es your media product represent particular social groups? Phoebe Stannard How does your media product represent particular social groups? Question 2 20/03/2022

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

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How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Phoebe Stannard

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Question 2


How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Phoebe Stannard

• Financial Status is represented in my media product, the main character is shown in a small almost one bedroom house on a busy road, which indicates that she is not that wealthy and is most likely having money problems living by herself.


Financial Status

• I have filmed the small house from across the road so then the audience know that the house is by a busy road.

• I’ve edited my film opening to slowly cutting away, moving closer to the house so the audience can understand how small this house actually is, understanding this characters life.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Phoebe Stannard15/04/2023

General Economic Status

• General Economic status is shown in my film opening, the status is poor and is set in a not so clean place, it is set in a urban area where housing is very small and not so expensive.

• Suggesting that life to live here must be pretty difficult and dangerous.

• The area looks rough and a place where you wouldn’t dare walk around at night, with out the thought of being attacked.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Phoebe Stannard15/04/2023

Gender Divides • Through out my film opening

females definitely are the main focus.

• From the start it opens with the main character asleep in her bed.

• Even in the flash back it is the main character and her female friend, the only male through out the film opening present is the perpetrator. Even then the audience can only propose that the perpetrator is a male as they do not see his face. • The film

opening is dominated by female roles, proposing that the rest of the film is going to be dominated by women rather than men.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Phoebe Stannard15/04/2023

Age• Age is shown in my film opening, the first

introduction to a character is of a young girl in a bed.

• We know that this girl is a teenager or young adult as there is a cutaway to various items on her bed side table showing a book, sunglasses, catalogue and a phone.

• In the flash back it also shows the age of the characters as there are two young girls walking very drunk and happy on their way from a night out. The audience can clearly pick out that these girls are teenagers or young adults.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Phoebe Stannard15/04/2023

Perpetrators • There is a perpetrator unknown presented in my media product, the perpetrator is first shown through a text popping up on the victims phone.

• There is a perpetrator unknown presented in my media product, the perpetrator is first shown through a text popping up on the victims phone.

• For emphasises the phone is shown with other various items on the bed side table and then there is a extreme close up of the phone and text, suggesting perhaps the perpetrator is near.

• The perpetrator is shot from different angles but not once does the audience have a glimpse of his face.

• When the perpetrator is firs presented he is shown walking around the corner in the tunnel, proposing the idea to the audience that perhaps he has been waiting for a victim.

• He is dressed in a black hooded coat and jeans, he has his hood up so you cant see his face, clearly suggesting to the audience that this man is the perpetrator.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Phoebe Stannard15/04/2023

Victims • Victims are represented in my media product, my main character is a victim of a mugging where her friend dies.

• To show she is a victim in the first few moments of my film opening the main character receives a text when she is asleep, from an unknown number.

• This then disturbs her sleep, which tells the audience that this unknown person actually has disturbed her in her own mind. • The flash back is then showing the main character and a

friend in a dark tunnel, which whenever someone enters and area like this predictably something bad is going to happen, showing that these two girls are going to be victims.

• After her friend is murdered, the main character looks directly at the camera which then blurs to a graffiti painting in the tunnel of a skull, representing that death has come and now effects the main character.