EKFiddle: a framework to study Exploit Kits Jérôme Segura, @jeromesegura, Lead Malware Intelligence Analyst BSides Vancouver March 13-14 2017 2017

EKFiddle: a framework to study Exploit Kits

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EKFiddle: a framework to study Exploit Kits

Jérôme Segura, @jeromesegura, Lead Malware Intelligence Analyst

BSides Vancouver March 13-14 2017 2017

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•Quick primer on Exploit Kits and drive-by downloads•Tools to view and capture malicious traffic•Introducing EKFiddle for the Fiddler web debugger•Researching and cataloging EKs with EKFiddle

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Exploit Kits: a quick definition

An exploit kit is a set of tools designed to facilitate the

exploitation of client-side vulnerabilities most commonly

found in browsers and their plugins in order to execute

malicious code on end users’ machines.

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Exploit Kits: basic flow

Landing page

Exploits Payload

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Exploit Kits: some names

•Angler EK (defunct)

•Nuclear Pack (defunct)

•Astrum EK


•Neutrino EK

•Sundown EK

•Magnitude EK

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Drive-by campaigns: traffic to exploit kits

•Compromised websites

•EITest, Pseudo-Darkleech


• [ insert various ad networks here ]

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Compromised sites and Exploit Kits

Legitimate siteGate

(optional) Exploit Kit Malware

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Malvertising and Exploit Kits

Malicious ad Exploit Kit MalwareGate


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Tools for traffic analysis

•Full packet capture (tcpdump, WireShark, etc.)•Security Suites (Security Onion)•IDS/IPS (Suricata)•HTTP/S (Fiddler, Charles, etc.)

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What about EK traffic only?

•Full packet captures are nice but not required•Web debugger easier to inspect/replay web traffic•Personal preference?

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•Based on Telerik’s Fiddler Web Debugger•Multi OS compatibility via C# CustomRules•Extends Fiddler’s ContextAction•Adds support for custom EK regexes

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The standard Fiddler UI

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Extend Fiddler’s UI with EKFiddle

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Set up EKFiddle: Install Fiddler

•Download and install the latest version of Fiddler from http://www.telerik.com/fiddler

•For Mac and Linux, you will need to set up the Mono framework firsthttp://www.telerik.com/blogs/introducing-fiddler-for-os-x-beta-1http://www.telerik.com/blogs/fiddler-for-linux-beta-is-here

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Download EKFiddle (CustomRules.cs)

•Download/clone CustomRules.cs from the GitHub pagehttps://github.com/malwareinfosec/EKFiddle

• Windows (7/10)C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Fiddler2\Scripts\

• Ubuntu/home/[username]/Fiddler2/Scripts/

• Mac/Users/[username]/Fiddler2/Scripts/

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Change the default Text Editor (optional) (Tools -> Telerik Fiddler options -> Tools)

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Change the default scripting language to C# (Windows only: Tools -> Telerik Fiddler options -> Scripting)

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Finalize EKFiddle’s installation

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Get traffic captures

•Malware Traffic Analysis (PCAPs) http://www.malware-traffic-analysis.net/

• Broad Analysis (PCAPs) http://www.broadanalysis.com/

• PacketTotal (PCAPs) https://www.packettotal.com/

•Malware Don’t Need Coffee (SAZ) http://malware.dontneedcoffee.com/

• VirusTotal (need API) https://www.virustotal.com/

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Import traffic captures

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Main features: ContextAction items

•A list of useful ‘shortcuts’•Designed to collect IOCs and artifacts•Inspect each session and create signatures

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Check Host (pDNS, Whois) on VT

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Check IP (Geo, pDNS) on VT

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Extract IOCs

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Extract artifacts

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Main features: Regular expressions

•Regex matching in 3 different ways:

•URL patterns (URLRegexes.txt)

•Source code patterns (SourceCodeRegexes.txt)

•Server Headers patterns (HeadersRegexes.txt)

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Build URL Regex (paste from clipboard)

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Build source code Regex (paste from clipboard)

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View/edit Regexes

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Save Regexes

•One signature per line: [Name of sig] TAB [regex]

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Run Regexes against traffic

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Visualize results

•Each matched session is colour coded and commented•Malware type (Landing Page, Flash Exploit, Malware Payload) is ‘guessed’ automatically

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•EKFiddle extends the Fiddler web debugger for EK analysis•Get it here: https://github.com/malwareinfosec/EKFiddle•Questions? @jeromesegura

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