PRESENTATION TO The Conference Board Talent Management Conference Axiom Consul?ng Partners February 12, 2016 Leading & Managing Transformational Change

Leading and Managing Transformational Change

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The  Conference  Board    Talent  Management  Conference      Axiom  Consul?ng  Partners  February  12,  2016  

Leading & Managing

Transformational Change

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What we will cover today

 Our  perspec7ves  on:  §  What  it  takes  to  lead  and  manage  transforma7onal  change  

§  What  we  look  for  in  terms  of  leadership  readiness  for  transforma7onal  change  

§  The  role  of  HR  in  transforma7on  

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Axiom Consulting Partners helps leaders to align strategy, organization and talent to deliver sustainable and profitable growth

We  help  clients  clarify  strategy      and  create  compe??ve  advantage:  §  Strategy  Clarifica7on  §  Leadership  Alignment  §  Value  Analysis  (Value  Tree  Mapping)  §  Growth  &  Sales  Effec7veness  §  M&A  Integra7on  

We  help  clients  build  organiza?ons  designed  to  support  effec?ve  execu?on:  §  Organiza7on  Design  &  Restructuring  §  Governance  &  Opera7ng  Model  §  Business  Process  Improvement  

We  help  clients  ensure  they  have    the  right  mix  and  quality  of  people,  deployed  in  the  right  roles:  §  Strategic  Workforce  Planning    §  Reward  Strategy  &  Compensa7on  Program  Design  §  Succession  Planning      §  Talent  Assessment  &  Selec7on  Systems  §  High  Poten7al  &  Execu7ve  Leadership  Development  §  Employee  Engagement  &  Value  Proposi7on  




For  further  informa.on,  go  to:  www.axiomcp.com  

FIRM  SNAPSHOT  §  Founded  in  2005    §  Experienced  Prac77oners:  average  of    20  years  experience  as  consultants  and  corporate  execu7ves  

§  Five  loca7ons:  Aus7n  TX,  Chicago,  New  York,  Washington,  D.C.,  and  Brussels  (EU)  

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Companies and their leaders often make three common mistakes when undertaking transformational change 1.  Lack of Workforce Alignment—From Leaders to the Front Line

a.  Too little emphasis and/or assumed to already be in place b.  Focus on gaining compliance versus commitment c.  Only appeal to the head (facts) and not the heart (motivation)

2.  Lack of Understanding of and Investment in Required Future Culture and Capability a.  Failure to step back and understand future culture and capability requirements

(knowledge, skills, processes) and current gaps and their impact b.  Lack of business focus when identifying/developing new capability c.  Failure to invest (time, $$, effort) to close gaps d.  People are unclear about what support will be provided and what is expected of them in

return (i.e., “the deal”)

3.  Lack of Focus, Mechanisms, or Courage to Sustain the Change a.  Change seen as a sprint versus marathon/event versus process b.  Focus only on what’s broken vs. recognizing success and dealing decisively with the rest c.  Failure to install mechanisms that maintain resilience and momentum and that reinforce

required future culture and capability

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Successful transformational change requires leaders throughout the organization to focus relentlessly and courageously in three areas


§  Strategy  and  Vision  §  Ra?onale  for  Change  §  Organiza?on  and  Individual  Expecta?ons  §  Net  Benefits  §  Roadmap  

Equip  §  Organiza?onal  Capabili?es  and  Individual  Competencies  

§  Organiza?on  Design  §  New  Cultural  Norms  of  Behavior  

Sustain  §  Leadership  that  is  pa?ent  with  first  steps  and  ruthless  with  obstacles  

§  Measurement  and  Reinforcement  §  Course  Adjustment  and  Fine  Tuning  


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Focus and effort across all three areas will shift over time as you seat the change and establish the “new normal”


e  %  of  ?


on  each  priority  





Leadership  Focus  in  Transforma.onal  Change  ALIGN,  EQUIP,  SUSTAIN   All  are  necessary—none  are  

sufficient  on  their  own  

 All  occur  throughout  —albeit  to  varying  degrees  depending  on  where  you  are  in  your  journey  

 %  of  ?me  spent  in  each  area  will  shi\  over  ?me—that  said,  leaders  should  recognize  that  their  efforts  are  never  “done”  in  any  area    

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Area   Key  Topics   Priori?es  


