THE VENUS FACTOR REVIEW The Venus Factor is a diet and fitness system for the female body that has taken a new approach to weight loss for women. The program has quickly drawn the attention of women across the world for its potential of reshaping the female body. Simply speaking, it is emerging as one of the most talked about fat-burning programs for women! Let’s find out what makes The Venus Factor so unique! If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment. You can also connect with me on Google+. MOST POPULAR What You Get With The Venus Factor VF Questions and Comments 6 Easy Steps to Weight Loss THE VENUS FACTOR REVIEW 56 241 103 241 Created by PDFmyURL. Remove this footer and set your own layout? Get a license!

The venus factor review weight loss program for women

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Full Tips Here http://tinyurl.com/lw44kgy What is the Venus Factor Diet -- The Venus Factor Diet Plan, Find out What is the Venus Factor! The Venus Factor is a total body program designed by John Barban, together with Brad Pilon. It is created with the woman's body in mind, with the nutrition and workout programs included targeting the shaping of a woman's specific physiology. It's not a weight loss program -- it's a program designed to help women achieve the best shape for their body. Full Tips Here http://tinyurl.com/lw44kgy The venus factor by john barban focuses on the main issue of women's fat loss problems and provides a fat loss solution for women only around the world to lose belly fat and maintain a long term healthy weight. The Venus Factor Diet Plan - Leptin Hormone Full Tips Here http://tinyurl.com/lw44kgy Since men and women are created differently, what works for men make not work for women because the metabolisms are not the. The one hormone that controls 100% of your body's ability to burn fat is Leptin. Basically, low levels of Leptin slow down your body's metabolism and signal your body to store fat while high levels of Leptin speed up your metabolism and signal your body to burn fat. Although women have twice as much Leptin that men, they face two unfortunate issues that keep them from losing weight successfully. The first problem is Leptin resistance. Women can be three times less responsive than men to Leptin's signal to burn fat. The second problem is an instant drop in levels of Leptin causing a weight loss plateau. When levels of Leptin decrease, your metabolism stops suddenly as well and slows down. The new solution and future to female fat loss is the Venus Factor System. The Venus Factor, created by fitness professional John Barban, is a 12 week weight loss plan designed specifically for women to increase the metabolism helping you lose weight and bring out that sexy body in you with long term fat loss. We all know that there is no such thing as a magic "pill" or formula to make you lose weight instantly but instead it takes hard work and dedication to be successful at weight loss. The Venus Factor only sticks to the facts backed with credible research and expert advice from professionals. Full Tips Here http://tinyurl.com/lw44kgy Venus Diet Program - Female Fat Loss Included in the Venus Factor System are excellent advice, a great app, a helpful online society and a motivational boost to get you going all for an incredible price of $47. I have read all positive Venus Factor reviews and have not come across any Venus Factor scam so far. Women all over the world are achieving amazing results which means the Venus Factor works. The easy to follow plan that the system has makes fat loss fun and you will get motivation with the quick results you see. The best part is that you get a full 60 day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied so you really have nothing to lose.

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The Venus Factor is a diet and fitness system for the female body thathas taken a new approach to weight loss for women. The program has quicklydrawn the attention of women across the world for its potential of reshapingthe female body. Simply speaking, it is emerging as one of the most talkedabout fat-burning programs for women! Let’s find out what makes The VenusFactor so unique!

If you have any questions, feel

free to leave a comment. You

can also connect with me on



What You Get With

The Venus Factor

VF Questions and


6 Easy Steps to

Weight Loss


56 241 103 241

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If you haven’t heard of this program, I suggest you watch this video first. It reveals

breakthrough, fat burning tips designed specifically for the female metabolism.


If you’re like me and like most women – especially women who have had children –you’re probably not happy with your body. My body got too soft and squishy afterhaving kids, and I’ve carried around more pounds than I want to be. Weight loss forwomen is often frustrating and largely unsuccessful, and when you manage to loseextra pounds, they just creep back on again. I’ve lost the same ten or twenty pounds acouple of times, but have struggled to keep it off.

