Things to Know About Remy Hair Extensions When deciding to wear hair extensions, it is important that you keep yourself aware of the ins and outs of this hair and beauty trend. We’ve revealed the top things that you must know about Remy hair extensions so you can make an informed decision. 1. They are not painful to wear. ONYC Remy hair products are comfortable and easy to wear. For some reason, there are people who believe that Remy hair extensions cause discomfort. Those with sensitive skin and first time users may feel uneasy at first but discomfort will not last longer than a few minutes. 2. You do not need to change your lifestyle while wearing Remy hair products. This is a myth that has been around for quite some time. No extra care is necessary when using ONYC Remy hair products. Remember that authentic remy hair must feel, look and behave like your real hair so the attention and care you put into your own hair can also be applied to your remy hair extensions. The reason why you are wearing 100% virgin remy hair extensions is to improve your look, give you more confidence to enjoy life and feel good about yourself so it shouldn’t hold you back in any way. 3. Treat it like your own. We couldn’t get enough of emphasizing this fact. Just because it is detachable and fancy and “not really your hair” doesn’t mean you should put less care to it. Clean it twice or thrice a week with a gentle shampoo, condition it just like how you’d condition your hair, deep condition it too after subjecting it to heat or chemical treatments. Comb them regularly to prevent entwining and you may put olive oil to moisturize it. No hair is perfect, even human hair tangles and gets damaged without proper care. 4. Remy hair may be virgin or non-virgin. Virgin remy hair is ponytail-cut human hair that has never been subjected to any form of chemical treatment. Non-virgin remy hair is ponytail-cut hair that has been dyed, straightened or curled prior or after collection from the donor’s head. The cuticles are intact and face the same direction, however, the strands of hair have already been treated. 5. Remy hair is the best type of hair extensions. Why? Because it gives the most natural appearance, it tangles less, it is smoother and silkier and healthier than others. It is collected in bunch like when you cut hair that is being held by a ponytail, hence, uniformity of hair strands can be guaranteed. Browse through our collection of Remy hair extensions and choose one that fits your hair styling needs. You’re sure to find ONYC hair to be beautiful, natural, long-lasting and reasonably priced. Give ONYC Remy hair products a try and see the difference.

Things to Know About Remy Hair Extensions

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Things to Know About Remy Hair Extensions

When deciding to wear hair extensions, it is important that you keep yourself aware of the ins and outs

of this hair and beauty trend. We’ve revealed the top things that you must know about Remy hair

extensions so you can make an informed decision.

1. They are not painful to wear. ONYC Remy hair products are comfortable and easy to wear. For

some reason, there are people who believe that Remy hair extensions cause discomfort. Those

with sensitive skin and first time users may feel uneasy at first but discomfort will not last longer

than a few minutes.

2. You do not need to change your lifestyle while wearing Remy hair products. This is a myth that

has been around for quite some time. No extra care is necessary when using ONYC Remy hair

products. Remember that authentic remy hair must feel, look and behave like your real hair so

the attention and care you put into your own hair can also be applied to your remy hair

extensions. The reason why you are wearing 100% virgin remy hair extensions is to improve

your look, give you more confidence to enjoy life and feel good about yourself so it shouldn’t

hold you back in any way.

3. Treat it like your own. We couldn’t get enough of emphasizing this fact. Just because it is

detachable and fancy and “not really your hair” doesn’t mean you should put less care to it.

Clean it twice or thrice a week with a gentle shampoo, condition it just like how you’d condition

your hair, deep condition it too after subjecting it to heat or chemical treatments. Comb them

regularly to prevent entwining and you may put olive oil to moisturize it. No hair is perfect, even

human hair tangles and gets damaged without proper care.

4. Remy hair may be virgin or non-virgin. Virgin remy hair is ponytail-cut human hair that has

never been subjected to any form of chemical treatment. Non-virgin remy hair is ponytail-cut

hair that has been dyed, straightened or curled prior or after collection from the donor’s head.

The cuticles are intact and face the same direction, however, the strands of hair have already

been treated.

5. Remy hair is the best type of hair extensions. Why? Because it gives the most natural

appearance, it tangles less, it is smoother and silkier and healthier than others. It is collected in

bunch like when you cut hair that is being held by a ponytail, hence, uniformity of hair strands

can be guaranteed.

Browse through our collection of Remy hair extensions and choose one that fits your hair styling needs.

You’re sure to find ONYC hair to be beautiful, natural, long-lasting and reasonably priced. Give ONYC

Remy hair products a try and see the difference.