§  Strategy  and  Vision  §  Ra7onale  for  Change  §  Organiza7on  and  

Individual  Expecta7ons  §  Net  Benefits  §  Roadmap  

•  Engage  con7nuously  in  purposeful  and  engaging  conversa7on  

•  Successively  increase  levels  of  specificity  and  decrease  levels  of  op7onality  

•  Create  understanding  and  resonance  at  the  personal  level  (WII-­‐FM)  

•  Show  a  realis7c  path  forward  and  candidly  describe  the  challenges  ahead  


Alignment efforts build both clarity and commitment

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Area   Key  Topics   Priori?es  


§  Organiza7onal  Capabili7es  and  Individual  Competencies  

§  Organiza7on  Design  §  New  Cultural  Norms    

of  Behavior  

•  Know    and  act  on  what  drives  value  •  Translate  value  into  organiza7on  capabili7es  and  individual  competencies  

•  Comprehensively  assess  how  current  design  and  culture  help/hinder  strategy  

•  Brutally  and  honestly  assess  talent  gaps    

•  Invest  with  focus  to  re-­‐align  talent    •  Fully  engage  workforce  in  organiza7on  and  culture  redesign  


Leaders must clearly understand the interplay among strategy, organization, talent, and culture to equip their organization for future success


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Sustaining the change requires diligence, courage, and a bias for action

Area   Key  Topics   Priori?es  


§  Leadership  Measurement  and  Reinforcement  

§  Course  Adjustment    §  Removal  of  Most  

Persistent  Obstacles  

•  Formal  changes  in  both  formal  and  informal  measures  and  rewards  

•  Relentless  focus  on  reinforcing  and  promo7ng  new  ways  of  working  and  behavior  

•  Swig  and  appropriate  consequences  for  destruc7ve  behaviors  and  ways  of  working  

•  Make  regular,  honest  assessments  of  progress  on  all  the  required  changes  –  and  act  on  the  result  


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Five attributes we look for to understand a leader’s readiness to transform their organization—and themselves

Honest  Reflec?on  §  Personally  as  a  leader  §  Their  track  record  of  performance  §  The  organiza7on  they  have  built  or  led  §  Their  leaders  and  employees  

Courage  §  Speak  the  truth  §  Burn  bridges  behind  them    §  Change  course,  but  always  with  the  end  in  mind  

§  Take  smart  risks  §  Make  tough  calls  on  processes  and  people,  especially  those  they  care  about  most  

Confidence  and  Trust  §  To  say  “I  don’t  know”  and  “It’s  my  fault”  

§  Lead  from  the  front  and  take  leaps  of  faith  

§  Be  alone  at  7mes  during  the  journey  §  Trust  and  empower  

Pa?ence  §  Engage  in  meaningful  conversa7on  (balance  learning  with  telling  and  selling)  

§  Stay  the  course  §  Invest  for  the  long  term,  sustainable  return  





Bold  Thinking  and  Bias  for  Ac?on  5

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We believe HR plays a critical role in transformation

§  Shape  the  strategy  and  help  surface  and  ar7culate  the  case  for  change  

§  Help  leaders:  •  develop  and  apply  the  skill  of  leading  others  through  change  

•  understand  the  interplay  among  strategy,  organiza7on,  talent  and  culture  

•  translate  the  strategy  into  a  plan  that  clearly  ar7culates  future  workforce  needs  

•  translate  the  strategy  into  tangible  and  personal  change  statements  that  build  employee  clarity  and  commitment  

•  Communicate:  two-­‐way,  mul7-­‐channel  

§  Help  leaders  and  employees  maintain  focus  and  faith  in  midst  of  what  may  feel  (and  be)  chao7c  and  fa7guing  

§  Shine  a  light  on  the  organiza7on  and  its  leaders  and  do  it  with  facts  and  figures  

§  Func7on  as  an  objec7ve  third  party  when  it  comes  to  tough  discussions  and  decisions  on  people,  organiza7on  and  culture,  and  insist  that  leaders  lead    

§  Build  leader  understanding  of  changing  organiza7on  design  and  culture  and  lead  them  through  it    

§  Design  and  implement  simple  processes  that  work  to  enable  leaders  to  equip  themselves  and  the  business  with  the  right  talent  and  organiza7on  

§  Drive  the  changes  needed  in  formal  and  informal  consequences  to  sustain  the  transforma7on  

Equip   Sustain  Align   and  

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We keep an eye out for these signs that indicate a transformation is stalled or at risk of failure

