Reaktor Mannerheimintie 2 00100, Helsinki Finland tel: +358 9 4152 0200 www.reaktor.com [email protected] Confidential ©2015 Reaktor All rights reserved 10 javascript concepts For advanced (web) analytics implementation Simo Ahava Senior Data Advocate

MeasureCamp IX (London) - 10 JavaScript Concepts for web analysts

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Reaktor Mannerheimintie 2 00100, Helsinki Finland

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10 javascript concepts For advanced (web) analytics implementation

Simo Ahava Senior Data Advocate

Simo AhavaSenior Data Advocate, Reaktor

Google Developer Expert, Google Analytics

Blogger, developer, www.simoahava.com

Twitter-er, @SimoAhava

Google+:er, +SimoAhava

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

Get the basics right

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

Get the basics rightGreat JavaScript learning resources


@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

1. Functions

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

1. Functions…multi-purpose, multi-use…

function (number1, number2) { someGlobalProperty.set(number1 * number2); return number1 * number2;}


function () { var timeNow = new Date(); return function() { return "Time at initialization was ": timeNow; }}

understand scope, utilize closures

function() { var jsonLd = document.querySelector('script[type*="ld+json"]'); return jsonLd ? JSON.parse(jsonLd.innerHTML) : {};}

function() { return {{JSON-LD}}.author.name || undefined;}

Leverage return values for max flexibility!

function() { return function() { window.dataLayer.push({ 'event' : 'commandComplete' }); };}

Modify state in closures, e.g. using hitCallback




further reading

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

2. Data types

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

2. Data types…stay loose…

Number: 5String: "five"Boolean: trueArray: [1, 2, 3]Object: {name: "Simo"}Misc: undefined, null…

var five = "5";five = 5;

dynamic type

var five = "5";var ten = five * 2; // ten === 10

loose type

typeof [1,2,3]; // "object"Array.isArray([1,2,3]); // truetypeof undefined; // "undefined"typeof null; // "object" undefined === null; // falseundefined == null; // truetypeof NaN; // "number"isNaN(NaN); // trueisNaN(null); // falseNaN === NaN; // false

weird stuff…

window.dataLayer.push({ 'event' : 'GAEvent', 'eventData' : { 'cat' : 'Category Value', 'act' : 'Action Value', 'lab' : undefined, // PURGE 'val' : undefined // PURGE } });

use undefined to reset data layer variables




further reading

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

3. HTTP requests

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

3. HTTP requests…loading resources without blocking the browser…

the container snippet is a script loader

it injects a script element into the dom

which, in turn, downloads the gtm library

<a href=url> <applet codebase=url> <area href=url> <base href=url> <blockquote cite=url> <body background=url> <del cite=url> <form action=url> <frame longdesc=url>, <frame src=url> <head profile=url> <iframe longdesc=url>, <iframe src=url> <img longdesc=url>, <img src=url>, <img usemap=url>

all these html elements invoke an http request

<input src=url>, <input usemap=url> <ins cite=url> <link href=url> <object classid=url>, <object codebase=url>, <object data=url>, <object usemap=url> <q cite=url> <script src=url> <audio src=url> <button formaction=url> <command icon=url> <embed src=url> <html manifest=url> <input formaction=url> <source src=url> <video poster=url>, <video src=url>

GA does both get and post depending on payload size




further reading

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

4. Race conditions

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

4. Race conditions…last one over the finish line is a failed request…

async in the script tag means the resource is downloaded


Synchronous: The web browser reads, requests, and executes from top-to-bottom, left-to-right.

Asynchronous: The web browser reads and requests from top-to-bottom, left-to-right. Execution depends on when the requests complete respectively.

Synchronous: The web browser reads, requests, and executes from top-to-bottom, left-to-right.

Asynchronous: The web browser reads and requests from top-to-bottom, left-to-right. Execution depends on when the requests complete respectively.

