Disability Etiquette and Sanad Training launched In line with our social investment to create Disability Friendly Branches, Muna al Falahi, Head of Business Operations launched the first disability etiquette training at our Jumeirah Branch on March 22nd. The training was attended by Regional Manager, Sayed Al Hashemi, Branch Manager, Sharif Alulama, and from Learning and Development, Anand Venganellur and Girish Mallya. Forty staff from the branch participated including members from our Personal Banking, Priority Banking and Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) teams. The workshop was run in collaboration with our community partner Manzil and our government partner Community Development Authority. The workshop included loads of activities, goodies and a prize for the final quiz! Muna awarded every participant with a certificate and the Branch Manager was awarded a trophy for his continued support and contribution to the Bank’s commitment to advocating for people with disabilities and financial inclusion. Connect January – March 2016 WELCOME 2016 at a Glance Issue - 5 Our Social Agenda This issue of Connect: Our Social Agenda showcases many of the exciting CSR activities run by Emirates NBD in the first quarter of 2016. Together Limitless leaped ahead with pre-launch prep completed for our first Disability Friendly Branch to be launched in Q2. Our CSR Team continued to promote inclusion through internal and external workshops and the announcement of a partnership with local author of the ‘I am ME’ stories series, Stephanie Hamilton. The New Year brought new focus on the environment through the launch of energy, water and waste reduction initiatives, a new partnership with the Emirates Wildlife Society – World Wildlife Fund (EWS-WWF), and opportunities to connect with the local environment through the Exchangers Programme. If those activities weren’t enough, Emirates NBD celebrated International Women’s Day with the graduation of e7’s 2015 change makers, the announcement of a new batch of 2016 participants and the launch of ‘Women of Tomorrow’ a seed funding competition for young women in the UAE. As we bring to an end the first quarter of 2016 we look ahead at the many exciting initiatives to come including a wide variety of Ramadan volunteer and giving opportunities guaranteed to offer everyone something of interest and expanded volunteer options through our Exchanger Programme. 247 Directly impacted people Exchanger activities Initiated 56 branches Involved 4 Emirates NBD Exchangers Engaged 298 AED 442,678 Raised through our online banking channel & cash donations

Emirates NBD's 2016 Q1 CSR Newsletter

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Page 1: Emirates NBD's 2016 Q1 CSR Newsletter

Disability Etiquette andSanad Training launched

In line with our social investmentto create Disability Friendly Branches, Muna al Falahi, Head of Business Operations launched the �rst disability etiquette training at our Jumeirah Branch on March 22nd. The training was attended by Regional Manager, Sayed Al Hashemi, Branch Manager, Sharif Alulama, and from Learning and Development, Anand Venganellur and Girish Mallya. Forty staff from the branch participated including members from our Personal Banking, Priority Banking and Small and

Medium Enterprise (SME) teams. The workshop was run in collaboration with our community partner Manzil and our government partner Community Development Authority. The workshop included loads of activities, goodies and a prize for the �nal quiz! Muna awarded every participant with a certi�cate and the Branch Manager was awarded a trophy for his continued support and contribution to the Bank’s commitment to advocating for people with disabilities and �nancial inclusion.

ConnectJanuary – March 2016


2016 at a Glance

Issue - 5

Our Social Agenda

This issue of Connect: Our Social Agenda showcases many of the exciting CSR activities run by Emirates NBD in the �rst quarterof 2016. Together Limitless leaped ahead with pre-launch prep completed for our �rst Disability Friendly Branch to be launched in Q2. Our CSR Team continued to promote inclusion through internal and external workshops and the announcement of a partnership with local author of the ‘I am ME’ stories series, Stephanie Hamilton. The New Year brought new focus on the environment through the launch of energy, water and waste reduction initiatives, a new partnership with the Emirates Wildlife Society – World Wildlife Fund (EWS-WWF), and opportunities to connect with the local environment through the Exchangers Programme. If those activities weren’t enough,Emirates NBD celebrated International Women’s Day with the graduation of e7’s 2015 change makers, the announcement of a new batch of 2016 participants and the launch of ‘Women of Tomorrow’ a seed funding competition for young women in the UAE.

