Facts use in SEO your Landing Pages for Google Hello friends welcome back in my blog our previous blog was Creation of Webpages Title for SEO . Now in this blog we are going to discuss about seo of our landing page. So now let us do it, so we have to take a look on fundamental of search engine optimization. So therefore before we optimize or understand how we can further guide to google to understand our web copy. We must know and create our landing pages for our potential customers and their user experience that will determine if they buy from you, if they call you, if they contact you and so on ok. So you know this I know this that is why I include this particular images before you look before what else we can do for our landing pages because last far we learnt a lot and know why thing should happen when you comes to google.Let me open up a sample page as we have been taken and I just go to tell you, how certain elements of a webpage elements is important. As we know google is only limited by the web elements that is comes across.

How to seo your web page for google

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Facts use in SEO your Landing Pages for Google

Hello friends welcome back in my blog our previous blog was Creation of Webpages Title for SEO . Now in this blog we are going to discuss about seo of our landing page. So now let us do it, so we have to take a look on fundamental of search engine optimization. So therefore before we optimize or understand how we can further guide to google to understand our web copy. We must know and create our landing pages for our potential customers and their user experience that will determine if they buy from you, if they call you, if they contact you and so on ok. So you know this I know this that is why I include this particular images before you look before what else we can do for our landing pages because last far we learnt a lot and know why thing should happen when you comes to google.Let me open up a sample page as we have been taken and I just go to tell you, how certain elements of a webpage elements is important. As we know google is only limited by the web elements that is comes across.


So therefore just look at our blog and see any article in our blog or in this post.  In upper section of a post you will see there a main heading that is the heading 1 or H1 tag web element it is very important webpage of the element because we must understand that on internet there are standard web standard which is set out by w3.org so therefore heading 1

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or H1 is very important element of any web document so must google look at that as a most important than the text you have in your web document content. But we also know that we shouldn’t create our heading exactly as our targeted keywords. Means if your keyword of interest is Online marketing for small business so therefore place your heading as it is as your keywords of interest, so this is not smarter way to place your headings as same as your targeted keywords, but it is actually smart if you place it like 5 reasons for small business owners to utilize online marketing if you include your keywords along these lines and sprinkle them it takes better practice to utilize your headings what you see here in this post.

But nonetheless if you really look at what you seeing now it is actually design for google as say and it yet it addresses the need of google ranking as we can see we have the keywords in our title. So you have to create a catchy heading 1 or H1 tags right.  So there may come a time you know what that how may I create a catchy HEADING 1 in this case simply identify I am going to give you an example that I sometimes utilized. I find out the most red magazines that is related to particular online industry that I wanna create HEADING 1 for WEBPAGES. I identify whatever the magazine this is I simply browse online and have a look on current month issue and on the front cover we look carefully more often people who are creating those magazines that the front cover has really a limited screen, they need to include their images but they also include that text you know catchy text and from that you can incorporate them into your HEADING 1 creation.

For instance you know some of, let say sports industry you want to create heading 1 that is catchy perhaps we can say why Sachin is the best cricket player you see that heading on the magazines and you think that how you include that type of heading in my webpages something like that or perhaps you can say like 5 reasons for small business owners to utilize online marketing in 2014. Meaning you have to create your Heading 1 element very cleverly and unique that pulls your ideal customers to consume your web copy. It doesn’t matters what products or services you are selling because if you can’t get your ideal customers to read your web copy then they how they go to buy from you. So utilizing headings can be done along those lines ok, only you address google as we can see in this post just we have taken a heading example but you can also communicate through your headings. You can also use images in your web copy but remember heading elements are very important element in your web document.


Now your navigation menu structure is something different and google does follow the links with in it. So therefore, you if you can include some of the keywords that you are interested in or which is your targeted keywords. You may have website which consist thousands of different pages, in that case surely your website has a navigation menu, that is why we must know importance of using categories properly. For examples, you can take a look on this blog, in top menu you are seeing that all the categories I have used for SEO, SEM, SMO and so on further we can have more sub categories and more sub and sub categories and so on for our many pages website. But nonetheless remember one thing, I already told you that treat every page or landing page as a homepage so including of keywords which you are interested in or which is your particular targeted keyword for your particular landing page is very important.

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Another element by which you can further guide google perhaps you can emphasize cleverly some of the keywords that you are targeting on your web pages as we can see in keywords “Utilizing online marketing for small business owner” that it is italic it means it is emphasized. But the fact that I am emphasizing that is what you know that I am telling to google, place little bit more emphasis on these keywords because I have done it for you, I emphasize them for you.