Race condition: When the browser expects a proper sequence for executing commands, but this sequence cannot be guaranteed.

var jQLoad = document.createElement('script'); jQLoad.src = 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.0/jquery.min.js'; jQLoad.addEventListener('load', function() { window.dataLayer.push({ 'event' : 'jQueryComplete' });});document.head.appendChild(jQLoad);

use callbacks to establish sequence

<script> (function() { var el = document.createElement('script'); el.src = 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.0/jquery.min.js'; el.addEventListener('load', function() { google_tag_manager[{{Container ID}}].onHtmlSuccess({{HTML ID}}); }); document.head.appendChild(el); })();</script>

tag sequencing can be used but it’s tricky




further reading

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

5. History manipulation

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

5. History manipulation…avoiding the dreaded page refresh…

window.history.pushState( { pageType: 'formThankYou' }, 'Form Success', '/thank-you/');

pushstate creates a new history entry in the web browser

window.location = '#thank-you';

changing location to #hash does the same thing

window.history.replaceState( { pageType: 'formThankYou' }, 'Form Success', '/thank-you/');

replacestate replaces the current history state

you can create triggers in gtm that react to these changes




further reading

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

6. Browser storage

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

6. Browser storage…introducing state to a stateless environment…

function() { return function(name, value, ms, path, domain) { if (!name || !value) { return; } var d; var cpath = path ? '; path=' + path : ''; var cdomain = domain ? '; domain=' + domain : ''; var expires = ''; if (ms) { d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + ms); expires = '; expires=' + d.toUTCString(); } document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + cpath + cdomain; }}

browser cookies are useful for simple storage

{{Simo Cookie Solution}}('subscribe', 'true', 1800000, '/', 'simoahava.com');

browser cookies are useful for simple storage

if (window['Storage']) { localStorage.setItem('subscribe', 'true'); sessionStorage.setItem('subscribe', 'true');} else { {{JS - setCookie}}('subscribe', 'true');}

// TO FETCHlocalStorage.getItem('subscribe');sessionStorage.getItem('subscribe');





further reading

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

7. DOM traversal

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

7. DOM traversal…needles in haystacks…

sometimes you need to retrieve an element without direct access

to it

function() { return {{Click Element}} .parentElement .parentElement .parentElement .parentElement .parentElement; }


function() { var el = {{Click Element}}; while (el.className !== 'content-sidebar-wrap' && el.tagName !== 'BODY') { el = el.parentElement; } return el.tagName !== 'BODY' ? el : undefined; }





further reading

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

8. CSS selectors

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

8. CSS selectors…magnet for the needles…

the most useful operator in gtm triggers

css selectors let you identify elements on the page based on their

unique position in the dom



further reading

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

9. jQuery

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

9. jQuery…machine which sorts the magnets…

function() { var el = {{Click Element}}; while (el.className !== 'content-sidebar-wrap' && el.tagName !== 'BODY') { el = el.parentElement; return el.tagName !== 'BODY' ? el : undefined; }

jQuery is excellent for abstracting many difficult issues

with working js in the browser

function() { return jQuery({{Click Element}}).closest('.content-sidebar-wrap');}

jQuery is excellent for abstracting many difficult issues

with working js in the browser

jQuery.post( 'http://www.simoahava.com/', // URL {subscriber: 'true'}, // Payload function() { window.dataLayer.push({'event' : 'requestComplete'}); } // Callback );

jQuery is excellent for abstracting many difficult issues

with working js in the browser

you can load it in a custom html tag, but remember the race condition



further reading

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

10. dataLayer

@SimoAhava from @ReaktorNow | #MeasureCamp | 10 Sep 2016

10. dataLayer…repository of semantic information - NOT just for GTM…

datalayer is a global javascript array with a modified .push()

Since it’s global, it’s easy to destroy

it’s a message bus, and gtm processes the messages as they come,

and in sequence

note that .push() is the only proprietary method. others

have no impact on gtm.

window.dataLayer.pop(); // does nothing in GTMwindow.dataLayer.shift(); // does nothing in GTMwindow.dataLayer.splice(); // does nothing in GTMwindow.dataLayer.slice(); // does nothing in GTMwindow.dataLayer.push(); // does lots of things in GTM



further reading

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www.simoahava.comTwitter: @SimoAhava

Google+: +SimoAhava