Anti-Aging Treatment How Regenerative Cells Prevent Aging: Aging results from the progressive depletion of regenerative cells, so the introduction of new regenerative cells has the potential of slowing down or reversing this process. "Regenerative cell therapies are among the world's greatest collective scientific breakthrough, possessing the clear potential to revolutionize the practice of medicine and improve the quality and length of life." Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients. Regenerative cells possess a unique anti-aging effect by improving immune function and regenerating and repairing organs damaged by stressors, like free radicals and the various toxins we are exposed to in our day to day living. Your body uses its own regenerative cells to make you stronger, healthier and more resistant to disease. As we age, we use regenerative cells to repair damaged organs, or to replace those cells destroyed by toxins over time. At all stages of your life, your body fights damage by using regenerative cells. When you smoke, cells head for the lungs. When you are sun burnt, they repair the skin. As late as the early 2000's, we did not know that regenerative cell replenishment was true for most organs, but today we know that every organ seems to recruit cells from the bone marrow to resuscitate itself. Decline in Regenerative cell production with age: Decline in cell production with age as we age, however, the bone marrow releases fewer cells, giving us less power to repair the damage of ageing. Treatment with adult regenerative cells reverses this process. In healthy individuals, skin youthfulness is maintained by epidermal cells which self-renew and generate daughter cells that become new skin. Despite accumulation of aging blemishes and changes in aged skin, epidermal regenerative cells are maintained at normal levels throughout life. Therefore, skin ageing is caused by impaired regenerative cell mobilization from the bone marrow or reduced number of regenerative cells able to respond to repair signals. (6). This means that, if we increase the number of circulating regenerative cells, by mobilizing from the bone marrow, and by infusion of additional regenerative cells we should dramatically change this cell behavior.

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Anti-Aging Treatment

How Regenerative Cells Prevent Aging:

Aging results from the progressive depletion of regenerative cells, so the introduction of new regenerative cells has

the potential of slowing down or reversing this process.

"Regenerative cell therapies are among the world's greatest collective scientific breakthrough, possessing the clear

potential to revolutionize the practice of medicine and improve the quality and length of life." Townsend Letter for

Doctors and Patients.

Regenerative cells possess a unique anti-aging effect by improving immune function and regenerating and repairing

organs damaged by stressors, like free radicals and the various toxins we are exposed to in our day to day living.

Your body uses its own regenerative cells to make you stronger, healthier and more resistant to disease. As we age,

we use regenerative cells to repair damaged organs, or to replace those cells destroyed by toxins over time.

At all stages of your life, your body fights damage by using regenerative cells. When you smoke, cells head for the

lungs. When you are sun burnt, they repair the skin. As late as the early 2000's, we did not know that regenerative

cell replenishment was true for most organs, but today we know that every organ seems to recruit cells from the bone

marrow to resuscitate itself.

Decline in Regenerative cell production with age:

Decline in cell production with age as we age, however, the bone marrow releases fewer cells, giving us less power

to repair the damage of ageing. Treatment with adult regenerative cells reverses this process.

In healthy individuals, skin youthfulness is maintained by epidermal cells which self-renew and generate daughter

cells that become new skin. Despite accumulation of aging blemishes and changes in aged skin, epidermal

regenerative cells are maintained at normal levels throughout life. Therefore, skin ageing is caused by impaired

regenerative cell mobilization from the bone marrow or reduced number of regenerative cells able to respond to

repair signals. (6). This means that, if we increase the number of circulating regenerative cells, by mobilizing from the

bone marrow, and by infusion of additional regenerative cells we should dramatically change this cell behavior.

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It has been postulated that regenerative cell exhaustion from the bone marrow is partly responsible for the process of

cardiovascular ageing and the resulting diseases such as angina, heart attack, stroke and senile dementia. It has

now been proven that cell damage in the bone marrow, from aging, is responsible for coronary artery disease and

resultant cardiac muscle damage. (1, 2,4). This means that cardiac disease can be prevented by regenerative cell


Decline in cell production with age:

As aging progresses, there is a decline in the brain's capacity to produce new neurons. The underlying cause of the

declining neurogenesis is unknown, but is presumably related to age-related changes that occur during normal aging

of the brain. It is exacerbated by age-related neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

diseases. (5).

References: 1. Spyridopoulos I et al. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis & Vascular Biology. 28(5):968-974, May 2008. 2. José J. Fuster, Vicente

Andrés.Circulation Research. 2006;99:1167.2006 American Heart Association, Inc.Reviews.Telomere Biology and Cardiovascular Disease.

3. Ignacio Flores, Roberta Benetti and Maria A Blasco. Telomerase regulation and regenerative cell behaviour. Current Opinion in Cell

Biology 2006, 18:254–260. 4. Frederick M. Rauscher et al.Aging, Progenitor Cell Exhaustion, and Atherosclerosis. Circulation, The American

Heart Association. 5. TL Limke, MS Rao, Neural regenerative cell therapy in the aging brain: pitfalls and possibilities. J Hematother

Regenerative Cell Res (2003) 12: 615-23. 6. Zouboulis CC, Adjaye J, Akamatsu H, Moe-Behrens G, Niemann C.Human skin regenerative

cells and the ageing process. Exp Gerontol. 2008 Sep 9.

The most powerful solution:

According to the American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine, regenerative cells appear to be our most powerful tool in

Regenerative Medicine at this time. Previous dogma concerning adult regenerative cells taught that our tissues did

not have regenerative cells and the cells present at birth just declined in quantity and quality until there was nothing

left. It was also believed that hematopoietic regenerative cells lacked plasticity and could not transform to other


Current medical literature proves that adult regenerative cells exist in most tissues including brain, heart, muscles and

liver and adult regenerative cells have plasticity to potentially transform and repair all tissues and organs.

Current literature also shows that regenerative cell supplementation of an age-damaged bone marrow regenerative

cell population can result in rejuvenation and the increase in longevity of that regenerative cell source. (1 )

Reference: 1. Ignacio Flores, Roberta Benetti and Maria A Blasco. Telomerase regulation and regenerative cell

behaviour. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2006, 18:254–260.

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Specific age-related conditions can be treated:

Osteoarthritis responds well to joint infusions of regenerative cells as shown in phase III trials in the USA. Early

Alzheimer’s disease can be reversed and Parkinson’s disease has shown excellent improvement when treated in the

early stages. Emotional and cognitive improvement occurs, which you will notice as your memory improves,

concentration ability increases and your ability to handle complex tasks, as you did before, is regained. An increase in

energy levels and a resistance to disease develops as your cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems are

boosted by the regenerative cell infusion. You will find that you will have higher levels of energy than before.

The Beauty Response from Regenerative Cells

The most evident beauty response in regenerative cell treated patients is the appearance of the facial skin a few

weeks after therapy - it glows. You will notice a smoothness and improvement in color along with a look of


Grey hair has been noted to regain its original color and bald spots have filled in. The rest of your skin will show an

improvement in color and age-related pigmentation marks, less bruising and an increase in elasticity and tone.

Overall improvements:

You can expect improvements after regenerative cell therapy, including but not limited to:

1. Physical improvements such as:

• Less head/neck aches

• Decreased soreness in neck, arms and legs

• Reduced stiffness in joints

• Far less tiredness or fatigue

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2. Aesthetic improvements such as:

• The skin on the face and hands becomes tighter

• Fewer wrinkles

• Looking younger - general younger appearance

• Change in color of hair from grey to black/normal

• Hair thickens

3. Mental and Emotional improvements.

4. Improvements in Energy Levels.

5. Improvement in the Overall Quality of Life.