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The Power of Effective Leadership

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The Power of Effective Leadership What is the difference between leading people and manipulating people? When a person seeks to manipulate others it’s usually done for selfish purposes. When a person is a leader, he or she volunteers efforts to lead others towards a common goal. When one thinks of leadership, they usually picture corporate CEOs, entrepreneurs, or even church ministers. The issue may become complicated when one attempts to “campaign” for a leadership role, since he or she would be asking for a position of authority, rather than accepting an assignment based on proven merit. Another complex issue worth considering is if being a leader really means doing things your own way, or if it means leading a combined team effort. There is no right or wrong answer here, as different leaders will use different styles of leadership. Some will be successful, while others may prove to be a disastrous choice.

If you are ever in a position of leadership then it will benefit you to become familiar with two primary styles of leading: the political leader and the team leader. The political leader approaches his or her position very cautiously and may use manipulative techniques to keep such a prominent position. This does not necessarily mean that this politician is out for selfish purposes. He or she may very well have good intentions, but still insist on maintaining absolute power. The perfectionist personality type often favors this dictatorial style of leading. This personality type is in contrast to the team leader, who is largely oblivious to political maneuvering, and mainly works as an educator or mentor to others. Studying both methods of leadership and finding the right balance may prove valuable in your future career and business ventures. Power and Leadership The first thing to realize about power is that it is available to you in many ways. You don’t have to give orders to exert power. Sometimes power can be established by making a suggestion, making a request or even asking for a favor. What the political leader hopes is that the subject will act as a result of the leader’s urging. What establishes power? It’s usually a negotiating process that involves some sort of commodity that one person has and that another person seeks. The first step to gaining power is to realize that one has power—one has what the other person wants and is not willing to just hand over this precious item without incentive. The team leader concentrates on building the abilities and confidence of his or her team members, many of which may still be considered novices or not. The political leader argues that power is required to maintain control over others. The team leader believes people can work together for the same victorious results. The political leader thrives on competition and essentially sees everyone as a potential threat. He will not wait patiently and settle for an equal chance. This leader will be aggressive in pursuing what is wanted or needed. This leader is crafty in that he

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studies his opponents’ weaknesses, and looks for opportunities to turn the balance in his favor. The team leader is less concerned about competition, but focuses on uniting a team for optimal performance. The team leader is usually too busy helping others to realize what political chicanery is taking place. Appearances are very important in taking and maintaining power. The political leader understands that they have to look like a person in control. They dress well and beam with self-confidence. They spend the majority of their time hobnobbing with important people in the community—namely anybody that they “need” to suit their purposes. Team leaders can vary when it comes to appearances. They may opt to look professional, provided it’s part of a team effort, but not give much more attention to looking important. Team leaders also tend to talk to everyone in the community rather than limiting their attention to important faces. The Kind of Leader You Will Be The political leader is used to politicking, so they will make an effort to speak charismatically and let the authority carry in their voice. Sometimes people can subconsciously tell the difference between a leader who is timid about accepting authority and a leader who desires that power. No matter what leader you strive to be, work on your communication skills so you can be clearly understood by others. Finally, you will notice that the political leader makes a great effort to contribute helpful information when it is convenient for them. If they want to be perceived as an authority in business, they will kindly volunteer this information to others. If they have great intellect in a wide variety of subjects, they will volunteer this information as well. Sharing this information makes them appear smart, generous, and most of all, the perfect go-to person. A team leader may or may not know all of this information, but often makes the mistake of keeping quiet while others practice their pretty speeches. Remember that in business, silence can be perceived as weakness. Regardless of which leader you plan on becoming, remember that you will be entrusted with great responsibility. For the best results, treat others as they would like to be treated (not everyone wants to be treated as you want to be treated), and try to never burn bridges. After all, in the unpredictable world of big business, you never know you’re going to need as a friend and supporter.

© Anne M. Bachrach. All rights reserved.

Anne M. Bachrach is known as The Accountability Coach™. She has 23 years of experience

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