Asbestos Claims

Asbestos Claims | Asbestos Exposure | Asbestos Symptoms

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Page 1: Asbestos Claims | Asbestos Exposure | Asbestos Symptoms

Asbestos Claims

Page 2: Asbestos Claims | Asbestos Exposure | Asbestos Symptoms

Asbestos exposure has been linked to a number of serious illnesses including:

1. Mesothelioma

2. Lung cancer

3. Asbestosis

4. COPD/Shortness of Breath

Page 3: Asbestos Claims | Asbestos Exposure | Asbestos Symptoms

• Various factors determine how exposure to asbestos will affect an individual:

1. What was the concentration of the asbestos fibers?

2. How long did the exposure last?

3. How often was the person exposed to asbestos?

4. The size, shape and chemical makeup of the asbestos fibers

Page 4: Asbestos Claims | Asbestos Exposure | Asbestos Symptoms

Symptoms of diseases caused by exposure to asbestos:

1. Shortness of breath, wheezing or hoarseness

2. Persistent cough that gets worse over time

3. Blood in the fluid coughed up from the lungs

4. Pain or tightening in chest

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5. Difficulty swallowing

6. Swelling of neck or face

7. Loss of appetite

8. Weight loss

Page 6: Asbestos Claims | Asbestos Exposure | Asbestos Symptoms

• $30 billion in trusts have been established for those exposed to asbestos and diagnosed with mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases

• The Asbestos Exposure Legal Center can help by connecting you with lawyers and law firms that have experience with mesothelioma claims

• It is important to contact law firms that are experienced in dealing with mesothelioma claims

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• The first step in determining your eligibility for compensation is to discuss your specific case with a mesothelioma attorney to see if you have an asbestos claim

• At the end of this video, you will be provided with a link

• This link is also included at the beginning of the description below

• By clicking this link, you will be taken to a website on which you can register for a FREE REVIEW of your claim

• By completing this 1-page form, you can register to be contacted by up to 10 experienced law firms within the next 2 weeks

Page 8: Asbestos Claims | Asbestos Exposure | Asbestos Symptoms

Let’s review the key information in this video:

• In just a moment, you will be given a link to the Asbestos Exposure Legal Center

• The Asbestos Exposure Legal Center provides assistance to people who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related illnesses by connecting them with law firms that have experience in launching successful claims for compensation

• This service is absolutely FREE

Page 9: Asbestos Claims | Asbestos Exposure | Asbestos Symptoms

• If you have found this video by searching online for “Asbestos Exposure” – you have come to the right place

• Simply click on the link in the description below that looks like this:

• http://www.mesotheliomalawyerusa.info

• Once again, the link is in the description right below this video

• By clicking on the link you will be taken to a 1-page registration form for your FREE CLAIM REVIEW

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• Go to the description below this video and click the link:

• http://www.mesotheliomalawyerusa.info

• You owe it to yourself and to your loved ones to explore the opportunity for legal compensation