3 Steps to Building Your Mobile Marketing Survival Kit

3 Steps to Building Your Mobile Marketing Survival Kit

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3 Steps to Building Your Mobile Marketing Survival Kit

Page 2: 3 Steps to Building Your Mobile Marketing Survival Kit

3 Steps to

Building Your

Mobile Marketing

Survival Kit


Building a successful mobile presence for your brand is a serious task.

Promoting awareness, engagement, and most importantly sales, is an

extensive process. However, chances are that you have no time to waste or

maybe, you cannot afford to wait until your mobile strategy is flawless. The

following are three mobile marketing steps your app simply can’t deal

without. Implement them into your app marketing strategy to guarantee your

app doesn’t fail miserably.

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Survival: What you absolutely MUST do when it comes to app store optimization is

keyword research. Keyword research refers to the process of optimizing the keywords

found in your app’s app store description and title, to make it appear in as many

relevant app store searches as possible. Without keyword research - your app is

virtually invisible, or receiving limited visibility at best.

Keyword research should be conducted once every few weeks, to ensure that your

app is ranked in the highest spot possible for its relevant category. This way, more

potential users you’re aiming for reach your app and download it.

Take it to the next level: If you want to give your app’s discoverability level an extra

push, its app store page should feature visually appealing images. A picture says

more than a thousand words, and having the right images on your page might do

the trick when it comes to positively influencing visitors to download your app.

Creatively edited images that feature a call-to-action are much better than plain

screenshots, and a slick-looking logo will make a great first impression. If you have

the resources to optimize your images, I more than recommend it.


App Store



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Survival: Many app developers discover at one point or another that sadly, launching

an app isn’t enough. To survive in the mobile space you must constantly attract users

to your app, and relying on the app store for discoverability is bound to fail. That is

where mobile advertising comes in. Mobile advertising is highly segmented and counts

more than 500 networks aside from the social giants. Therefore, chances are that if

you’re not a mobile pro, you’d need a professional media buyer on your side.

If you don’t you can always start running campaigns that target a wide audience,

however, that won’t get you the results you’re after, but it will at least get you

discovered by a small amount of users. To do so, decide on a budget, an outlet to

spend it on, roughly target your audience, and check in every once in a while to

monitor your progress.




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Take it to the next level: If it were up to me however, I’d recommend nitpicking the

most relevant potential users for your app through hyper-targeted campaigns. The

concept of time and budget is very important here, as it requires a lot of testing and

optimization to reach the highest conversion rates possible. Getting a creative

professional on board will help you go that extra mile and run innovative, interactive,

and rich media ads for maximized engagement.




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Survival: When it comes to the app itself, the most important step is the onboarding

stage, as it’s the most popular reason users delete apps. In fact, 22% of apps are only

used once, and therefore a great first impression is extremely important. To make that

first impression your app’s onboarding stage must be easy, simple, and friendly.

Take it to the next level: The next natural step here is to give a facelift to not only the

onboarding stage, but to the entire app. Product professionals are able to break down

your app, take an in-depth look at each screen and make it flawless. Beyond that, they

can point out problems and figure out where they stem from, which is a true

challenges for anyone without an expertise in mobile. Remember: a refined product

makes for happy users that tell their friends and family about it and organically grow

your community.




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If you were to consult with me, I would obviously recommend opting for the full

package and taking it the next level to face your mobile challenge head on. However, if

you’d like to feel the ground first before you go in full force, make sure you implement

the above survival steps to get things started.


3 Steps to

Building Your

Mobile Marketing

Survival Kit

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About us

Moburst is a full service, global mobile marketing agency that helps

companies grow their mobile business. After redefining hundreds of apps

and A/B testing every possible feature in every vertical, our team knows

what works for each product, and how to deliver the most relevant

experiences for each user. We love solving clients’ tough mobile challenges

and believe that the combination of creative thinking, advanced technology,

and data drives success at scale.

Hundreds of companies, from local startups to large global brands such as:

Microsoft Accelerator, Get-Taxi, Conduit, Sony Music and Nielsen Innovation,

have leveraged our product refinement, app store optimization (ASO), user

acquisition, and mobile consulting services to enhance their product and

maximize their KPIs.

Every day, our team’s mission is to innovate creative solutions that connect

brands with highly targeted audiences that convert into loyal users.

Moburst has offices in New York City, Israel and San Francisco.

To learn more, visit www.moburst.com or contact us at [email protected].