Does it ever seem to you like all of the weight loss programs are made for aliens?Sometimes it seems that way to me, because they just don’t seem to work! No, I knowthey’re not really designed for aliens, but they are in fact designed for men.

Click here to visit the official Venus Factor website

But we are different because of the unique way the female body is designed to work,so that we can bear and nurture children. Our bodies are designed to store fat in thebelly, thighs, hips and butt so that we can have a healthy pregnancy in case of a time offamine. If you look around your kitchen, though, chances are that you’re in no dangerof famine! With all the icecream and other food in the freezer, we’d be well set for survival for a long time.

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Mice without the leptin gene aremorbidly obese (right) compared to

normal mice (left). (University of Oregon)


Most fad diets talk about terms I’m familiar with:carbohydrates, sugar, protein and fat. But leptinwas something new to me, and it’s one of thekey components of The VF System. Rightaway that tells me that something’s differentabout it, because I feel like I’ve tried every otherdiet before. Low-carb, low-fat, sugar-free, gluten-free…you name it, I’ve probably tried it.

Leptin is different because it’s a hormone thatregulates appetite, metabolism and weight. Women who are overweight almostcertainly have leptin resistance, meaning that our bodies don’t react to leptin the sameway as men’s do. Our brains don’t get the signal that we’ve had enough to eat, whichmakes it way too easy to take in too many calories.

It’s ironic that weight loss efforts for women can backfire and turn off that leptin signalthat we need to lose more weight! Not only that, but our bodies try to sabotage us atthe time when we most want to lose weight, after we have a baby! Leptin resistanceactually get much worse after pregnancy. That’s probably a big part of why I thought Iate far less than anyone else in my household but was still overweight and fought ahard battle to lose even a single pound.


So, are we doomed to be fat forever just because leptin works against me? Fortunately,no. I started using what I learned from the program about leptin to my advantage.Women actually produce twice the amount of leptin that men do! The trick is that it’sharder for us to access, so I had to learn a few secrets about it. How you eat affects

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how much leptin your body can use.


I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty skeptical about weight loss programs, simplybecause so many of them have let me down. That’s why I was pleasantly surprised tofind out that the Venus Factor was something different and it didn’t seem like anothergimmick. Actually, I believe it’s helping me override my metabolism.

Also, let’s face it: I needed someone to hold my hand through it. I can’t tell you howmany times I’ve gone to the grocery store with the best of intentions, only to find out

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that I really had no idea what I was supposed to eat instead. I’ve always wanted to eatthe right things, but what stops me is often not poor willpower so much as confusionabout what I should eat instead. That’s where the program helped me, thanks to theVirtual Nutritionist.

Click here to check out what real users shared about the Venus Factor.

While the nutrition component of the system could have beenenough in itself, the bonus work out and exercise videos thatcome with it will help you not just to loss weight, but also gettighter, sexier body shape at the same time. I can see it’s slowlybut surely changing the shape of my body.

Lots of weight loss programs that didn’t work for me did haveone crucial component I still needed – social support. But sinceI’m raising my kids, it’s not always easy for me to get to groupmeetings. The program helped me with that too, since itincludes access to a great online VF Community of other womenwho are going through the exact same process with me. We are able to give each otherencouragement and share our victories.

I will say, at first, when I got the program, I felt disappointed. At the time, I was lookingfor a flashy celebrity diet and I wanted something that would help me lose all theweight in a month or so. Now I know that’s not realistic, but I can’t help but hope forinstant results! I’ve been thrilled with the results so far, and the fact that weight hasbeen steadily coming off now. I can now fit in dresses that I gave up on years ago. Idon’t have to starve myself or take harmful medications. Now that I better understandthe role of leptin and the physiology of the female body, I can outsmart my fat-hoarding genes and look like a sexy young mom again!


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This system is extremely well designed and easy to follow. It’s also simple and flexible.As the weeks progress, the exercises can be challenging, but the results you see willkeep you motivated to continue. I know that I found a few of them a little hard, butthey were still doable. The diet plan that is part of the system is not tough to follow andI know that I did not suffer from hunger pangs or cravings with it. What I really liked isthe way the program explains the different hang-ups women have when they areattempting to lose weight. I could identify with them, as I too had those hang-ups. Itwas fascinating to learned that many so-called truths about dieting are actually myths.

