G2 ppt 6 15-15

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  1. 1. 20013 E. Stanley Ott G2
  2. 2. We must be the People of God before we do the work of the People of God 20013 E. Stanley Ott
  3. 3. WORD SHARE PRAYER Send to ministry and mission http://www.VitalChurchesInstitute.com
  4. 4. Angela Duckworth
  5. 5. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Learning to lead is every bit as complex as learning to become a mature productive adult all over again. Larry Donnithorne
  6. 6. 2013 E. Stanley Ott Our Goals: Growth in Soul Care (discipleship)
  7. 7. 2013 E. Stanley Ott
  8. 8. 2013 E. Stanley Ott
  9. 9. 2013 E. Stanley Ott Tripartite Experiential Learning Process
  10. 10. Leading Moments and the Art of Noticing Leadership Examen Companion Coaching (triads/quads) 2013 E. Stanley Ott
  11. 11. 2013 E. Stanley Ott
  12. 12. 2013 E. Stanley Ott Triads and Quads Companion Coaching
  13. 13. 2013 E. Stanley Ott The nature of leadership in our day
  14. 14. 20013 E. Stanley Ott 1. Scripture We will use three primary sources/frameworks for leadership practice:
  15. 15. 2.
  16. 16. Seven Circles of Leadership leader Follower Person vision Call to action team delegation development 2013 E. Stanley Ott 20013 E. Stanley Ott 3.
  17. 17. 2013 E. Stanley Ott The Circle of the Leader Leadership begins with the leader: who and what you are. For who you are, the kind of person you are, the character you have, has a great deal to do with who will follow you and where they will follow you and how far they will follow you.
  18. 18. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Leadership begins with Discipleship A pupil is not above his teacher; but everyone, after he has been fully trained, will be like his teacher. Jesus Christ Luke 6:40
  19. 19. 2013 E. Stanley Ott Soul Care Rule of Life PPT
  20. 20. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Rule of Life A disciple is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully qualified will be like the teacher. Luke 6:40
  21. 21. 20013 E. Stanley Ott A simple Rule of Life: QT PT PPT RT QT - Quiet Time devotions and worship PT - Physical Training self care PPT Protected Planning time to manage lifes demands RT Relationship Time with family, friend small group Bible Study
  22. 22. For Soul Care and Leadership Vision PPT = Protected Planning Time weekly Do Lists + Your calendar 20013 E. Stanley Ott 20013 E. Stanley Ott
  23. 23. 20013 E. Stanley Ott W & W Goals (The Circle of Vision) Develop a master plan for generosity development by August 15, 2015 Invite three others to form a Discipleship Essentials group by May 1, 2015 Recruit the team and develop the plan with them to launch a ministry to professional women to commence September 1, 2015 Work out our will and estate trust decisions by June 15, 2015 A major project may entail several W&W goals
  24. 24. 2013 E. Stanley Ott Leadership Moments and Movements 1. Moments The art of noticing 1. Leadership Examen (A week prior to triad) 2. Companion Coaching Triad/Quad 2. Movements A. Soul Care Living the Rule of Life B. Leading Vision 1. Weekly - PPT 2. Monthly - Clarify W & W goals around a specific project
  25. 25. 2013 E. Stanley Ott In your triads and quads: To what degree have you integrated each of these practices into your daily weekly and monthly routine? What has given life? Drained life? Rule of Life Leadership Examen PPT (Protected Planning Time) Triad/Quad meetings Greek to Hebrew
  26. 26. The Greek approach to education: The more you know the more educated you are! 2013 E. Stanley Ott
  27. 27. The Hebrew approach to education: You are as educated as you do what you know! 2013 E. Stanley Ott
  28. 28. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Leadership is HEBREW http://principlesforlifeministries.com/2012/01/04/the-problem-with-heroes-both-super-and-human/
  29. 29. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Barnabas Triad/Quads Companion Coaching Groups Word-Share-Prayer 15 minutes to login with our Lord and one another. Ask of each other: 10 minutes to discuss how the three leadership practices of soul care are going: Leadership Examen Rule of Life PPT Give each person twenty minutes the opportunity to describe one or two Leadership Moments from their Examen or leadership situations they are facing aspects of consolation and desolation. Each person may refer to his or her W & W Goals as expressed at the last triad/quad meeting. Ask questions to help each other gain insight into our past behaviors and the movements into new leadership to take. Share your W & W Goals with one another that have relevance until you meet again. Be prayer partners. Pray Ephesians 3:16-19 for each other.
  30. 30. 2013 E. Stanley Ott The Circle of the Follower
  31. 31. 20013 E. Stanley Ott The Value of the Person: Love Dignity & Respect Wayne T. Alderson Theory R Management
  32. 32. 20013 E. Stanley Ott James Allen Ward
  33. 33. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Organizations thrive when employees feel valued, the environment is energized, and high productivity and innovation are the norm. This requires a new kind of leader who fosters a culture of connection within the organization.
  34. 34. 2013 E. Stanley Ott Receive the Eyes of Jesus for people: People Eyes
  35. 35. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lords favor. Jesus eyes saw the true needs of the people in front of him: Bartimaeus Widow of Nain Canaanite womans daughter Woman at the well The Centurians Son Wedding in Cana Lepers Receive People eyes in your own head seeing through the eyes of Jesus for people
  36. 36. People Eyes
  37. 37. Ways to Value Those You Would Lead - Those You See with People Eyes Value People Through: Your Vision for them Your Presence to them Your Relationship with them Your Communication Your Appreciation Their Compensation By Building Community Loose-Tight Expectations
  38. 38. 2013 E. Stanley Ott Value People Through Your Vision for Them What is my/our vision for the people beyond the task at hand, beyond our shared vision to accomplish?
  39. 39. Value People Through Your Presence to them: symbolic presence physical presence
  40. 40. 2013 E. Stanley Ott For symbolic actions that communicate value, ask: What might I do to send a signal that I desire a fresh start in a relationship? What more might I do to convey that I value this person? What might I do to communicate respect of this person? What might I do to initiate a change in the way I treat this person? How would I like to be treated? Theory R Management Alderson & Alderson
  41. 41. 2013 E. Stanley Ott MBWA (LBWA) Management (Leadership) by Walking Around A means of showing physical presence Tom Peters in Search of Excellence
  42. 42. 2013 E. Stanley Ott Value People Through Your Relationship with Them
  43. 43. 2013 E. Stanley Ott Value People Through Your Communication with Them
  44. 44. 2013 E. Stanley Ott Value People Through Your Appreciation of Them
  45. 45. 2013 E. Stanley Ott Value People Through Their Compensation The laborer deserves to be paid. Luke 10:7 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21
  46. 46. 2013 E. Stanley Ott Value People by Building Community
  47. 47. Valuing people by means of the 4 Ss No Secrets No Subversion No Surprises (Lots of) Support William J. Carl
  48. 48. (Versus the game of Survivor!
  49. 49. 2013 E. Stanley Ott Value People Through Loose-Tight Expectation
  50. 50. What are your thoughts about this: Leadership with love includes a willingness to be frustrated and a willingness to frustrate!
  51. 51. Love is a willingness to be frustrated! Bernard Harnik
  52. 52. Emotional intelligence (EI) The ability to recognize ones own and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different feelings and labe them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior. Wikipedia: Coleman, Andrew (2008). A Dictionary of Psychology (3 ed.). Oxford University Press.
  53. 53. Valuing people Through Your Grace Makrothumia () long temper Patience Forbearance The grace of getting along
  54. 54. Emotional intelligence (EI) Image: Cultura/Liam Norris / Getty Images http://psychology.about.com/od/personalitydevelopment/a/emotionalintell.htm
  55. 55. Emotional intelligence (EI) Your EQ is the level of your ability to understand other people, what motivates them and how to work cooperatively with them, Howard Gardner Harvard http://psychcentral.com/lib/what-is-emotional-intelligence-eq/0001037 EI is the capacity to perceive your own emotions and the emotions of others and to factor them in as you lead yourself and as you lead others.
  56. 56. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Sendings
  57. 57. 2013 E. Stanley Ott Leadership Moments and Movements 1. Soul Care 1. Your Rule of Life 2. Luke 6:40 1. Moments The art of noticing 1. Leadership Examen (A week prior to triad) 2. Companion Coaching Triad/Quad 2. Movements 1. Weekly PPT 2. Accomplishing your W & W goals
  58. 58. 20013 E. Stanley Ott Barnabas Triad/Quads Companion Coaching Groups Word-Share-Prayer 15 minutes to login with our Lord and one another. Ask of each other: 10 minutes to discuss how the three leadership practices of soul care are going: Leadership Examen Rule of Life PPT Give each person twenty minutes the opportunity to describe one or two Leadership Moments from their Examen or leadership situations they are facing aspects of consolation and desolation. Each person may refer to his or her W & W Goals as expressed at the last triad/quad meeting. Ask questions to help each other gain insight into our past behaviors and the movements into new leadership to take. Share your W & W Goals with one another that have relevance until you meet again. Be prayer partners. Pray Ephesians 3:16-19 for each other.
  59. 59. http:/www.BarnabasLeadershipGroup.com Password: EncourageU
  60. 60. 2013 E. Stanley Ott Leadership Moments and Movements 1. Moments The art of noticing 1. Leadership Examen (A week prior to triad) 2. Companion Coaching Triad/Quad 2. Movements A. Soul Care Living the Rule of Life B. Leading Vision 1. Weekly - PPT 2. Monthly - Clarify W & W goals around a specific project C. Accomplishing Do-List and
  61. 61. End of Day
  62. 62. 20013 E. Stanley Ott