You can use strong tag is to say you know what there are something different as far as all the other keywords on this page is in concern. That’s why you bold them or strong them so bolding the relevant keyword or words may help you to increase you ranking in google.


Another elements is heading 3 or sub heading. But remember as I have said we are designing our landing page according to our ideal customers not for the google. Heading 3 is generally isn’t optimize a role because perhaps you optimize a product page so in that case you have only heading 1 and the text of 100-150 words is enough you will not having h2, h3 or h4 in this, so don’t take stress about it heading 1 is most important. So therefore if you don’t have heading 3, 4, 5 then its ok but you should have definitely heading 1. You can use h2, h3 or so on for breaking of your big article in to the paragraphs and use h2, h3, h4 for these paragraph heading which is also plays an important role to engage your visitors and easily they can consume your web copy.

Meaning don’t think too much about on-page optimization because people say internal linking is important ya it is important and that’s navigation menu structure for that and not your web copy because you have to think like that your ideal customers is reading. Now let say they read your article and he gone at that point on which you emphasize your targeted keyword, some people will tell you that by linking this to another page of your website is internal linking. Never utilize internal linking in your web copy by thinking that it will going to help you to increase your google ranking because your web copy is for your ideal customers to read through, if you will link another page within your web copy then you are saying to your customers to go on that another page which you have linked and it will break the communication with this page if he goes at another page by utilizing internal linking within your web copy so then they will really miss what is after it by going to another they can miss your feature, prices, offers, discounts and so on. So internal linking in your web copy is not the smarter way of internal linking. So that this is another click but it will not be the ideal click that you may want.

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So you can utilize internal linking no problem perhaps somewhere in your web copy by know whatever is above it was good enough for your ideal customers to rad and then you can include internal linking in your web copy. If your content allows you to do that than that’s great do that but try to avoid internal linkings a lot in your web copy by thinking this that it is going to help in search engine optimization it may but not help you in conversions. So as we know we can use strong tag because that’s a different element as a normal text. So that it is another way to send the signals so you can do it along these ways.

Another thing in Search Engine Optimization of landing page is optimizing our images which we have discussed before. You can use heading 2 or heading 3 to logically break up your web copy content. So therefore I am saying to you, if your content is well written or you know thick content means it belongs to 300, 400, 500 words and so on then it allows you to more headings in your web copy. In that case use them clearly and cleverly instead of using large text use heading instead. Google looks at them.

Call-to-actionNow your call to action, as i have said about internal linking’s that you have to very intelligent while using them. Flash your call to action exactly when you know that your ideal customer is read your entire content of your web copy. It doesn’t matter that what product and services you are offering. So when you use call to action utilize your keywords of interest within call to action when it’s appropriate and not before. Always write unique call-to-action for attracting your ideal customers or readers. 

Footer LinksYes if you can depend on your website structure then you can utilize internal linking’s in your footer, meaning perhaps on your main navigation, you only have let us say five different links branching out to different categories but perhaps within your footer element you can use those extra links because we know how google see our webpages, meaning the higher the web elements and the navigation menu is on high above the web elements. Headings are surely above the content text and so on. So higher the web elements, better you utilize the keywords of interest within it.

Now, we know how to do search engine optimization of webpage and I have shown you a non-technical easy to do web page optimization is in way we can and how we can send strong signals not just for google but also for an ideal customers. So design your landing page for your customers. So therefore if you are using any content management system you can easily optimize your landing pages. So I am using blogspot in this blog but I also use wordpress. So in new post you will see that title are there, keywords in the url is easily accomplish by all content management system. Web copy is just a webcopy, headings can be included, images, heading2 or heading 3 so everything I have told you in this post is can

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be done by any one because it is not technical search engine optimization that I have discussed with you in this post.

So before I end this post, let me tell you one more thing about google. You can utilize google with define feature and the parameter for this is define:your word when you enter this in google you will see in this synonyms, related words so I strongly encourages you to start utilizing when you want to identify some keywords. Sometime you may come across some keywords that you can find by using this feature and then include it within your web copy because as far as google is concerned that particular keyword that you are getting a synonyms from as far as google concerned is most closely related with your searching term. You can utilize them for your webpages when find thing like that, whether you can utilize it titles, web copy, whether it is in the backlinks, anchor text and so on ok.