5 Proven Lead Generation Tips You can Do RIGHT NOW!

5 Proven Lead Generation Tips You Can Do Right Now!

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5 ProvenLead GenerationTips You can Do RIGHT NOW!

The ultimate goal for every business is to

generate more leads to convert into customers

so that they can grow.

But unfortunately, leads don’t grow on trees ...

But here are 5 quick and PROVEN ways to increase your lead flow.

LESSON 1: Use subscribe FORMS instead of subscribe buttons at the end of your blog posts.

Through our research, we’ve found that by embedding a subscribe form at the end of each post, rather than a subscribe button leading to a landing page, we increased our conversions by 20%.


Instead, embed a one-field form, like this one:

Don’t use a CTA button, like this one:

LESSON 2: A/B test your content titles.

HubSpot changed the title of an ebook from “The Productivity Handbook for Busy Marketers”

to “7 Apps That Will Change the Way You Do Marketing.”

We increased leads by 776%.


LESSON 4: Use progressive profiling on landing page forms.

Progressive profiling is a feature that detects whether the user has already filled out another form on your site and lets you replace previously captured fields with a new set of fields.

ImageScape improved a client’s conversion rate by 120% by reducing the number of form fields from 11 to 4.

By using progressive profiling, you can get rid of the friction of asking too many questions while still collecting the data you need.TESTED

LESSON 5: Test the colour of your CTA buttons.

We tested a green CTA button against a red one and made a surprising discovery: The red button outperformed the green by a whopping 21%!


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