I came across this helpful video, it gives an inside look into the VF members area.

I don’t know how long this will last, but currently John Barban is running a veryCreated by PDFmyURL. Remove this footer and set your own layout? Get a license!

generous trial offer for $9.95. So, if you have been thinking about buying it, now’s thetime.

In conclusion, I would like to say that The Venus Factor System will give you theessential diet and fitness tools you’ll need to get the body you want, while still beingable to enjoy your life to its fullest. I wish you all success in your weight lossjourney!

Click Here to Get The Venus Factor Now


Read below or add a comment...

kayla says:

Hi i watched the video online and I would like to try it but I don’t have a bank

account or any kind of cards to pay with. I have tried other weight loss programs but

they didn’t work for me and i even tried skipping meals and not eating at all to drop the weight

but that also is not working. I was told that when I don’t eat my body will eat the muscle before

the fat so i’m just hurting myself with doing that. I have 3 young children and I want to be healthy

for they and be able to play with them. It would help me out a lot if I could pay with a money



Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Kayla,

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You don’t have to worry about losing muscle before fat. This is a common

misconception, and John Barban does a good job debunking this myth in the Venus Factor. You

may want to take a look at the article I wrote The Starvation Mode Myth Debunked based on

what I learned from him. Regarding the payment options, you’ll have to contact their customer

support. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I wish you and your children all the best!


Brenda says:

Hi Evelyn,

I am wondering what will happen to my bust if I use this system? I have been on

weight loss diets before and lost weight but then regained it. When I went on the diet the first

thing I lost was my bust size and I don’t have a big bust size as it is.

I am also gluten free and a vegetarian so how will this work.

thank you for replying


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Brenda,

1. It’s true, when you start dieting, you’ll lose fat from all the parts of the body

where fat is stores – mainly butt, waist, belly, and also your bust. Someone made a joke in the

Venus Community that the upside is “when there is less mass, gravity pulls less.”

But seriously, the Venus Factor is not simply a diet, this system will help you reshape and tone

up your body. When you enter your body dimensions in the VF Nutritionist software, it’ll give

you your ideal proportions and also recommended calorie and protein intake. If you start doing

the recommended workouts, the chest muscle will help put things up nicely and will give the

girls good shape and make them firmer. So don’t wary about them, they’ll be happy with their

new look, and you’ll be happy with the new shape of your body.

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2.Yes, you can use the program with your eating style, it won’t interfere with it. What’s

important is to follow your Suggested Daily Calorie Intake and to avoid estrogen-promoting

foods like tofu (sorry)…for more on this, check out this video. Thanks for sharing!


bakhtawar says:

hi my name is bakhtawar i wanted to know that what venus factor acctualy is ? I am

a little confused that what we have inside the box is it a diet chart or is it any sort of

medicine plus i realy want to know that what is the procedure to buy it from pakistan please do



Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Bakthawar,

The VF is a diet and fitness program based on new scientific discoveries of how

the female body works to either store or burn fat. You can chose to do only the diet part and

lose fat, or you can also do the workouts to reshape your body… it’s not a magic pill. You can

get access to the program by purchasing it online form their website



Christine Quinland says:

Hello, I just watched a VF video quite by accident and I am impressed with the

presentation. I have tried repeatedly to lose my belly fat with no success. At the

moment I’m pregnant and my mom keeps drumming it in my head that when the baby comes I will

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have to join a gym. If the VF actually works then I think it will be less expensive to do the VF than

the gym. How soon after the baby comes can I start the VF and if I have a C-section, does it affect

the starting time?


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Christine, some Venuses shared on the forum that they are doing the program

while pregnant… some even worked out through the pregnancy. Of course, you

should consult with your doctor first. If you have a C-section, you can resume as soon as you’ve

been cleared by your doctor. I wish you a healthy and happy pregnancy!


Judy says:


I am a vegan. I don’t eat a lot of tofu, but I do eat it just the same. Is this program

good for vegans?




Evelyn Blackwell says:

It will not interfere with your eating & dining preferences.


