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Page 1: Journal


STUDENT ID : 0320275

GROUP : MONDAY 4.00 P.M. – 6.00 P.M.




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Chapter 1

Social Loafing

Social loafing states that individuals make less effort when in a group than they would if

they are attempting to achieve the goal on their own. This entry occur in many situations. This

means that when a persons are performing a task in a group and his/her individual effort cannot

be identified.

When I was in secondary school, I was a school basketball player. A basketball team

consists of twelve basketball players and the players on the court are always 5. I was one of the

substitutes like the picture above. I was trying to perform well during the competition but my on

court duration was very short, much shorter than the starters. Therefore, my performance did not

identified by others.

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Chapter 2

Extrinsic motivation

There is always a thing that we don’t like, but we have to do it due to some external factors.

For example, some people don’t like to study but they have to due to the certificate of the school.

Motivation that promoted by factors external to the individual is called extrinsic motivation.

Individuals who are extrinsically motivated work on tasks because they believe that contribution

will result in desirable outcomes such as a reward or praise. Extrinsic takes a certain action in

response to external pressure.

Based on my experience, I have the common situation with other people too. I used to

become top student in my hometown, Kapit, Sarawak during my primary school. When I was in

secondary school, my academic result started to drop and I can’t get good result until the PMR

year. I studied hard for getting a better result and better grades. At last, I got 7 A’s for my PMR

and that was a good result for me. In this situation, I got motivated by the extrinsic motivation

which is the reward and the grades. I studied hard for PMR because I didn’t want to let my

parents disappointed about my result. Expectation from parents is also another extrinsic

motivation for me to study hard until now.

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Chapter 3


Stereotype assumes that a group of people have the same characteristic or attitudes.

Example, some people think that all the girls can’t become leader because they don’t have the

abilities to lead the team. However, stereotypes also often occur in our life.

When I first came West Malaysia from Sarawak, I had been asked a question by a lot of

people. “Do you live on the tree?” this question had annoyed me for few months. In Sarawak,

only some of the people live in the jungle or live in the tree. There are cities in Sarawak. A lot of

people assume all the people in Sarawak live on the tree just because some of people in Sarawak

live on the tree.

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Chapter 4

Covariation Theory

Everyone has their own behavior. Most of the choices we made based on our behavior. For

example, we all know that smoking is not a good behavior. However, there are still a lot of

people smoke nowadays. This explains different people have different behaviors. Harold

Kelley’s Covariation Theory explains how we use social perception to attribute behavior to

dispositional attribution or situational attribution.

Dispositional attribution, as known as internal factor assumes that the action been taken due

to his/her internal characteristics. Situational attribution also known as external factor assumes

that the action been taken due to the environment factor. For example, if a student late for class

but there is not traffic jam, this is dispositional attribution. If there is an accident causes traffic

jam, this is external factor. However, there are three information to let us observe or judge a

person’s behavior. Consensus means that how people behave in the similar situation,

distinctiveness means that how the individual behave in the similar situation and consistency

means that does the individual behaves like this every time the situation occurs.

Based on my experience, I joined a dancing battle when I was in secondary school. I

performed well and most of the people thought that I could pass the audition. Unfortunately, I

didn’t get into the final round at last. The consensus of this situation is low because everyone like

my performance. The distinctiveness is low because the judge who judged me always give low

mark for the other participants. The consistency of this situation is high because I failed my

audition in the competition before and the judge was the same person.

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Chapter 5

Operant Conditioning

Operant conditioning is a learning where behavior is controlled by consequences. It

determines that the behavior that reinforced will be continue or the behavior that punished will

be eventually end. Operant conditioning contains four key concepts, which is positive

reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment. Operant

conditioning is coined by B.F.Skinner because he believed that the best way to understand

behavior is to look at the causes of an action and its consequences.

Positive reinforcement means that there is a reward or outcome given after the behavior to

continue the behavior. This reminds me my primary school life. My English teacher, Madam

Wong always pasted a sticker on our test paper if we got A in the exam. When it came to

semester end, she will collected all of our test paper and distributed presents depends on the

number of stickers we got. I studied hard for the exam and tried to get more stickers to win a

good prize. In the end, I only got a storybook from Madam Wong, this is life.

However, negative reinforcement means that remove the unpleasant outcomes to continue

the behavior. For example, if you don’t score A in you exam, you need to clean up the school for

a week, thus strengthening the behavior of studying hard for exam. When I was in primary

school, my parents didn’t let me play computer games so that I can concentrate in my study.

In the other hand, positive punishment means that unpleasant outcomes is given after the

behavior to decrease the behavior. For example, if a student cannot pass the exam, he needs to

stay back for extra class. When I was training for the coming basketball competition, we used to

practice our shooting. Our coach asked us to score 90 points in one minute, if we failed to do that

we will be punished to do 20 push up. In the end, we scored 90 points successfully after 40 times

of push up.

Negative punishment means that remove something pleasant to decrease the behavior. For

example, when you killed someone, you will go to jail. Based on my experience, I had been

punished to pay fines for illegal parking before. That was an emergency. My friends were almost

late for their flight and I couldn’t find the parking in airport so I parked my car at the roadside.

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After that, I received a RM 150 fines for my illegal parking. This causes me got scolded by my

parents and I will never do this again.