THE FUTURE OF COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY What Technology will look like in the year 2025 A.D. By: Bria M. Smith

Bria Smith Future of Communication Technology

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What Technology will look like in the year 2025 A.D.

By: Bria M. Smith

Expansion in Education- Education is what our world

is dependent on and the growth of creativity and knowledge amongst our youth will be our future.

- The way that we educate our youth today will dictate how the future in communication technology will go.

- Expansion in education will allow young people to strive to become our future innovators.

- Also the ideas that our youth make will be the future of our tomorrow.

Early Education- With in the next 10 years

education will be taught completely through technology.

- Studies have shown that 85% of children between the ages 10 – 16 have either a cell phone, tablet, or both.

- The use of tablets will be an easy transition for our youth because of the knowledge they already have of technology at a young age.

Roger’s Diffusion of Innovations Theory

With this theory it seeks to explain how / what rate new ideas and technological advances spread.5 main factors- Relative Advantage, Triability, Observability, Compatibility, & Complexity.5 established adopter catergories- Innovators, Early Adopters, Early Majority, Late Majority, Laggards.

Moore’s Innovation Adaption Rate

-This theory explains that early innovations go through gradual change.

-This Theory also is a further explanation of the Diffusion of Innovations. Having the 5 adopter catergories.Innovators, Early Adopters, Early Majority, Late Majority, Laggards.

Future of The TV

- As time has gone on we have seen the expanation of the televison from just being a tube that could watch regular cable to now being something that can also connect to internet.

- In the future The next steps that television will take is the inclusion of 3D picture and also hologram screens.

-There is already studies of both 3D pictures and hologram screens but in 10 years it will most likely be the norm.

Future of Video Gaming- The future of video gaming

will be new systems continuing to come out (playstation, Xbox, etc.)

- Video gaming will continue to become more realistic and include more sensors and become more interactive.

- The variety of games will also expand.

Uses and Gratification Theory

- This Theory emerged in 1974 by Katz and Blumer.

- Within this theory it explains how people use media for their own needs and gratification to satisfy their personal needs.

- This is an important theory because it applies so closely to our society today. It is important for our future innovators because people will always try to satisfy their wants for the media to give them gratisfication.

Future of Computers- The future of computers are

them becoming more advanced and be able to do multiple things beyond just search the internet and play games.

- The size of computers will only become more and more slim.

- Also there will probably be less brands that make different computers and PCs. The brands that now compete amongst each other will most likely one together and create better inventions.

Sources Big Data in Education in 2025: A Thought Experiment. (n.d.).

Retrieved April 23, 2015, from http://blogs.worldbank.org/edutech/thought-experiment-big-data

Uses and Gratification Theory. (2013, March 21). Retrieved April 23, 2015, from https://gregmedia.wordpress.com/2013/03/21/uses-and-gratification-theory/

Future Technology. (n.d.). Retrieved April 23, 2015, from http://www.futureforall.org/computers/computers.htm