/GrandParadePoland www.grandparade.co.uk React-redux server side rendering enchanted with varnish-cache for the fastest web page delivering ever. Artur Grzybowski, Senior Development Lead at Grand Parade

React-redux server side rendering enchanted with varnish-cache for the fastest web page delivering ever - Artur Grzybowski

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React-redux server side rendering enchanted with varnish-cache for the fastest web page delivering ever.

Artur Grzybowski, Senior Development Lead at Grand Parade


React-redux application

Server side rendering




React-redux application

Quick review of React

Is just a view library

Is component based

Is based on state and props

Can return only single node

Components can be develop as a function or a class


React-redux application

Quick review of Redux

Single source of truth - store


React-redux application

Quick review of Redux

State is read-only

Changes are made by dispatching actions


Single source of truth - store

React-redux application

Quick review of Redux

Actions are handled by reducers


Single source of truth - store

State is read-only

Changes are made by dispatching actions

React-redux application

Quick review of Redux

Props are updated by connect function


Single source of truth - store

State is read-only

Changes are made by dispatching actions

Actions are handled by reducers

React-redux application

Redux and async (fetch)

Return promise in action creator

Use redux-saga

Use redux-thunk


React-redux application


Server side rendering

Why redux ? Isomorphic* app!

Single source of truth - store


Server side rendering

This doesn’t work!


Server side rendering

This doesn’t work!

componentDidMount vs componentWillMount

Once time rendering

We need wait for promises


Server side rendering

How to handle async then?

Expose fetchData function

Wait for all promises


Server side rendering


Server side rendering

Initial state


Server side rendering



What is varnish?

Caching proxy

Focused on high availability

Easy to configure

A lot of modules (VMODS)





Pros & cons

High availability services

High performance

Best user experience by getting page immediately

SEO support (and other crawlers)


Cache invalidation

Cache for logged user

There is still some additional code to do for isomorphic app










Thank yougithub.com/FanFataL
