Silencing The Urge to Drink - A Foreseeable Reality All over the United States, millions of people have been grappling with alcohol addiction. Whether it’s escaping from a crisis, participating in a social function, or dealing with a break up, alcohol seems to have the key to all problems in life. It all starts with drinking smaller amounts, which over time triggers the urge to indulge in binge drinking, eventually resulting in addiction. More and more Americans are finding themselves trapped in the quagmire of alcohol. Just as in the case of any other drug, alcohol endangers the body, brain and nervous system of the drinker. The accompanying problems and side effects begin to surface when a person is under the influence of alcohol or is in the process of withdrawal. At this juncture, the only solution is to nip the problem in the bud to silence the urge to drink by reversing the dependence on alcohol. Understanding neurological perspective of alcoholism Numerous studies in the past have unraveled the causes behind the irresistible urge to drink and the ways to debilitate such an urge. According to a recent study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, neurons play a significant role in inducing alcohol cravings. About 5 percent of the total neurons found in the medial temporal lobe in the grey matter are associated with feelings and emotions. On regular consumption of alcohol, this subset of neurons displays a tendency to be activated, creating a feel-good sensation. Over a period of time, an individual feels the urge to experience such pleasurable sensations and gives in to addiction. The only long-term solution to silence the urge to drink is to deactivate these neurons linked to alcohol. Simple remedies to ward off urge to drink

Silencing the urge to drink a foreseeable reality

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Silencing The Urge to Drink - A Foreseeable Reality

All over the United States, millions of people have been grappling with alcohol addiction.

Whether it’s escaping from a crisis, participating in a social function, or dealing with a break up,

alcohol seems to have the key to all problems in life. It all starts with drinking smaller amounts,

which over time triggers the urge to indulge in binge drinking, eventually resulting in addiction.

More and more Americans are finding themselves trapped in the quagmire of alcohol.

Just as in the case of any other drug, alcohol endangers the body, brain and nervous system of

the drinker. The accompanying problems and side effects begin to surface when a person is under

the influence of alcohol or is in the process of withdrawal. At this juncture, the only solution is to

nip the problem in the bud to silence the urge to drink by reversing the dependence on alcohol.

Understanding neurological perspective of alcoholism

Numerous studies in

the past have

unraveled the causes

behind the irresistible

urge to drink and the

ways to debilitate

such an urge.

According to a recent

study published in the

Journal of


neurons play a

significant role in

inducing alcohol

cravings. About 5

percent of the total

neurons found in the

medial temporal lobe in the grey matter are associated with feelings and emotions.

On regular consumption of alcohol, this subset of neurons displays a tendency to be activated,

creating a feel-good sensation. Over a period of time, an individual feels the urge to experience

such pleasurable sensations and gives in to addiction. The only long-term solution to silence the

urge to drink is to deactivate these neurons linked to alcohol.

Simple remedies to ward off urge to drink

Preoccupation with alcohol is a chronic disease that severely disrupts the lives of users and their families.

However, the following self-help strategies can keep alcohol addiction at bay:

Including physical exercise in routine: Light exercise helps reduce alcohol intake by

regulating biological processes. So, slip into your trainers and move a limb or two to reverse that

damage to your brain by alcohol. It is a proven fact that exercise causes a dopamine rush,

releasing feel-good chemicals.

Getting started with vitamins: One of the immediate outcomes of long-term alcohol

addiction is malnutrition. Dietary deficiencies, particularly lack of B-complex vitamins and zinc,

are capable of triggering an uncontrollable urge to drink. Therefore, it is important to boost the

immune system by indulging in foods that can remove dietary insufficiencies and help restore

mental abilities.

Eating avocados can do the trick: Healthy fat is the key to safeguard the liver from the

effects of alcohol. The flesh of an avocado contains natural detoxicants and antioxidants which

heal a sick liver damaged by alcohol, drugs and other intoxicants.

Staying away from temptations: There are many who pledge not to drink, yet succumb to

the urge. It is recommended to avoid situations and activities which can increase the chances of

falling prey to alcohol. This can be achieved by identifying both external and internal triggers

which prompt such cravings.

Sobriety matters: If the former social life of a person was centered around alcohol, it’s time

to forge new friendships and build a network that revolves around sobriety. It is an essential step

on the journey to recovery.

Seeking professional help

If anyone you know is suffering from alcohol addiction, do not delay in seeking professional help.

You can get rid of this devastating problem by getting in touch with the Florida Alcohol Addiction

Helpline. A call at our 24/7 helpline number 866-220-5381 can lead you to one of the recognized

alcohol treatment centers in Florida.

Whether it’s you, your spouse or a teenage kid, alcohol rehab centers in Florida offer reliable

information on warning signs of alcoholism that drinkers and those close to them should be

aware of. Our representatives can help you give up addiction and lead a normal healthy life.

For more information, please visit
