The annual account of a freelance Spanish to Polish translator by Anna Ratyńska

2013 account of a freelance Spanish to Polish translator

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The annual account of a freelance

Spanish to Polish translator

by Anna Ratyńska

Page 2: 2013 account of a freelance Spanish to Polish translator



[email protected]

+48 692 55 38 76

2013 was definitely a work-intensive year.

Some months were totally project-packed,

while in others I was able to spend more

time on marketing and learning.

Overall, I translated:

approx. 1200 pages = 300 000 words

in 164 translation assignments

Some examples of these include:

maritime pilotage regulations of the harbour in Algeciras, documents of the Brothers Hospitallers order, a game for mobile devices, a telemetric module installation guide, an article about civil law in Argentina, accounting rules in Costa Rica, biscuit labels and a love letter.

Compared to 2012 I’m happy to say there’s been an increase both in terms of volumes and rates.

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+ and -


[email protected]

+48 692 55 38 76

Here’s what makes me especially satisfied business-wise

with what I achieved in 2013:

• A large increase in the number of clients -> diversification = safety

• I raised my rates. Hurray!

• I learnt to choose clients wisely and to say NO and I had to say it A LOT.

• I now have regular international clients.

• I’m a more proficient memoQ user and can find terms I need faster = I can handle larger volumes.

• I started to appreciate my free time more (still long way to go ;).

And, as it’s not all pink and rosy, here are some things I am not quite happy about:

• Clients who don’t respect the payment terms. I’m either introducing down payments or learning how to fire a client in 2014.

• I didn’t do enough sport (a healthy translator is a happy one!)

• I’d definitely like to read more (work/free time ratio

improvement needed).

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[email protected]

+48 692 55 38 76

Some of the recommendations I received in 2013 from old and new clients:

Tłumacz godny polecenia, tłumaczenia na czas i na wysokim poziomie, bardzo dobry i miły kontakt

BT Sigma

Bardzo dobry tłumacz języka hiszpańskiego - świetnie radzi sobie z trudnymi dokumentami prawnymi, ekonomicznymi, finansowymi, dotrzymuje terminów i zapewnia płynną współpracę.

R. Drewniak, tłumacz przysięgły j. hiszp.

Pani Anna Ratyńska wykonała dla naszego biura tłumaczenie oraz weryfikację umów pożyczek z j. polskiego na j. hiszpański. Z powierzonego jej zadania wywiązała się terminowo i z należytą starannością.

ITG - International Translators Group

Eficaz, buen trabajo y buenos resultados. Trabajar con Anna ha sido un placer y no dudamos en volver a confiar en ella en el futuro.

InPuzzle España

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Office redecoration


[email protected]

+48 692 55 38 76

I had my homeoffice

painted green


[email protected]

+48 692 55 38 76

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I’m a PRO!


[email protected]

+48 692 55 38 76

I was accepted into the Certified PRO Network at ProZ.com, which is one of the most important translation portals. See my profile

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[email protected]

+48 692 55 38 76

Romanian course Instead of going on a regular vacation this year I decided to go back to my beloved Romania and do an intensive 3-week course of Romanian at Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai in Cluj-Napoca. Met wonderful people, went on a number of trips and, most importantly, made a huge progress in my Romanian language skills (I’m B2). At the end of the stay I was even taken for a native! What better compliment than that?

And in 2013 I read my

first novel in Romanian!

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Polish teaching


[email protected]

+48 692 55 38 76

This year I also started to teach Polish via skype. I am far from considering myself a professional teacher, I simply do it for the fun of it. However, I don’t dismiss the possibility of doing it professionally one day, once I get proper training. All my students are from Spain, so that gives me an opportunity to speak Spanish every week.

Meet my students:

Herminia Páez Prado

Audiovisual translator who is really

into languages (all of them!)


Elena Nevado

Audiovisual translator who did her Erasmus in Poznań

and has been in love with Poland ever since


Elena Cancelas

Psychologist and Spanish language teacher

who recently spent a few months in Poland

They are the best students anyone can have!

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Social media


[email protected]

+48 692 55 38 76

I must admit that at first I was sceptical about all this, but then I decided to give it a try and tame the social media beast. Some tweeting later I actually established new working relations and made new friends (see previous slide).

Twitter about.me

Recently I also joined..

..Facebook LinkedIn (still some work to be done;)

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Plans for 2014


[email protected]

+48 692 55 38 76

Get a professional website

Spend some time in Spain and get to practice my primary working language

Polish (!) my Romanian and possibly reach a decent C1 level so as to be able to use it professionally

Improve my work-life balance (spend more time with family and friends, eat healthier, exercise daily, take up a new sport)

Do a number of courses that have been on my „to-learn list”

Read more

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Happy New Year!


[email protected]

+48 692 55 38 76