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Sandra says:

This VF is exercise all the time? Can we do this without the exercise?


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Sandra… yes, you’ll learn how and what to eat if you want to lose fat. The

exercises are recommended if you like to accelerate the process and tone up your



Carolyn says:

Will this program work with post menopausal women?


Evelyn Blackwell says:

I don’t see a reason why not.


Juanita says:

I would like to know if this diet, is good for someone who has tyroid and is taking

meds for it???


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Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hey Juanita, you should talk to your doctor before starting the diet. If it’s not

right for you, you can always get you money back. The program comes with an

outstanding 60 day money back guarantee.


Amany says:

I have a disc surgery on my back , i have removed a complete disc

does VF and the workout will work for me since i have constraints to do some

excersie except for walking , i am now a year and half after back surgery


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Amany, I am sorry to hear about your back… I suggest you give the Venus

Factor a try. Get on the forum and connect with other girls that have had back

problems. For example _Reba_ had cervical disc replacement surgery two month before she

started the program. The truth is, becoming stronger and losing weight has helped most of us

with health and medical issues.


Hayley Reed says:

HI there

I was just wondering if i use the Venus Factor program and reach my goal weight this

there some sort of plan/ tools to maintain my goal weight instead of going off the diet and

potentially putting all the weight back on?Created by PDFmyURL. Remove this footer and set your own layout? Get a license!


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Yes, this system will teach you how to lower your daily calorie intake and at the

same time curb your food cravings. It has very little to do with eating or not

eating certain foods. This is knowledge for live that will help you lose weight while still able

to eat your favorite foods…hope this helps!


Samrudhi says:

Hi, I am an Indian and my diet is exclusively of Indian Cuisines. I am also hypothyroid

and have Poly cystic ovary. Will my regular diet or my condition work against me if i

go for this VF.


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Samrudhi, please check my previous comment… I think it answer your

question… All the best!


Brenda says:

Hi I live in South Africa and I have found that when following diets from America

there are often products that I have never heard of and are not available here. How

will this affect sticking to the plan?

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Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Brenda, with the VF you don’t have to eat any special foods or take “exotic”



Sarah says:

hi, my name is sarah im from indonesia. and i’ve been wondering will this diet

program works for me because there are lots of soy products in my house… is it okay

to eat eggs and rice? and how old is the minimum age to do this diet program?


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Sarah, here is what John Barban says about soy products in the VF “soy based

foods can have an estrogenic effect that may make it a bit harder to control

appetite and the fat loss process.” I like tofu, but now, when I make stir-fry vegetables, I

sometimes use chicken or eggs instead. I don’t think this is a deal breaker and it’s up to you

how far you want to go… eating eggs and rice is fine. Sorry, I don’t know the minimum age

requirement for the program.


Annedook says:

Hi Evelyn,

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My question is about down loading the exercises. Since I know everything is digital

and no products will be shipped to the buyer. Can we download the exercises to DVDs so we can

watch them in the big screen TV while doing the exercises? Or we can only access the exercises


Thank you!


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi, sure you can download the exercise if it’s for personal use.


Casey Espinoza says:

I have no thyroid and many food allergies and have struggled with my weight since

my second child. Having no thyroid makes it hard to lose weight and when I do lose I

gain it back and then some. Is the diet easy to tailor to my food allergies?


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Casey, sorry to hear about your condition. The Venus Factor will teach you

how to eat less, and will not interfere with any dietary requirements you are

currently following for you allergies. Hope this helps!


Ashley Chang says:

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Can you do this program if you are at the age of 13?


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Sorry Ashley, I don’t know the answer to your question. I believe children

shouldn’t do any diet or fitness programs without the approval of a pediatrician.


Debbie Harris says:


I see that someone asked aboutbpost menopausal women. I am 54 and would like to

try this but wondered if you have any reviews from women in their 50s or 6Os.


Happy New Year


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Debby, most likely there will be other ladies interested to hear more on the

subject so I created a short post. I hope you find it helpful



Mook says:


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I just bought it and wondering why the exercise plan has only 3 days per week.

