CORNELIUS RABSCH M2D2, June 5 th 2014 @RABSCHI Developing indoor location services with Bluetooth Low Energy beacons, aka

Mobile Monday Developer Day: Developing Indoor Location Services with BLE Beacons

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Developing Indoor Location Services with BLE Beacons

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Page 1: Mobile Monday Developer Day: Developing Indoor Location Services with BLE Beacons

C O R N E L I U S R A B S C H   M 2 D 2 , J u n e 5 t h 2 0 1 4   @ R A B S C H I  

Developing indoor location services with Bluetooth Low Energy beacons, aka

Page 2: Mobile Monday Developer Day: Developing Indoor Location Services with BLE Beacons

Location Services with BLE Beacons Connecting the HERE with the NOW

Page 3: Mobile Monday Developer Day: Developing Indoor Location Services with BLE Beacons

BEACONinside Beacon

S H O P . B E A C O N I N S I D E . C O M  

Page 4: Mobile Monday Developer Day: Developing Indoor Location Services with BLE Beacons

Demo Time

B E A C O N I N S I D E . C O M / G E T S T A R T E D  

Page 5: Mobile Monday Developer Day: Developing Indoor Location Services with BLE Beacons

iBeacon Use Cases US retailers driving location-based services & marketing

Page 6: Mobile Monday Developer Day: Developing Indoor Location Services with BLE Beacons

iBeacon Use Cases II Store check-ins, digital fan experiences, couponing

Page 7: Mobile Monday Developer Day: Developing Indoor Location Services with BLE Beacons

BEACONinside Campaigns Valuable CONTENT and intelligent SERVICES instead of spammy ads

Page 8: Mobile Monday Developer Day: Developing Indoor Location Services with BLE Beacons


Cornelius Rabsch BEACONinside GmbH CPO & Founder Mauerstr. 83-84

10117 Berlin

[email protected]

0175/526 472 0


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