1. Remember me? I was your friend when you were single. 2. At times life may get harder, but every time you will get stronger. 3. Sometimes, the more you hide your feelings for someone, the more you fall for them. 4. "If something in life is hurting you, You must change it, Even though the change may hurt more." 5. My attitude is based on how you treat me. Treat me right and i'll treat you better. Do me wrong and I'll do you worse. 6. You fight with the most important people in your life because those relationships are worth fighting for. 7. A good friend can't fix all your problems, but they can promise you won't face them alone. 8. Do something now that will make the person you will be tomorrow proud to have been the person you are today. 9. You never know what a person is going through. Think before you judge. 10. Just for once, I want someone to be afraid of losing me. 11. The best feeling in the world is to be loved by the one you love. 12. I like people who actually put an effort into talking to me. 13. Feeling lonely? Just take out a pack of gum, you will suddenly have tons of new friends. 14. If i actually did 'live like there's no tomorrow' i'd be in jail. 15. Before you judge how I live my life, I suggest you take a good look at your own. 16. The best revenge is happiness, because nothing drives people more crazy then seeing someone actually having a good life. 17. If someone is strong enough to bring you down, show them you are strong enough to get up.

My favorite Tweetz, Sayingz and Facebook Status! ❤

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Page 1: My favorite Tweetz, Sayingz and Facebook Status! ❤

1. Remember me? I was your friend when you were single.

2. At times life may get harder, but every time you will get stronger.

3. Sometimes, the more you hide your feelings for someone, the more you fall for them.

4. "If something in life is hurting you, You must change it, Even though the change may hurt more."

5. My attitude is based on how you treat me. Treat me right and i'll treat you better. Do me wrong and I'll do you worse.

6. You fight with the most important people in your life because those relationships are worth fighting for.

7. A good friend can't fix all your problems, but they can promise you won't face them alone.

8. Do something now that will make the person you will be tomorrow proud to have been the person you are today.

9. You never know what a person is going through. Think before you judge.

10. Just for once, I want someone to be afraid of losing me.

11. The best feeling in the world is to be loved by the one you love.

12. I like people who actually put an effort into talking to me.

13. Feeling lonely? Just take out a pack of gum, you will suddenly have tons of new friends.

14. If i actually did 'live like there's no tomorrow' i'd be in jail.

15. Before you judge how I live my life, I suggest you take a good look at your own.

16. The best revenge is happiness, because nothing drives people more crazy then seeing someone actually having a good life.

17. If someone is strong enough to bring you down, show them you are strong enough to get up.

18. You may never know how much you impacted someone's life until you are no longer a part of their world.

19. I laugh a lot, I love to make people laugh and I love people who can make me laugh.

20. Just because you're pretty, doesn't mean you can treat other people like they don't matter.

21. I'm not saying I hate you. I'm just saying if you got hit by a bus, I would be driving that bus.

22. Don't judge me. You can't handle half of what I've dealt with. There's a reason I do the things I do, there's a reason I am who I am.

23. Never let go of the memories that mean the most to you.

Page 2: My favorite Tweetz, Sayingz and Facebook Status! ❤

24. One smile, can start a friendship. One word, can end a fight. One look, can save a relationship. One person can change your life.

25. Sometimes the wrong choices bring us to the right places.

26. Music always has the power to calm my mind and heart when I'm feeling sad inside.

27. Smile like you've never cried, fight like you've never lost, love like you've never been hurt, and live like you'll die tomorrow.

28. Sometimes music is all you need to make you feel better.

29. The more weird you are, the more fun you are!

30. Don't say you hate your life, cause it can be gone in a instant. Be thankful for what you have, cause you never know what will happen next.

31. That awkward moment when you're trying not to look when someone is staring at you.

32. I was smiling yesterday, i am smiling today and i will smile tomorrow simply because life is too short to cry for anything.

33. If my best friend hates you then I automatically hate you.

34. Sometimes you need to be alone, in order to find out who you really are and what you really want.

35. The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your weakness and still thinks you're completely amazing.

36. Don't judge me for my choices when you don't understand my reasons.

37. I am who I am. You can say whatever you want about me. I won't change. Your approval isn't needed nor wanted.

38. I’m not rejecting you, I’m protecting me.

39. Saying that you're okay is so much easier rather than explaining all the reasons why you're not.

40. What comes easy, won't last. What lasts, won't come easy.

41. The hardest decision is deciding whether to "walk away" or "try harder."

42. I really don't care about a lot of things, but when I do care, I care too much.

43. Smiling at someone who wants to bring you down is the best revenge.

44. Best way to not get your heart broken is pretend you don't have one.

45. I'm not stupid. I'm just too lazy to show how smart I am.

46. There's always some truth behind 'just kidding', knowledge behind 'I don't know', emotion behind 'I don't care', and pain behind 'I'm okay'.