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Grievance Appeal Douglas Gardiner

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Page 1: Grievance Appeal Douglas Gardiner

Date 12/02/11 Appeal Letter Doug Gardiner

Dear Mr Torres

I would like to exercise my right to appeal to the "conclusions" to my grievance letters

of Mr Jean-Marc Penelon as I disagree, with most of his findings and some of his actions. To

save time however I will only list a few key notes here.

Please see my notes below.

Email dated Feb 2007 regarding unauthorised absence policy.

This is the first time this document has been referred to for 4 years, also it is superseded

by the company handbook dated June 2007.

So the contents are irrelevant.

1) I was bullied and harassed by Mr John Baxevanidis.

2) Formal disciplinary procedures were not followed.

(Ref ACAS Code of Practice 1 Disciplinary & Grievance Procedures)

3) Unauthorised deductions were made from my pay.

a) If you agree or do not understand you should hold a further investigation promptly.

b) If you disagree and stand by Mr Jean-Marc Penelon's conclusion document.

Then the grievance procedure is exhausted and I have no other option but to take these

and other matters to the next step.

I look forward to a prompt reply.

You can call me anytime on my mobile +447973172405. Or e-mail - [email protected]

Yours Sincerely
