Reseller Club Webinar for .desi Ravin Ohri, CEO, [email protected] www.registry.desi

Dotdesi webinar with ResellerClub by Ravin Ohri, CEO, dotDesi

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Reseller Club Webinar for .desiRavin Ohri, CEO, [email protected]


What if you could identify with the goals and aspirations of the entire South Asian community?

What if you could leverage the desi identity to create demand over the long term?

What is desi

desi is a unifying term used to describe the people and culture from the Indian Subcontinent and its global diaspora

The desi Impact

1.7 billion desis

in the World

desi Market Snapshot - Diaspora

4 Million desis in the U.S

1.5M desis in Canada

300K desi owned businesses in the U.S

3 Million desis in the UK, representing

5% of the population

40K businesses in London

desi Market Snapshot - India

Exploding e-commerce

3rd largest online community in the world

Fastest growing online population in Asia Pacific

$16 Billion projected online retail spend by 2018

47 Million SMB’s

7 Million domain names next few years

the desi renaissance

desis are all over the world and are making an impact

desis are vocal and active online in business and philanthropy- but without a common community gathering point

desi is part of the global vernacular

Power of desi - India has gotten over the great obsession with the west. Indians are now comfortable asserting their own identity

No other domain address triggers such immediate recognition like .desi

Immediate Recognition - known brand; while other new gTLDs struggle to stand out, .desi is firmly in the vernacular

Pop Culture relevance - Its different and cool and hip

Cross-category appeal - not just generic or cultural – a GEO gTLD with disparate geographies

Relevant - unlike .in and other new gTLDs, broader than just India, with fewer restrictions and targeted at the upward mobile, global, hip desi target market

How .desi appeals to your customers

The breakneck pace of growth in digital adoption, tech startups and e-commerce

The dawn of the era of social responsibility and unity

The rise of global acceptance

Pride in being Indian

India is ready for .desi

.desi can be positioned as a tool of significant differentiation and advantage

Anyone with affinity for desi culture, values and lifestyle

Businesses providing goods and services to the desi community and entrepreneurs and SMB’s looking to expand their reach

Individuals, students and youth groups who want to celebrate being ‘proud desis’

Who should have a .desi domain

.desi is a hip alternative for showcasing your Indian roots!














Sample Active .desi websites

No Restrictions: Open gTLD

Heavy marketing support and brand development

Aggressive Pricing and promotions

Great Inventory of names available

Flexible working model

In General Availability


Reasons you should you market .desi

Advancing the Message

Creating a Global Following

Industry Banner Placement

SponsorshipsSocial Media

Engaging Global Influencers

Collateral Development

Engaging Global Influencers

MissMalini (MM)

Top international blogger on desi lifestyle, fashion, Bollywood.

Nearly 3M followers on google+ , etc.

Several campaigns underway, part of long-term engagement

Blogs, articles, contests, brand takeover, banners across MM SM platforms

Bollywood Celebrity

Through our partnership with production company

YouTube Comic Sensation

Millions of page hits on YouTube

3.7+ million followers

Steady streams of active content about the desi lifestyle

Heavy youth following on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram

Names Collision List

Claims Period

2-character domains

Premium names

Recent updates

We are marketing the brand outside of traditional channels

A flagship new gTLD for the target rich market in India

.desi is part of the global diaspora and Indian sub-

continent vernacular

India e-commerce about to explode - $3B investment by Amazon and Flipkart

Top Reasons to market .desi
