Doing Politics Without Hurling ‘Stones’ Recommended! Last week we shared about the force of Good and Evil that envelops this universe. If you are an ardent reader of the Bible, you will discover that if you break one law, you automatically break all the other laws. Following this truth you concur with me that there is nobody that inhabits this world who could claim to be holy be- fore God. Apostle Paul reinforces it when he wrote: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Rom. 3:23 We find solace in Christ who ushered in grace where by those who be- lieve in Christ Jesus are justified by faith. Titus 3:7. “Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.” Gal. 3:24- NKJV. Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law. Ro 3:31. Jesus came to fulfill the law. That is why we should be careful with our words lest we grieve

Doing politics without hurling stones recommended!

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Page 1: Doing politics without hurling stones recommended!

Doing Politics Without Hurling ‘Stones’ Recommended!

Last week we shared about the force of Good and Evil that

envelops this universe. If you are an ardent reader of the Bible,

you will discover that if you break one law, you automatically

break all the other laws. Following this truth you concur with

me that there is nobody that inhabits this world who could claim to be holy be-

fore God. Apostle Paul reinforces it when he wrote: “For all have sinned and

fall short of the glory of God.” Rom. 3:23

We find solace in Christ who ushered in grace where by those who be-

lieve in Christ Jesus are justified by faith. Titus 3:7. “Therefore the law was

our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.” Gal. 3:24-


Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea,

we establish the law. Ro 3:31. Jesus came to fulfill the law.

That is why we should be careful with our words lest we grieve

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Our party affiliations do not make us immune to adhering to the Law of God.

Those who mud-slings their opponents under the guise of their political parties

will be answerable to God for their deeds on the Day of Judgment. Do not be de-

ceived! You will leave your race, tribe, communities, political and religious affilia-

tions here. Even though they have great lawyers they will not be able to defend

you before that Divine Court. It is prudent to shun irresponsible utterances.

In our everyday speech, we are either speaking life or death by our lips.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its

fruit.” Pro. 18:21. The Word of God has both offensive and defensive weapons ca-

pabilities. Since we are made in the image of God, we too possess these abilities.

Eph.6:16-17. The Word of God is the Sword of The Spirit. We must zero the usage

of our ‘swords’ is to slay the forces of wickedness

but not flesh and blood (our fellow humankind).

Any idle word has the potential to slaying innocent

people. Positive words illuminate our hearts and

make us better people.

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Good leaders embrace the values that

promote cohesiveness (Peace and Har-

mony). They look beyond ‘their own’.

They value those who are outside their

jurisdiction regardless of their culture,

race, or other affiliations. They do not

throw missiles to their neighbours.

North Korea has been launching missiles on their border with South Korea. Their

latest trial reached the border with Japan. Japanese leadership is not happy fol-

lowing these latest provocative actions by North Korea. Former South Africa Presi-

dent Nelson Mandela embraced all people despite their diverse affiliations.

Nations that look beyond their borders stand to gain. They gain in the area of

bilateral trade agreements. This is of mutual benefit to all. It is also a plus to the

countries that rely on tourism. After downing of the Russian Jet that was purport-

edly found to be flying over Turkey’s Territory, the relationship between both

countries suffered. Most of the tourists who visit Turkey come from Russia. Thank

God that the relationship is being repaired through dialogue.

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Turkey lies between Asia and Europe. Therefore any ‘stone’ being thrown

from or to this region has catastrophic consequences. It is a home for millions of

refugees who have been displaced from Syria and elsewhere following the civil

war that has rocked Syria for a couple of years.

It is our prayer that the elections campaigns that are now taking place in

America would help to promote unity and not disharmony. It an honourable

thing to lose an election with a clean heart than to pollute your heart with

bales of abusive stuff. There is no human who reigns forever. There is a be-

ginning and end to everything under the sun. Eccl.3:1. Absolute power and

leadership is with the Almighty God. That is why humility is needed.

Before any change is witnessed anywhere, God sends

His prophetic word through His choice servants to prepare

His people beforehand. “Surely the Lord GOD does noth-

ing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the proph-

ets.” Amos 3:7. Before Jesus was born, many prophets had

prophesied about it.

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Prophet Isaiah foresaw His coming almost 800 years before His birth. It is writ-

ten: “For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will

be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty

God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6. Jesus Christ exhibits the attrib-

utes of a good leader: A good leader should be (1) Wonderful (Remarkable, Admi-

rable) (2) Counselor (good advisor) (3) Mighty (man or woman of valour, coura-

geous) (4) Peacemaker (not throwing ‘stones’ at innocent people).

King David threw his stone at the right target: The enemy of God’s people.

Goliath is symbolic of the evil one. He had cursed God in his words. 1 Sam.17. We

can use our tongues wisely to fish the Lost from wickedness to Light by sharing the

Word of Life with them. I was saddened by the

lady in Machakos, Kenya whose portions of her

hands were dismembered by her estranged

husband. The reason for committing this mon-

strous crime is so trivial. You cannot victimize

your legally married wife for bearing you no

children. God is the source of any human life.

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The enemy has found residence in most political systems. Although we

have awesome politicians out there, there are others who have unknowingly

entered a covenant with the evil one to propagate his wicked scheme. Jesus

said; you will know them by their fruits. "You will know them by their fruits.

Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles??” Mt 7:16-NKJV.

If you a true child of God you must cast your vote for leaders who will en-

hance Godly values in our societies and our nations at large. The world is ex-

periencing unrest in many regions due to poor

governance. Elections process in all

levels of governance is a conduit

through which either good or evil

leadership would be installed. The

enemy’s main objective is to spread evil across

the land. King Ahab and Jezebel caused Israel

to sin against God. 1Ki 16:31.

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Conducting regular elections is a democratic right that must be

cherished by all; but we need to be extremely vigilant when choosing

our leaders. Hitler was ushered into power through the ballot.

“The wicked prowl on every side, When vileness is exalted

among the sons of men.”

Psalms 12:8 –NKJV.



By Ken Liyai