As we bring to an end the �rst quarter of 2016 we look ahead at the many exciting initiatives to come including a wide variety of Ramadan volunteer and giving opportunities guaranteed to offer everyone something of interest and expanded volunteer options through our Exchanger Programme.

247Directly impacted


Exchanger activities





Emirates NBD Exchangers





through our online banking channel & cash


Page 2: Emirates NBD's 2016 Q1 CSR Newsletter

Two colleaguescelebrate Car Free Day

Celebrating Earth Hour


On Sunday, February 21st, Emirates NBD joined the Dubai community to celebrate Car Free Day, an initiative to get people thinking about alternative means of transit. Two Emirates NBD employees, Jaymin Darbari and Rahul Kedia took to the waters �oating instead of driving to the of�ce.

Celebrating InternationalWomen’s DayWomen of TomorrowIn celebration of International Women’s Day, Group Marketing launched the Women of Tomorrow (#NisaAlGhad) initiative which invited women in the UAE to submit innovative and feasible business proposals via the Bank’s social media platform. To date, over 200 entrepreneurial entries have been submitted and from these, one winner selected by public vote. The winner will receive from Emirates NBD �nancing to bring the proposal to fruition and free marketing support provided by Expatwoman.com.

On Saturday, March 19th, Emirates NBD joined the world in celebrating Earth Hour, a global grassroots initiative to create awareness about climate change and electricity use. In the lead up to the event Emirates NBD employees pledged their support online and between 8:30-9:30 pm employees and branches alike joined this collective movement and switched off.

Exchangers plant mangrove treesOn March 28th, over 70 Emirates NBD Exchangers from Dubai and Abu Dhabi made their way to the Ghantoot Marine Reserve to learn about the UAE’s unique marine ecosystemand help restore the area’s traditional mangroves.The mangroves provide a safe nursery and nesting area for juveniles of the UAE’s 500 �sh species and many of the 90 migratory bird species known to nest in the UAE. The morning began with a talk by Emirates Marine Environmental Group’s President, Major Ali Saqar Al Suweidi, who taught our Exchangers about the cultural and ecological heritage of the UAE including pearl diving, the �sheries and local species. With new found knowledge, our Exchangers set out to plant mangroves saplings and clear algae to give theyoung trees the best chance for survival in their new home.

E-Wasterecycling at the Bank

Being a big organisation Emirates NBD naturally produces a fair amount of e-waste. While we try to repair items to reduce waste as much as possible,

sometimes old computers, laptops, mobile phones, printers and other electronics need to be replaced. This special type of waste, called e-waste, requires a certain degree of special handling to ensure that rare metals and other materials that

could hurt the environment are not sent to land�ll. To ensure that our electronic waste does not damage the UAE’s fragile ecosystem, our IT department partnered with waste management company, Enviro Serve to

properly recycle 13,015 kg of e-waste in 2015. Have old electronics to get rid of? This spring

we’ll be doing an electronics drive to collect and recycle old phones

and electronic devices.

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Emirates NBD Gets Greener!

Emirates NBD’s Procurement and IT teams have been hard at work to make Emirates NBD more sustainable. In 2015, we recycled over 24 tons of paper waste and over 13 tons of electronic waste (e-waste) helping to minimize Emirates NBD environmental footprint. Expanding on this “Go Green”

initiative, the Facilities and Property Management Department introduced ‘Waterless Car Wash Services’ this March at our Meydan

location. Waterless car wash products use a special soap and lubricating spay that dissolve dirt and lift it from the surface of your car without the use of water. The chemicals used are biodegradable and environmentally friendly and reduce water useby almost 100%.