1.  Old  ways  of  work  re-­‐emerge  without  challenge  

2.  “Budget”  considera7ons  reduce  communica7ons  and  engagement    

3.  Organiza7on  design  focused  on  boxes  and  lines  and  not  on  fundamentally  changing  the  work  and  how  it  gets  done  

4.  Underes7ma7ng,  ignoring,  or  trea7ng  organiza7on  culture  as  if  it  were  a  ‘send  the  memo  and  it  shall  be  so’  issue  

5.  Deferring/ignoring  tough  conversa7ons/decisions    

6.  Senior  team  blames  lack  of  progress  on  the  levels  below  them  

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Don Ruse Expertise

Don  Ruse  has  over  30  years  of  experience  helping  companies  improve  their  ability  to  execute  strategy.  Mr.  Ruse  has  worked  in  a  variety  of  global  organiza7ons  across  a  broad  spectrum  of  businesses,  including  considerable  experience  working  with  innova7on-­‐based  mul7na7onals  in  both  developed  and  emerging  markets.  Mr.  Ruse  specializes  in  helping  companies  clarify  business  strategy  and  improve  execu7on  through  changes  in  work  process,  job  design,  organiza7on  structure  and  organiza7on  governance.  He  also  specializes  in  helping  companies  ensure  they  have  the  right  number  and  type  of  talent  needed  to  execute  their  strategy  through  talent  management  processes  that  forecast,  develop  and  manage  talent.    

Notable Achievements

§  Developed  and  deployed  a  capabili7es-­‐based  business  strategy  and  organiza7on  for  a  division  of  a  global  technology  company  resul7ng  in  improved  technology  development,  technology  commercializa7on,  and  top  and  bonom-­‐line  growth.  

§  Designed  and  implemented  new  work  processes  and  organiza7on  structure  for  the  North  American  Financial  Shared  Services  Center  and  Indian  Finance  Opera7ons  Center  of  a  global  diversified  technology  company  that  reduced  cycle  7me  and  total  cost  to  serve,  while  increasing  customer  sa7sfac7on  with  services  received.  

§  Designed  a  corporate  strategy  and  structure  for  a  Japanese  Pharmaceu7cal  company  to  coordinate  and  govern  four  discrete  businesses  established  to  discover,  develop,  make  and  sell  drugs  within  the  NAFTA  market  resul7ng  in  increased  coordina7on  and  collabora7on  across  the  businesses,  improved  speed  to  market,  and  reduced  overall  infrastructure  costs  through  the  implementa7on  of  a  shared  services  model  covering  the  HR,  Finance,  IT,  and  Legal  func7ons.  

§  Designed  and  implemented  a  Manufacturing  and  Engineering  strategy  and  global  organiza7on  structure  for  a  $4bb  division  of  a  diversified  global  technology  company  based  in  Tokyo  that  underwent  significant  and  rapid  matura7on  of  its  worldwide  product  markets.  

§  Designed  and  implemented  large-­‐scale  organiza7on  transforma7on  for  a  property  and  casualty  company.    Worked  with  senior  leadership  to  develop  strategy  for  merging  two  businesses  into  one  geographic  business  unit,  define  strategy  and  direc7on  of  new  business  unit,  and  define  accountabili7es  for  execu7ve  team    and  next  level  down.    

§  Developed  comprehensive  organiza7on,  change  management,  and  talent  strategy  to  support  mul7-­‐year  transforma7on  of  global  Finance,  IT  and  HR  organiza7ons  for  a  diversified  technology  company.  Worked  directly  with  senior  leadership  to  iden7fy  organiza7on,  change  management  and  people  implica7ons  of  moving  to    a  centralized  model  intended  to  halve  func7onal  costs  to  1.1%  of  revenue.  

Professional Background

Prior  to  joining  Axiom  in  2008,  Mr.  Ruse  spent  13  years  with  Sibson  Consul7ng.    Mr.  Ruse  helped  establish  and  co-­‐led  Sibson’s  Organiza7on  and  Talent  Prac7ce,  managed  Sibson’s  Raleigh  office  and  served  as  an  elected  Managing  Partner  of  the  firm.    Before  joining  Sibson,  Mr.  Ruse  spent  12  years  as  a  prac77oner  and  manager    in  the  areas  of  organiza7on  development,  human  resources  and  strategic  planning.    He  held  various  management  posi7ons  with  AlliedSignal,  Mobil  Oil,  The  Quaker  Oats  Company  and  Lennox  Interna7onal.  