Please let me know! Thank you


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Mook, you are right. The workout is structured for 3 days per week with some

rest days. You can choose to do more if you would like. I do sometimes an

additional cardio day.


nordz says:

Hi Evelyn

How can I be assured that this is not a scam to get moneys from unsuspecting

persons? I would really love to try the program but i’m scared cause I am not able to prove the

authenticity of any of the reviews or comments.


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi, I understand your concern. If you find that the program is not right for you, it

comes with 60 Day No-Questions Asked Satisfaction Guarantee. The Venus Factor

has generated a lot of buzz lately and it’s correctly one of the most popular weight loss

programs which is specifically designed for women. I don’t think a scam product can trigger

such a strong interest. If you order, you’ll receive access to the program immediately. They’ll

email you your username and password. I consider this much safer than buying a physical

product from Amazon.com, for example, because there is no danger of shipping mess up of


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KARA says:

Hi, I am a little confused as I looked at your website last week & the price for the

package was $47, now I have logged on & a trial offer for $9.95 is flashing up at me!

What do I get for the trial price? Also, is there any other expenses or ongoing debits from my

credit card with either of these prices???

Kind Regards, Kara.


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Kara, The folks at the VF are running a trial offer. They let you try the VF for

a week for $9. At the end of the 7-day period, they’ll charge you the remaining

$38. Either way, you always get 60 day money back guarantee. There are no additional fees or

monthly charges.


Tika says:

Hi Evelyn,

I’m going to Germany this summer and want to be able to wear a bikini and look

good in it. I’ve started doing a 7:50 minute workout three times a day and eating healthier foods.

The thing is though, I’m only 12 and I read the comments about age. If you could find out the

minimal age for me that would be great, since I’ve looked all over. I’m in a hard time in my life

right now, and being skinny would make me feel a lot better and boost my self esteem. I want to

try the Venus Factor but I don’t know if I’m too young. An I also have friends struggling with

weight, too and would like to help them out.

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Best of wishes,



Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Tika, being skinny at your age is not healthy, your body is still growing. Here

is what I found on the forum that can be helpful to you



shannon says:

I don’t quite understand what the diet entails? Are we cutting out certain meals or

carbs or is it more so like a low calorie/high protein diet? Is there only certain foods

we can eat?


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Shannon, carbs and proteins have some effect on your hormones and blood

slugger. What ultimately determines weight loss is calorie deficit.


brenda says:

Hi I was wondering if this program will work for me I am 5’8 and I have 125 lb so I

don’t really need to lose10lb but I will love my body to look leaner is VF a good

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choice for me?


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Brenda, Most ladies buy the VF because they want to lose the extra fat. That

said, the Virtual Nutritionist software can give you your ideal weight and

proportions (picture here http://www.glutenfreepost.com/what-you-get-with-the-venus-

factor-system/ ) … then you can use the included workouts to get there. Hope this helps!


Cathy says:

Hello Kara,

With the 47$ offer, are the books & CD’s going to be shipped to me in addition to

the online access or is it only online access?

Also, I read a post where someone said they gave up breakfast and never looked back. I believe

breakfast is important and I am very hungry when I wake up, does this program oblige one to

“give up breakfast” ?

Thank you!



Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Cathy, you’ll get full access to ALL the materials online. So no matter where

you are in the world, you can get it all as there is no shipping involved.


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Josie Arkle says:

At 50 with several school aged children I think I would like to try this system can you

please ensure a secure way to order and pay for it

Awaiting your reply




Evelyn Blackwell says:

I just review the program here. You can order the Venus Factor only on their

website. The transactions are run trough a very secure CC processing company.


Bert Annes says:

Hi ! what if I am not satisfied with the trial pack offer, can I stop the remaining

billing of $38 on the 6th day of the offer.

Thanks & regards, Bert


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Yes you can. And you’ll also get the $9 back.


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Megan Qualley says:

I am in active drug recovery and have gained a whopping 78 pounds in two years,

using sweets as my new addiction. I have tried weight watchers, dash diet, physcians

wroght loss, nothing works. I am so interested but I would like to try it first the website I keep

going to charges the full 49$ not the 10$ for the first week? Where do I go to pay 10$ for the first



Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Megan, here is the link to the $9 trial offer



jaclyn says:

Would you recommend this to someone who is extremely overweight? What is the

most weight that has been documented someone has lost?


