Interactive documentaries

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Page 2: Interactive documentaries

This documentary style is less typical, as it does not follow the usual form of a traditional documentary in terms of video, audio, photographic – by using different multi media tools in the film.

Interactive documentaries provide a unique medium to create non-linear productions, and combine photography, text, audio, video, animation, info graphic and other media forms.

This makes them stand out against traditional types of documentaries produced.

Page 3: Interactive documentaries

A large variety of documentaries feature an “interactive mode”. This includes scenes that involve those being filmed responding to questions asked by the internal producer or different members of the public. Questions that are asked by the film maker may be edited out during these interviews.

The opinions of the person being interviewed (interviewee) could be deemed untrustworthy/trustworthy in dependence of the context which applies.

This ode may also be deemed as belittling to the interviewee as it could be designed to make them appear foolish, idiotic or childish.

This mode makes the surrounding camera crews presence aware to the audience.

Page 4: Interactive documentaries

Interactive documentaries are usually an investigation-research type of documentary, with the goal being to leave the audience knowing someone they would have before. For examples, many interactive documentaries exist about controversial deaths of celebrities, and include interviews with close friends or family members discussing events and the person.

They reflect the way that the world we live in is presented to us.Interviews inclusive may be long and include short takes and long takes

throughout.Location shooting includes hand held camera filming, which could progress to a

whole crew being necessary to use a track to film.There is usually a voiceover during a part o the documentary to provide additional
