Women In Recovery for Empowerment WIRE

Women in recovery for empowerment

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Page 1: Women in recovery for empowerment

Women In Recovery for Empowerment


Page 2: Women in recovery for empowerment

Group Proposal


Page 3: Women in recovery for empowerment

IntroductionThe counseling group approach is used to address the task of “helping group participants resolve the usual, yet often difficult, problems of living through interpersonal support and group problem solving” (p. 41). Groups of this type are usually conducted in nonmedical settings to serve clients who have not been diagnosed with a mental disorder but are recovering from substance abuse. Emphasis is on the here and now through mindfulness on personal and interpersonal problems, the co-leaders work together with the clients to determine the focus of the group and its sessions. Group counseling enables women to develop social skills, self-confidence, and to learn how others see them as well as providing an atmosphere in which one can practice new behaviors, learn to effectively deal with substance abuse and emotional problems keeping most women stuck in the relapse cycle.

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Purpose When women experience universality in a group and they feel understood and heard; this leads to self-awareness, enhanced self-concept, and improved self-esteem. This new sense of self begins with promising mindfulness techniques; which allow the women to integrate the gap of bodily sensations with their emotions and feelings; encouraging a healthier sense of coping skills. We believe this group can be helpful for women recovering from substance abuse and mental health disorders because the transitional time period women face leaving any treatment facility, and or program from their drug of choice, is an extremely vulnerable time without the necessary tools or skills to move forward in their life.

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RationaleSubstance use and abuse among women may go unnoticed for several reasons. First, women are reluctant to report use or misuse, particularly illicit drug use (Manwell et al., 1998), and are more likely to seek health care for a substance-induced health problem rather than seeking treatment for substance abuse per se. For this reason, at-risk women are detected only about 10% of the time. Possible candidates for an empirically supported first-line approach for out-patient addictions treatment include: MI Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), combined may have cost , feasibility and advantages relative to family/Couples therapy.

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RationaleThe group I am proposing will focus on developing coping skills as well as teaching the disease model of addiction. Psycho-education has been a cornerstone and foundation for many proposed groups for Women in Recovery from substance abuse (Arman & McNair, 2000; Corey, Corey & Corey, 2010) and has proven to be an effective method for this population. Because of the secrecy, isolation, and shame that often accompany women and families struggling with addiction, we believe that it is essential to promote universality among group members (Yalom & Leszcz, 2005)

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WIRE Group Proposal RationaleIn the proposed counseling group, clients will be invited to discuss interpersonal problems or life stress with which they can identify, at least to some extent, and to work toward “dissolving the group by resolving their problems” (p.44). Throughout the process, clients will be encouraged to take responsibilities for their own growth in the group experience. The two co-leaders will be primarily facilitators who use verbal techniques and leadership skills to keep the group oriented to member concerns and the here-and-now group interaction. However, from time to time, there will be educational moments when the co-leaders need to teach and model for the group social or conversational skills and stress management skills by exploring and resolving ambivalence.” (Miller and Rollnick, 2002)

Page 8: Women in recovery for empowerment

Group Proposal

This new sense of self begins with promising mindfulness techniques; which allow women to integrate the gap of bodily sensations with their emotions and feelings; while encouraging a healthier sense of coping skills. We believe this group can be helpful for women recovering from substance abuse and mental health disorders because the transitional time period women face. right after coming out of detox, is an extremely vulnerable time without the right support systems set up for the client therefore leading them right back their drug of choice. Especially women whom returning home after treatment, because they need to learn and integrate healthy ways of relating with self, others and family members. If not we believe this will have an adversely affect pertaining to their ability to stay clean and sober

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Next Up the Program

Women in Recovery for Empowerment

Page 10: Women in recovery for empowerment

Week One

IntroductionsGetting to know You