Evelyn Blackwell says:

I would absolutely recommend it to someone who is extremely overweight. What

you’ll get is the know-how and the moral support. What is required from you is to

believe in yourself and to put some effort into it. I can’t answer the second half of your

question since I’m not a member of the VF team.


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Anne says:


I am 25yrs old and 94kgs. Though i am 5.8″ tall, i have to loose atleast 25kgs to get

my dream figure. I have tried a lot of things but was never able to stick to those. As i am bit

impatient, i want quick weight loss. Can Venus Factor help me?


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi, The Virtual Nutritionist will calculate what your weight-loss goal should be

when you input your age and proportions. But if you are looking for a magic pill

that will get you quick result with no effort, VF is not for you.


Amanda Cameron says:

Hi There, does the nutrition plan require you to eat a specific selection of foods or

do you have flexibility so long as you stay within a calorie range? I’m wanting

something that is realistic and sustainable over time as opposed to something where you go hard

for 12 weeks and it’s a strict eating regime. Thanks!


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hey Amanda, you have complete flexibility to eat whatever you want as long as

you stay within your suggested daily calorie intake. Yes, now we can enjoy a

piece of chocolate without feeling guilty

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Rock-chicky says:

Hi Evelyn

Is this program suitable for diabetics please??


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hey Rock-chicky I didn’t know the answer to your question, so I checked the

VF forum and I found quite a few posts form Venuses who mentioned they were

diabetics. Here is a quote from MollyC, “I wear an insulin pump (type 1 diabetic) and I actually

haven’t even had to cover my meals with insulin, as my sugars have been great since I’ve cut

back on carbs and fats this past week.” But you have to understand…I’m not a doctor, so I can’t

give you a definite yes/no.


Stacey says:

Hi, I have a question about the eating part. If I were to follow the VF program I have

to stick to the diet program as well right? And I am currently living in Korea. So I was

wondering if I will be able to get all the foods that are introduced in the VF in Korea. Are the

ingredients are available in Asia as well? Because certain vegetables or foods are not easy to

purchase or extremely expensive as they’re imported.


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Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi, with this program you don’t have to eat special foods.


Robyn says:

hello is this only online or can i get the stuff to come to the house?


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Correct, it’s available online only.


Patty says:

Hello! Got super excited when I saw the video on this product. I was diagnosed with

hypothyroidism last year. Totally sucks, but I’m learning to cope with it. I’ve gained

about 15 pounds since. I am currently on levotheroxine and am wondering if it would be safe to

use this product? Would greatly appreciate a response. Have a great day!


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Patty, if it is safe for you to exercise moderately and eat a bit less, then VF

should be safe for you.


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Dorothy says:

Is this a meal plan you follow? My eating habits aren’t the best and I’m not a vege

eater and do not eat seafood at all. Will this still work or do you have to eat certain



Evelyn Blackwell says:

No Dorothy, you don’t have to follow a meal plane or eat certain foods. You

simply adhere to a recommended daily calorie intake calculated specifically for

your body.


Shantelle says:

Hi there, I came across the ad for this system through a fb link and thought I’d give

it a go. I assumed that the system was a dvd pack sent via mail however now I am

concerned that it maybe a digital system as my email links instructed me to download things. Can

you please confirm to me what you actually get in the VF pack? Any information would be much



Evelyn Blackwell says:

Shantelle, what you get is full online access to the system. You will not receive a

physical package.

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Michelle says:

Is this a low or no carb diet? My body does not do well with these diets if it is. Also,

you said fasting is not required? I suffer from blood sugar drops if I don’t eat often.

Wondering if this type of diet would affect this.


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi, this is not one of those low carb diets and you can eat as often as you have to.


dimple sethi says:

I saw the presentation and really like the video, just few question came to my mind

before buying it for myself. I understand it is a program designed for you as per your

weight and height and gives you a diet plan. What if you eat one day out at any party or

somewhere else? Does it make difference with your diet plan? Also what happens to your skin if

you loose weight, what will happen with your loosing skin?


