How to create a custom link

How to use Customlinks

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Page 1: How to use Customlinks

How to create a custom link

Page 2: How to use Customlinks

1. Click “Manage My Business”

Page 3: How to use Customlinks

2. Click “Go” under “Custom Links”

Page 4: How to use Customlinks

3. Click “Create Custom Links”

Page 5: How to use Customlinks

4. Click refresh button once

5. Enter your name

6. Enter your email

7. Enter your associate number

(7 digits)

8. Choose language

9. Choose country

You can bookmark this page so you can have quick access without logging in for next time

Page 6: How to use Customlinks

10. Click “Select Products” (If you did not refresh the page first, you may have to enter

contact information and region again.)

Page 7: How to use Customlinks

You can see the options below 11. Scroll down to the middle of the page.

Page 8: How to use Customlinks

12. Untick “Products”

Page 9: How to use Customlinks
Page 10: How to use Customlinks

13. Untick “Packs”

Page 11: How to use Customlinks
Page 12: How to use Customlinks

คลิ๊��กที่��สิ�นค�าที่��ที่ านต้�องการผู้��ที่��ที่ านแนะน�าเห็�นคลิ๊��กที่��สิ�นค�าที่��ที่ านต้�องการผู้��ที่��ที่ านแนะน�าเห็�น15. Click on the pack you wish to offer

According to our plan only Basic Custom Pack is good enough.

16. Scroll down to the bottom

Page 13: How to use Customlinks

17. Copy this link and send to your friends or family to join you.

For FireFox, you can copy and paste by highlighting the URL, (you won’t see it highlighted, but once you click and drag the mouse, you can copy it to web address bar). For other

web browsers, the “Copy” button will work.