm water to use everyday.

+Chicken soup:

According to U.S. scientists, chicken soup is not only a simple and nutritious dish, but also is an effective drug in treating flu. It helps prevent inflammatory, reduce fever, melt edema and clear phlegm.

+ Mustard:

Mustard is useful to reduce fever, eliminate toxins and heal mucous membranes in lung.

+ Ginger:

Ginger helps kill virus and stimulate sweat. When you get flu or cold, you can drink ginger tea or bathe with ginger water.

+ Garlic:

The England researchers found that garlic is an effective remedy to prevent cold and increase resistance.

+ Salt:

Using salt to rinse mouth is very good. It can soothe sore throat and reduce inflammation.


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Common diseasesCommon diseases


Breast cancer is one of the

most popular cancer which leads to the death of many women. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 1998, breast cancer accounts for 21% of all cancers in women over the world.

Breast cancer has been becoming more common in developing countries, especially, in Vietnam. This is a complex disease that medicine has had many studies on the causes and treatments. Detecting breast cancer early will change levels of disease significantly.

Pregnant women who get stomach ache will be more

hurt by vomiting (the stomach has to sharply pulsate to push food out).

Today, health professionals already know the cause of stomachache is the cause of stomach pain is due a bacterium which is called Helicobacter Pylori .Thus, use of antibiotic is necessary to destroy this bacterium. It can also coordinate with the metronidazole group. These drugs are not used for pregnant women. Besides, they should not use many different stomach medicines which include Lanso Parole, Cimetidine, Famotidin . To treat stomachache by medicines, pregnant women is necessary to advise with obstetrician and inform them of health status.


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Reproductive health

The knowledge of medicine

For Vietnamese women reproductive health is one of the most important factor to keep family moving happily. However, not many women are lucky in this. To solve some common questions on reproductive health in women, our reporter had a meeting with doctor Pham Thi Thu Hoai, advisor on reproductive health at Thai Nguyen University of medicine and pharmacy.

Doctor Pham Thi Thu Hoai

Reporter: Dear, doctor. In recent years, breast cancer is on the rise. Can you tell me what is breast cancer and how is it treated?

Answer: Breast cancer is dangerous. It is the most common cancer and leading cause of death in women. The term “breast cancer” refers to a malignant tumor that is always caused by developing of cancer cells (ducts or lobule)in the breast If you are not treated early, the cancer cells will grow rapidly, enter the bloodstream or lymphatic vessels, run to the ganglia, spread to other organs, cause pain for the body and ultimately bring death.

To treat breast cancer, we can use some types like surgery, use Radiation therapy, chemotherapy that depends on the severity of disease and patient health.

Reporter: A 25- old woman in Thai Binh wants to know causes of black menstruation and its harms to reproductive health . Can you help her?

Answer: Black blood can occur for many reasons such as stress, accumulation of blood in uterus, infection. If black menstruation brings strange symptoms like fever, foul-smelling vaginal, it may be sign of uterine cancer, ovarian tumors or others. Girls should go to a hospital to check and treat early.

A girl is living in Thai Nguyen city said: "My sister is a pregnant woman, 26 years old, her health and fetal are normal. So, can she use deworming medicine?"

Answer: She can. Deworming medicine includes some types. Helmintox and Combantrin are considered safe for pregnant women. But she should ask her reproductive doctor before.

Reporter: Dear doctor, women know that they must always clean reproductive organs ,but not many know how to do. Can you give them advice on genital hygiene care every day?

Answer: It is an interesting question. I have met many women, who often make clean their genital organ everyday, but still get genital sick. To make clean genital organ properly, women should pay attention to the following:

+Wash your genital organ with clean water or genital cleaning gel for women everyday.

+ Keep your genital area is always dry.

+ Do not use soap and strong detergents to clean.

+ Do not wash too deep into the vagina.

+ When you are in menstrual period, you should change tampon at least every 4 to 8 hours.

Reporter: Yes. I am sure that your information are very helpful. Thank you for the time spared by this interview.


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