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi, if you eat more one day, you can eat a bit less or exercise more the next

couple of days to balance things out. You don’t have to count every calorie and

stress over it. One of the most important things Venus Factor taught me is not to feel

discouraged or depressed if sometimes I eat more because of strong cravings. I’ve heard thatCreated by PDFmyURL. Remove this footer and set your own layout? Get a license!

people who lose a lot of weight have surgery to remove the excess skin. But if you ever get to

that point, I think, you’ll realize that you a healthier and look much better that before even

with the spare skin.


sugarcoated says:

Hey Evelyn…I don’t really have a question just wanted to say I’ve watched the videos

and have read a few reviews and although it looks promising I’m so skeptical of any

diet plan types that claim to help women lose weight, especially if marketed in the same manner

as everything else I have taken that hasn’t helped…


Evelyn Blackwell says:

I hear you … I’m skeptical myself when it comes to weight loss products. So I did

my research before I ordered the Venus Factor, and I can say with confidence that

the company really honors there 60-Day, No-Questions-Asked 100%-Money-Back Guarantee.

Then why not give it a try when the risk is virtually zero percent. It will be a pity if women

around the world miss the opportunity to change their lives for the better because of



Amaka says:

Hi, just have a quick question. I am not looking to lose weight on my whole body but

just stomach fat. Do you think purchasing the VF would help?

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Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Amaka, It’s impossible to lose fat in only one area of the body (liposuction

excluded) The VF will help you get rid of the excess fat in your body. Factors

such as age and genetics could have some effect on how faster it will melt in the stomach

area, but ultimately they can’t stop it from happening.


Jorgapeach says:

I travel for my job & am on the road 3+ days a week! my biggest problem is eating

healthy on the road. Does this program help with a travel eating plan?


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hey Jorgapeach, the fact that you travel a lot will not interfere with the eating

part of the program. I hope you can find at list one day a week to do the

workouts. This will speed up the fat lose process.


IndianChyc says:

Hi, I am an Indian girl and live in America. I desperately need to loose more than 50

pounds. I wanted to know if Venus Factor would work for me since my Diet is

different from the U.S. Diet.

Please help.

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Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hey IndianChyc, you can continue eating your favorite foods. This system will

help you manage you calories in a way that is specific to your female body. It

takes into account the effect of hormones like leptin on our bodies when we try to eat less.

Men don’t have this problem. That is why a lot of the dieting programs out there don’t work

well for us. Hope this helps!


DJ Snookx says:

Hi I’m from Australia is the and we don’t use pounds we use kgs would the program

be converted in kgs? Also with the the food we have different food over, would I find

it a hassle trying to find the same food you guys have over there?


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi, the program lets you to choose between lbs. and kgs. and with VF you can eat

your local cuisine…not a problem.


poonam kumar says:


I’ve recently had a baby and am still breastfeeding my 4 month old. Wondering if

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this would decrease my milk supply as I’ve heard with intense exercise some women do?

poonam kumar


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hey Poonam, you don’t have to do the exercise part of the system at all if you

want to. Or you can exercise in moderation. If you are really worried, just wait

until you stop breastfeeding.


Samantha says:

Hi i want to ask if its ok to continue crossfit while doing VF diet and workouts?


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Sure, it will accelerate you results especially the fat burning process.


Maansi says:


Are a couple of alcoholic drinks allowed about twice/thrice a week with this



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Evelyn Blackwell says:

Yes, just keep in mind that alcohol is calorie-dense. Take a look at this alcoholcalorie calculator to figure out how much extra calories you would

consume per week if you drink.


BahamaMama says:

I live with my aunt and we both would like to do the program. My question is if we

live in the same house would we have to purchase the program separately, or can we

share one login? We are different ages, similar and height and weight…


Evelyn Blackwell says:

I’d purchase only one copy. You can always get another login later, but I don’t

think you’ll need it.


Sharon E. says:

Hello… I just finished watching the video presentation.. I did not notice any

reference to older women.. I am 60ish, and before I purchase, I would like to know

if this is designed to also address women of my age and their metabolism problems as well as it

has the younger women shown in the video? I would appreciate your response.. Thank you…Sharon


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Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Sharon, VF definitely works for both younger and older women alike.


