Legal-Yogi.com 1-800-397-1755 Since 1999

Free help is available for women in Yonkers, New York seeking information about their legal rights regarding divorce and matters of children and divorce

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Legal-Yogi.com 1-800-397-1755Since 1999

Legal-Yogi.com 1-800-397-1755Since 1999


Statistically 1 In 3

Marriages Will End In

Divorce Within 12.1 Years

Enforcing Divorce Rights For Women

• Any woman who is considering divorce should definitely think about her legal rights in divorce and consider looking into divorce lawyers for women.

Legal-Yogi.com 1-800-397-1755Since 1999

• Divorce lawyers for women will protect your rights and ensure that you will receive a fair and equitable divorce settlement.

6 Legal RightsYou Should Fight For And Protect

The next 6 items are important legal rights your attorney willwork hard to protect and fight for.

A woman may feel vulnerable or even bullied by a spouse thathas possession of property, money or even her children.

Women in divorce have these rights that can be legally andaggressively protected.

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Call or click here for your free consultation with a women’s divorce lawyer in Yonkers, New York.


A Parent Cannot Be Denied Visitation Because Of Inability

To Pay Child Support.

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1: Visitation

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Most legal matters involving the family are governed by state law and are applicable to both parents.

Visitation rights allow the parent with whom the child does not live to take physical custody of the child for specific, regularly scheduled periods of time.

Visitation orders are varied, depending on the best interests of the children, the situation of the parents and other factors.

2: Child Custody/Child Support

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Custody refers to the person who has the legal decision-making authority in the life of the children.

This decision-making authority concerns the most important issues of life such as education, health, school and religion.

Child support is based on the fact that both parents must provide financial support for their children.

Most states have support guidelines on their websites.


A child support order is based on the fact that both parents are responsible

to financially support their children whether or not the children are living

with both parents.

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Fair And Equitable Distribution Of Marital Assets

Equitable distribution is the distribution of property and debts in divorce.

Note that “equitable distribution” does not mean “equal” distribution. It means “fair” distribution.

Property acquired during the marriage are considered marital assets.

Property acquired before the marriage is considered separate property.

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4: Alimony/Spousal Support

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Alimony is money that is traditionally paid to the lower income spouse to help with their cost of living.

It is also referred to as Spousal Support, but is not to be confused with Child Support.

The rules vary from state to state but in the end it’s the judge that will decide howmuch you will get.

Questions regarding alimony or spousal support? Call or click here for your free consultation with a women’s divorce lawyer in Yonkers, New York.


50% Of All Children In North America Will Experience

Parental Divorce Before Age 18.

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5: Protection From AbuseRestraining Orders

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Restraining orders are also referred to as orders of protection and are available for either parent.

These orders are used to stop you from being harassed.

If you feel threatened by your spouse or feel that your children are in danger, you can file for an order of protection.

You can get the necessary forms at the courthouse.

They are usually provided at no cost.

6: Modifications To Arrangements After Divorce

If you and your spouse want to make changes in the terms of your divorce but have differences of opinion, try mediation.

Using a mediator avoids the expense of hiring an attorney and maybe having to go to court again.

Each state has its own statutes and regulations for modifying a divorce decree.

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Legal-Yogi.com…Wisdom For All Things Legal

If you are a woman seeking help and advice for the possible life-changing situation of divorce, simply call or click here for

your free consultation with a divorce lawyer for women in Yonkers, New York.

Legal-Yogi has a database of thousands of lawyers practicing in all specialties, including divorce lawyers for women.

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Are you prepared to face the difficulty of Divorce?

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The next 5 items are the things that will help you feel confident and prepared to face the challenge of divorce.

Regardless of the level of cooperation of your ex spouse, the better prepared you are, the more confident you will be that

you are advocating for your future.

1: Your Financial Situation

You need to have a good grasp on your own financial situation.

Don’t make the mistake of not having information available and allowing your ex to take advantage of your lack of knowledge.

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2: Beneficiary Insurance

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Be sure you change the beneficiary on any life or accident insurance you have.

This small item is often overlooked and can be disastrous if the wrong people get the funds you had intended for someone else.

3: Bank Accounts and Credit Cards

Most marriages have jointly held assets such as homes, bank accounts and credit cards, which need to be divided as equally as possible.

The first thing a woman should do when the decision is made to divorce is get to the bank to close the accounts and call the creditors to cancel the charge cards.

Legal-Yogi.com can connect a woman to the financial counseling she needs to make sure she receives half of all joint assets.She need only call or visit the website to access the information.

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Income that your husband added to his retirement account while you were married is considered marital property so it should be

considered in the divorce negotiations.

Another good reason to use an experienced attorney.

4: Can You Receive Part Of Your Ex’s Retirement Benefits?

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5: Do All The Paperwork

Be sure you have all your paperwork in order before you visit the lawyer for the first time.

This includes just about everything you have that has any relevance to you and your soon to be ex.

This should also include all information on joint accounts, assets and liabilities a well as investments you may have.

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Legal-Yogi.com 1-800-397-1755Since 1999

40% Of Divorce Proceedings Involve


Prepared For Contested Divorce?

A contested divorce refers to a divorce proceeding in which the spouses have a dispute or don’t agree on the issues concerning the divorce.

These issues generally include the distribution of marital assets, child custody and spousal support.

When spouses cannot arrive at an agreement, even with the assistance of their legal counsel, they must go before the court and the court will make the final decision on all issues they were not able to negotiate.

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1. Understand your financial situation.

2. Change the beneficiary on any policy.

3. Close joint bank accounts and cards.

4. Understand other assets you may be entitled to half of.

5. Have all your paperwork in order.

Legal-Yogi.com 1-800-397-1755Since 1999

Let’s Recap

5 Important Things To Remember When Preparing For Divorce

Legal-Yogi.comHere are some questions we will answer for you confidentially:

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How de we split up our assets and debt?

How often will I be able to see my child?

What rights does my spouse have?

Can I lose my rights?

Get Ideas From A Divorce Attorney

Even if you haven’t made a final decision yet about your divorce, it’s still a good idea to find the right lawyer.

A good family attorney will probably represent you if he or she isn’t already representing your spouse.

You at least want to obtain some divorce advice for women so you don’t have any surprises.

Legal-Yogi.com 1-800-397-1755Since 1999

Thank You For Viewing Our Presentation

If you’re interested in protecting your rights in divorce and need help, call us or click here to request a call back from a woman’s divorce lawyer in your zip code.

If you want to listen to a divorce lawyer question and answer video click here.

Legal-Yogi.com 1-800-397-1755Since 1999