www.luxoft.com Team coaching Teamwork pillars : responsibility, motivation, trust, collaboration, common goal Svetlana Mukhina

Team Coaching. Part 2

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Team coaching Teamwork pillars : responsibility, motivation, trust, collaboration, common goal

Svetlana Mukhina


IntroductionSvetlana MukhinaICAgile ICP, ICP-ATF, ICP-BVA, PSM I, CSPOAgile and Career Coach at Luxoft Agile PracticeExperience: 13+ years in IT, Project and department management, Computer Linguistics, Technical Writing, Quality Assurance Interests: Project management, Agile transformation, Career and performance coaching, PsychologyHobbies: Horse riding, music, poker, travelling



Webinar Agenda What you will learn[part I https://goo.gl/1dIwDr


Being a coach



Coaching View


Aggression Command and Control Safety Safety



YOUDialog Modelrucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by Patterson Kerry, Grenny Joseph and McMillan Ron


Coaching Neurological Levels


Trust and Collaboration


Journey Line


Constellation Team Discussion Visual representation of team members opinion distribution:One participant tell aloud her/his opinion on project related problem or situation. e.g. We need to setup Scrum process on the project or I need all team members present on daily syncup Members of the team create a constellation around the speaker The more they agree with the statement, the closer they stay and vice versa. The team sees all team members attitude to the statement.


Star Map of Team Competence

What competence are of higher importance to our project?


Niko-Niko Calendar of Team Mood




Empathy Radar


Goals and Results


Well Designed Result Transition Plan

Challenges Resources First StepCurrent State

Criteria (VAK)ContextSecondary BenefitTried solutions Desired State

Criteria (VAK)ContextPositive statement Realistic and Relevant Eco-friendly


Decision-Making: Cartesian Coordinates What will happen if you do it? (+ +)

What will happen if you do not it? (+ -)

What will not happen if you do it? (- +)

What will not happen if you do not it? (- -)


What will happen if you quit your job? (Change the date of release?)1. I will get an opportunity to find a job that suits me better;2. I will never see my manager again; 3. I stop spending an hour and a half to my trip to the office.4. What will happen if you dont quit your job?1. I will be able to have paid vacations next month;

What will not happen if you quit your job?1. I will not get my quarter bonus.

What will not happen if you dont quit your job?1. I wont be able to find a job that gives me a sense of satisfaction

Identify answers that really matter for you and have impact on your decision


Checklist for Goals Setting

1. What for?

3. 4. Eco-friendly5. Scaling 6. Steps2. Area of influence


Action Items WhatWhoWhenHow to check Setup next meeting on our progress with auto-testing implementation Mikeby Aug 21Invite to the meeting is received Investigate popular frameworks, present the results Annby Aug 28Meeting on results is organized by AnnExplore company trainings on auto-testing, share infoOlgaby Aug 28Summary table on trainings is distributed Discuss auto-testing experience on other project within the company, summarize it for our team Mikeby Sep 05Summarization is provided to all interested parties Identify critical parts of our app to cover in first turn Alex and IvanBy Sep 05Visualization of app critical parts Present our approach on auto-testing to stakeholders MikeBy Sep 11 Minutes of meeting are sent to the team


Motivation and Energy


Meaningful tasks


Losada Coefficient


Energy Calendar

Box of Energy


Flow = High efficiency and creative thinkingMeaningful goalClear priorities Task complexity is 4% high then the level of mastery Focused on task state of mind No multitasking 3 simple tasks

Hours of silencePomodoro


Minus one hour of sleep = minus 30% of cognitive functions

Decreased sleep time is not healthy

Sleep is necessary to structures and remember data

Good Sleep

Less light 1h before sleep

Darkness and silence are necessary

Go to sleep at the same time

Have a ritual of going to sleep

Insomnia should be treated

Trackers of sleep quality




Employee Engagement Hierarchy

Gallup (research-based, global performance-management consulting company) determines that team members engagement is the key to business profitability, clients loyalty and to low level of attrition. by GALLUP


WHAT I GET?1. Do I know what is expected at work your work? 1__2__3__4__5__6__7__8__9__10 2. Do I have all the necessary instruments and materials to do your work right?

WHAT I GIVE?3. At work, do you have the opportunity to do regularly what you do best of all? 4. In the last seven days, have you received recognition or praise for doing good work? 5. Does your manager, or someone at work, seem to care about you as a person? 6. Is there someone at work who encourages your development?

HOW I CONNECT WITH THE TEAM?7. At work, do your opinions seem to count?8. Does the mission of your company make you feel your job is important?9. Are your team members committed to doing quality work?10. Do some of your best friends work at the same company with you?

HOW CAN WE GROW TOGATHER? 11. In the last six months, has someone at work talked to you about your progress?12.In the last year, have you had opportunities to learn and grow at your work?:

0-30 bad

31-55 satisfactory

55-85 good

85-100 greatWhat is necessary to do, so you evaluate this situation to 6? Use coaching scale when asking open questions Most of the companies


Area of Influence Matrix of CompetenceUse on Retrospective


Leadership Gift by Christopher Avery How your team deal with problems?

Respond rather than react

Who are the leaders in your team?


External Point of Influence Who you should become/What you should do in order My employees arent proactive, I always need to provide them direct instructions;

The manager does not value results of my work;

That team provided documentation too late for us to integrate with their system;

They dont want to conduct Retrospective;

The development team dont understand my business needs;

Our manager always communicate unrealistic development time to the business, that is why we are always late with Sprint scope;

She usually overreacts on my feedback;


Way Forward


Trainings and Webinars WebinarOverview of estimation in function points https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7096855347981584898?source=webinar (eng) ICAgile Agile Team Facilitation https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5502311701820478468?source=webinar ()Webinar 7 main qualities of Agile team member https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4051474223132743428?source=webinar (eng) , Agile https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6313717198259291652?source=webinar ()

Training ICAgile Agile Team Facilitationhttp://www.luxoft-training.ru/kurs/icagile_icp_agile_team_facilitation_icagile_icp-atf.html


Read and Watch7 - - https://vimeo.com/976705885 Techniques for effective self-coaching - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/follow-up-webinar-5-techniques-effective-svetlana Developing leadership skills https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/webinar-coach-yourself-developing-leadership-skills-svetlana The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work Hardcover by Shawn AchorGetting Unstuck: Breaking free of the Plateau Effect by Bob Sullivan and Hugh ThompsonThe surprising truth about what motivates us by Dan Pink https://youtu.be/u6XAPnuFjJcDreamland: Adventures in the Strange Science of Sleep by David K. Randall Motivation: Need for Achievements https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/motivation-need-achievements-mukhina-icagile-icp-icp-atf-psm-I Motivation: Need for Affiliation https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/motivation-need-affiliation-mukhina-icagile-icp-icp-atf-psm-i Spiral Dynamics by by Edward Beck and Christopher Cowan - http://www.spiraldynamics.com/book/book.htm Leadership Agility: Five Levels of Mastery for Anticipating and Initiating Change by by William Joiner and Stephen Josephs



Thank you