Judy says:

Hi, I watched the video and am interested in getting this program. A friend mine

also purchased this program and told me that they ask you to purchase supplements.

The video states that there is no pressure to purchase supplements. My question is do you or do you

not need the supplements for this program? Thank you!


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Judy, you absolutely are NOT required to buy any supplements with this

system. They may send you email offers which you can chose to ignore. I like to

read their emails because they often share helpful tips.


Katerina says:

Hello! I ‘m from Greece and I would like to ask which is the actual price in euro,

how can I pay if I don’t have a card and if there is an extra charge because I don’t

live in US. Thank you for your time.



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Evelyn Blackwell says:

They also accept PayPal. It should be easy to open an account just go to

PayPal.com there is no extra charges for international customers.


jo says:

Thanks for the info. Looks like a great program


Danielle says:

is the payment a 1x payment to join or is a recurring payment? it is not clear


Evelyn Blackwell says:

It is one-time payment of $47.00, and you get full access for good.


janine cisneros says:

Besides the diet and exercise part of the program…..is there a leptin supplement? Or

is there even such a thing?


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Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Janine, the problem with weight loss for women is not a deficiency of leptin,

but in fact a lack of sensitivity to it. According to John Barban, taking leptin pills

will not help us lose weight. He recommends in VF some herbs and supplements (fish oil for

example) that can increase leptin sensitivity by up to 52%.


Janet Klein says:

I have a question ~ so this is a 12 week program that you download from the

internet. My question is what if I can’t complete the program in 12 weeks for some

reason – like I have to stop for a week or two and then start back up. After 12 weeks do lose your

connection to the program or once you pay for it you have access to it indefinitely?


Evelyn Blackwell says:

When you buy it you basically own it. You get lifetime online access, you can

download it if you want, and you can do it more than once.


ananya sharma says:

Hi, I am Ananya am 24 yrs. and unmarried. Want to know is VF for unmarried

women as well? Or it is just for women those how are married. And is it safe for me

to have before marriage. Will it gave me any sort of trouble at the time of pregnancy?


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Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Ananya, Your marital status should not influence your decision to obtain

healthier more attractive body. It will not have any negative effect on your



Anais says:

Hi, I am currently pregnant and will be having the baby soon. Afterwards I plan to

breast feed and am currently looking for a program that will be helpful to lose

weight safely and tone my body as well. I have always been overweight and am now determined to

once and for all get rid of the fat, tone my body and become a healthy example for my daughter. I

was wondering if this program is safe for breastfeeding new moms to follow, and if this has any

effect on the child I am nursing or my breast milk? Thank you for your reviews and help with this,

I’m feeling optimistic about my future for the first time in years.


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Anais, Congratulations on your pregnancy. You have nothing to worryry about

as long as you follow the steps in the program, and you don’t take dieting or

exercising to the extreme. You may also want to take a look at my other post Fast Weight Loss

After Pregnancy. I wish you all the best.


Kaileigh says:

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Hello, Would my success be even greater if i take a Leptin supplement or a weight

loss supplement with the diet and exercises that the Venus program offers?


Evelyn Blackwell says:

The VF will help increase your body’s sensitivity to Leptin. Acording to John

Barban “… having too much leptin isn’t the answer. Improving your sensitivity to

the leptin you already have, however, is very powerful for producing a fat burning effect.”

Regarding other weight loss supplement – don’t expect miracles. Most of them don’t work or

have very little effect.


Brenda says:

This program has changed my life forever and I’m 56. Only 4 weeks in and I already

see change and feel an upsurge in energy. Go Venus!!


sarah says:

Hello my name is Sarah, I have been following VF for 3 weeks now and its great, I

love it!! But I just wonder when Iam done with the 12 weeks and reach my goal how

much calories should I eat? The minimum or the maintainance or in between?


Evelyn Blackwell says:

Hi Sarah, I’m glad to hear you are making progress with VF. If you eat the

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minimum, you’ll continue to lose weight.

Have you been on the member’s forum? You will meet there some very nice ladies who can

answer any question you have about VF and more



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