Smiles N Stuff and SNFArt and Craft Sales

In line with our CSR strategy to advocate for people with disabilities, in Q1 we supported our community partners by facilitating the sale of their handicrafts, paintings, and novelties within our branches. All items sold were handmade and beautifully crafted by people/children with disabilities.

The kiosks were set up in a strategic location (accessible toall customers and employees) within our Al Barsha andAjman locations where Smiles n’ Stuff and SNF proudly displayed their crafts for sale.

e7 participants complete projects impacting over 2,000 beneficiaries!

On March 12th, e7 participants from across the 7 emirates graduated from the 2015 e7 programme, a yearlong programme run in collaboration with Promise of a Generation (POAG) that brings together 5 young women from each of the 7 emirates aged 18-25 to inspire, train and connect. The graduates worked in teams, committing to yearlong social programmes that impacted a minimum of 20 people in their community. Going into year 2 of the programme,Emirates NBD has pledged its continued support and on March 8th, International Women’s Day, a second batch of participants were announced for 2016.

Praveen Prasanthan from Emirates NBD Asset Management on volunteering

“Volunteering is all about teaming up to provide services for no �nancial gain, however self-satisfaction, motivation, experience and energy we get from those activities are priceless.

The most inspiring volunteering event for me was Clean UP UAE asI feel environmentally responsible behavior is an essential part of our philosophy and I hope more such activities will be organisedto spread environmental awareness.”

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Certified Manger’s Programme

In collaboration with Learning and Development (L&D), the CSR team is working with Certi�ed Manager Programme (CMP) participants to kick-start their Community Leadership Projects (CLP). Divided into teams of 4-5, participants have been given a AED 50,000 budget and the task of developing a business case for a scalable internal CSR initiatives aligned with the Bank’s CSR strategy and including KPIs to measure social impact. On 14 May, teams will present their business cases to a panel of judges and compete to win the Best Community Leadership Project.

Inclusion Workshops

In Q1, Emirates NBD’s Corporate Social Responsibility team in collaboration with community partner Manzil held3 workplace inclusion workshops for our Liabilities and Wealth Management team (LWM), our creative agency, FP7, and employees from our Jumeirah branch. The workshops, developed along with Tanfeeth, focused on how people with disabilities can be integrated into organisations and how organisations can help these individuals achieve their goals. People with disabilities represent a largely untapped resource in the UAE labour market and can be successfully integrated, in many cases, with minimal workplace adaptations.8 workshops are planned for our Compliance team in Q2 which will bene�t approximately 160 participants.

What would the world be without

people with Autism?

While many are surprised to learn that people with Autism can not only be productive members of society, we challenge you to imagine a world without Alice in Wonderland and Le nozze di Figaro.Want to know who else is on the spectrum? Here are a few:

Andy WarholDan HarmonMarty BalinLewis Carroll

Courtney LoveTemple GrandinDan Aykroyd

Autism Awareness Day

Saturday, April 2nd is International Autism Awareness Day and we’re asking you to “Light it Up Blue” to help raise awareness and reduce stigma. Show your support by taking a picture of yourself wearing blue anytime between 1-7 April and post it to Instagram tagging #LIUB_ENBD and like@Emirates_NBD to be entered to win 2 tickets to the SNF Gala on 5 May at the 5 star Marriott Marquis in Dubai.

I am ME

Emirates NBD is proud to support the voices of“I am ME (most extraordinary)” in collaboration with the “Together Limitless” campaign. The project aims to Educate, Advocate, and Mainstream beauty in difference by sharing visual stories and interviews from real people in Dubai to increase awareness and support positive change. You can read more about the diverse stories from "I am ME (most extraordinary)" by following the project on Facebook @iammostextraordinary, on instagram @iammedubai.

Wolfgang MozartJames DurbinDaryl HannahTim Burton

School Makeover: 7-8 AprilRAK Animal Welfare Centre: 8-23 AprilSkyRun: 8 AprilJam Jar with Sharjah Autism Center: 14 April Manzil School Volunteering: 17-28 April Autism Walk: 23 April

Upcoming Exchanger Events: