How Employee Engagement Can Help With Business Growth By Marlowe Bennett

How Employee Engagement Can Help With Business Growth

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How Employee Engagement Can Help With Business GrowthBy Marlowe Bennett

Employee engagement works towards building a strong brand – one that attracts customers and talent. Here’s some of the additional value your workforce can provide your business on top of delivering the excellent service you’ve hired them to do.

Improve The Guest Experience

Employee engagement is a buzz word these days with everyone trying discover the secret of how to engage your workforce to receive optimum results from your investment. For most modern operators, the engagement piece is pivotal for alignment in your business, and to ensure that your employees actually care about what they’re doing while on the clock.

The more they care, the better the guest experience is. And the more your guests return for a consistently above average and memorable experience.

In Sydney, that’s hard to come by.

So how do you separate your venue from the rest and enhance the guest experience?

Previously, we’ve discussed the law of attraction and aligning your team to a shared vision.

The purpose of this is so your entire team can help you achieve your business’ ambitions and vision.

Like the saying goes “many hands make light work” but in this case you need to be sure you have the right hands in the first place.

Increase brand awareness to a new pool of potential customers

What about the profitability and revenue opportunities available from an engaged workforce? Here’s a few points for you to think about:

What about the profitability and revenue opportunities available from an engaged workforce?

Here’s a few points for you to think about:

Take into account millennials - who now make up the largest generation in our workforce today. They are:

a) Socially connected ALL THE TIMEb) Are the most likely group of people you will be employing in the next four years towards 2020

The average size of a personal social network these days is 846 friends and followers. Now multiply this with the size of your workforce, lets say you have 400 employees. That’s 338,400 people that you could potentially reach with a strategically coordinated marketing plan for your business... that’s huge!

By understanding your business’ direction and the workforce that will deliver your services, you greatly increase chances of building brand awareness.


By informing these networks of the offers you have from special menus, events and concerts, through to company culture driving initiatives to attract more staff as you grow.

So what happens to growing businesses whose leaders simply don’t have enough hours in the day to implement employee engagement initiatives on top of their daily job commitments?

Unfortunately nothing much. Unless your leaders are leading the charge with engaging your employees, you’re losing out on potential gains that could propel your business forward, especially during times of growth.

It may seem like a lot to digest, but there is help available to assist you with HR initiatives that include employee engagement and advocacy programs, and it’s at a fraction of the cost of what you are paying now.

It’s particularly handy for anyone who is wanting to, or thinking about, outsourcing their HR as it demonstrates:

• How much valuable time a business can gain

• Other costs, that may not be taken into account initially, that contribute to the overall cost of having HR in-house

• What benefits there are to outsourcing HR to a People & Culture specialist (HINT: it’s much more than just recruitment, think payroll and tax benefits, scheduling, employee advocacy and engagement, performance management and more!)

Looking to learn more? I invite you to download our complimentary ebook:

‘Building a successful business in hospitality: How outsourcing HR is the key’