Mr.  Ruse  earned  his  MBA  from  the  TRIUM  Global  Execu7ve  MBA  program  offered  through  NYU  Stern  School  of  Business,  London  School  of  Economics  and  Poli7cal  Science,  and  the  HEC  School  of  Management,  Paris.    He  earned  his  BSBA  from  Bowling  Green  State  University.  

Professional Affiliations / Published Works

Mr.  Ruse  speaks  frequently  on  the  topics  of  Organiza7on  and  Talent.  His  most  recent  speeches  have  highlighted  how  companies  can  effec7vely  forecast  and  manage  talent  and  deploy  flexible  organiza7ons  in  developed  and  developing  markets.  He  has  shared  his  perspec7ves  with  such  organiza7ons  as  The  Conference  Board,  Human  Resources  Planning  Society,  and  Ins7tute  for  Interna7onal  Research.    Mr.  Ruse  is  frequently  published  and  his  work  has  included  ar7cles  in  Research  and  Technology  Management,  HR  Execu7ve,  and  Associa7on  for  Manufacturing  Excellence.  

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Allan Ackerman Expertise

Allan,  an  Axiom  partner,  brings  his  lifelong  interest  and  experience  in  business,  design,  leadership,  and  growing  organiza7ons  to  work  alongside  client  execu7ves  to  shape  and  implement  clear  strategies  that  create  a  compe77ve  advantage.  In  many  cases,  he  helps  clients  develop  and  apply  the  specific  organiza7onal  change  and  leadership  skills  needed  to  achieve  permanent  improvement  in  results.    

Over  the  course  of  his  thirty-­‐year  consul7ng  career,  Allan  has  led  projects  and  advised  execu7ves  in  a  range  of  industries  across  Europe,  Asia,  and  the  Americas,  serving  both  large  global  firms  and  smaller  rapidly  growing  organiza7ons  in  the  consumer,  industrial  and  technology  sectors.  

Allan’s  dis7nct  areas  of  exper7se  include:    

§  Strategic  direc7on-­‐setng,  decision-­‐making,  and  organiza7on-­‐wide  strategy  implementa7on,  including  work  with  teams  to  implement  significant  strategic  ini7a7ves  in  a  range  of  topics  including  organiza7onal  workflow  and  structural  redesign  

§  Alignment  of  en7re  organiza7ons,  their  execu7ve  teams,  and  a  cri7cal  mass  of  employees  during  pivotal  periods  

§  Leadership  and  management  development  that  improves  organiza7onal  bench  strength,  shigs  the  culture  to  what  is  needed,  and  has  a  posi7ve  impact  on  the  company’s  performance  

§  Coaching  senior  execu7ves  and  execu7ve  task  force  members  to  improve  their  effec7veness  

Professional Background

Allan  served  as  a  Managing  Director  at  RNW  Consul7ng  from  1997  to  September  2012,  when  RNW  merged  with  Axiom.  Allan  also  served  as  a  Vice  President  at  the  Forum  Corpora7on,  another  respected  interna7onal  consul7ng  firm,  where  he  first  started  helping  companies  develop  strategy,  execute  strategy  effec7vely,  develop  bener  leaders  and  drive  complex  technical  and  cultural  change.  

Earlier  in  his  career,  Allan  served  as  President  and  Founder  of  Energyworks,  Inc.,  a  company  that  permanently  reduced  the  energy  consump7on  of  buildings  na7onwide  through  lines  of  business  including  sogware  development,  engineering  services,  and  construc7on.  Allan  has  led  teams  conduc7ng  applied  research  for  federal  agencies  in  several  fields,  most  prominently  residen7al  energy  conserva7on.  In  1977,  during  America’s  first  energy  crisis,  Allan  was  lead  author  of  a  guide  to  energy-­‐saving  home  improvements  that  sold  more  than  two  million  copies.  


Allan  holds  a  Master  of  Architecture  degree  from  the  Harvard  Graduate  School  of  Design  and  a  Bachelor’s  degree  from  Dartmouth  College.  

Professional Presence / Published Works

Allan  is  an  author  and  co-­‐author  frequently  on  the  topics  of  change,  leadership,  organiza7onal  design,  and  how  to  orchestrate  strategies  integra7ng  all  three.  

Five  7mes  a  year,  Allan  leads  high-­‐energy,  memorable  experien7al  sessions    at  the  University  of  Chicago’s  Booth  School  of  Business  for  Execu7ve  MBA  and  entering  MBA  students  in  leadership,  influence,  and  teamwork.