ECZEMA (Dermatitis) Presented By FARYAL SALEEMI BATCH IX University of Peshawer

Eczema- A Chronic Skin Disease

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ECZEMA (Dermatitis)


BATCH IXUniversity of Peshawer

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Content: IntroductionForms of dermatitisSymptomsCausesTreatment

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What is Eczema?Eczema is derived from Greek word “Ekzein” which means “to boil out”.

Also called as Dermatitis Derma means Skin-itis means inflammation

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Eczema:Eczema is a term of medical conditions that causes the skin to become irritated or inflamed.

Its a chronic & non contagious disease.

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Causes: The basic cause of eczema is overactive response by body’s immune system towards harmless substance.

Reduced oiling (lipid) barrier of skin, allowing moisture out and germs in.

Genetic makeup

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Types of Eczema:

Contact EczemaAtopic Eczema

Contact Eczema:It is caused by exposure of irritant to the skin, repeatedly.

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Atopic Eczema:It is a hereditary allergy

characterized by symptoms produced on open exposure to the environmental antigen.

60% of children with atopic eczema have one parent with the same condition.

If both parents have the condition then children run on 80% risk of developing eczema.

Approximately 90% of atopic eczema cases start before the age of 5.

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Casual Factors:Soaps and detergentsHousehold chemicalsNickelCosmeticsCertain plants such as poison ivyCold and dry airGenetic factorEnvironmental causes like house dust mites, heat, pollen, pet fur etc

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SymptomsItching. Scaling. Redness. Fluid-filled blisters. Cracking.

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Dry and sensitive skinRecurring rashRough leathery patchesSwellingChange in infected skin color

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Commonly Affected Body Parts

FaceNeckScalpHands & wristsFeet & anklesInner elbowsBack of kneesFore armLegsInside & back of ear

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Creams and ointments containing corticosteroids are used to lessen inflammation

Antihistamines used to lessen sever itching

drug  cyclosporinePhototherapy

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Self Care:Moisturize frequentlyAvoid ScratchingAvoid sudden changes in temperature or

humidity.Reduce stress.Avoid scratchy materials, such as wool.Avoid harsh soaps, detergents, and

solvents.Be aware of any foods that may cause an

outbreak and avoid those foods. 

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References:Research paper by researchers of Oregon

State University on cause of Atopic Eczema, published on Dec 21, 2012.

Article on Probiotics for the Prevention of Childhood Eczema , Natural Medicine, 2011 May 



Article on Eczema, skin disease, written by Christian Nordqvist Oct 04, 2004; last updated Feb 21, 2013http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/14417.php

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