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Health Benefits of Taking Rosehip Tea

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Health Benefits of Taking Rosehip Tea

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Health Benefits of Taking Rosehip Tea

Although today rose hip is generally revered for their beauty and symbolism, roses were used for medicine from centuries. Rose hips are usually edible and are sometimes it is generally used in jams, jellies and syrups for their sweet and tangy flavour. They can also be used to make an herbal tea. Rosehip tea has certain properties that are beneficial in protecting you from disease.

Rose-hip Tea is usually derived from a plant that has generally belongs to from the rose family, rose hips are fruits are usually red or orange and commonly looks swollen with a bit of sour and sweet taste that is usually mixed with a variety of other herbal teas and have been commonly used in Scandinavia for a number of years.

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What is Good About Rosehip Tea?

The good thing about rose hip tea is that it does not include caffeine which is has certain side –effects such as headaches, anxiety and jitteriness. It is a type of beverage that one can take in morning, noon and night.

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Why to Use Rosehip Tea?

Here are the some of the useful reasons that make rose hips more effective:It is Rich in vitamin C, D, B complex and K.Consists of Citric acid, malic acid and ascorbic acid.It consists of pectin, selenium, manganese.Includes Lycopene and antioxidant flavonoids.Rich in minerals such as magnesium, potassium, sulphur and silicon.

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Health Benefits of Taking Rosehip Tea

Here are the some of the top health and beauty benefits of rosehip tea as mentioned below:

1. Rose Hip Tea is beneficial for Respiratory Tract:A cup of rose hip tea is good in protecting against the symptoms of asthma, cough, shortness of breath and even runny nose because of the presence of vitamin C.

2. Rose-hip Tea is best for Diabetic Persons:It is good in regulating the sugar levels in order to reduce the risk of getting diabetes and also good in improving the symptoms of existing cases. Supplementing rose hip powders forces glucose in the body cells which is beneficial in protecting against the certain complications of diabetes.

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Health Benefits of Taking Rosehip Tea

3. Rose-hip Tea for Reducing Cholesterol Level: Because of the presence of some organic compounds and antioxidants

components in rose hips also beneficial in reducing the cholesterol content in your body, thus by decreasing strain on your cardiovascular system and also seriously lowers your chances of suffering a stroke or a heart attack.

4. Rose-hip is Good for Curing Stomach Disorders:It is good for stomach spasm, stomach acid deficiency, prevents stomach irritation and

ulcers. Moreover it is also used to cure stomach disorders like diarrhoea, constipation, gallstones, gall bladder ailments, gout and urinary tract infections.

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Health Benefits of Taking Rosehip Tea

5. Rose-hip Tea is Good for Bone Health:

It contains Collagen, along with the other important minerals which is usually found in the rose hips, which is beneficial in preventing the osteoporosis which is effective in maintaining the bone mineral density well in old age, keeping you strong, flexible, and able to live an active life.

6. Rose-hip Tea for Improving Circulation:Rose hips have a significant quantity of iron, which is an essential and important component in developing of red blood cells. Therefore, having an adequate and good quantity of rose hips in your diet is beneficial in preventing from anaemia and also keeps your essential organs well-oxygenated, enhances the metabolic activity and optimizing functionality of your certain systems.

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Health Benefits of Taking Rose Hip Tea

7. Rose hip for Slowing Down the Aging Process and Benefits the Skin:

The powerful antioxidants present in this herbal tea are good in fighting against the cell damage which is usually caused by the free radicals, tone the organs and cause cell regeneration. By taking the rose hip tea on regular basis enhances the vitality and longevity. Moreover, by consumption of rose hip oil can increase the skin’s appearance and texture by hydrating it, and improve circulation while also regulating hormones which can lead to a more healthy complexion. The infusion is also a good healing agent and can be used topically to cure the skin wounds, rashes or burns.

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How to Prepare Rose Hip Tea?One can make a rose hip tea with either fresh or dried rose hips. If one is using fresh fruits you will require doubling the amount used. Rose hip tea tastes is really amazing hot and iced and can be combined with any kind of tea or herb. To make it more delicious one can add fresh lemon juice or sweeten with honey.

Directions:To make a hot rose hip tea, take 1 teaspoon of dried rose hips for per each cup of water. Then boil the water and pour into a teapot. Add rose hips, cover and remain it for 10 minutes.To make an iced rose hip tea, follow the same steps used in hot rose hip tea but in this tea double the quantity of rose hips used. When your tea is steeped refrigerate until well chilled.

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