Six Questions CMOs Need to Ask Their Digital Marketing Agency

6 Questions CMOs Need to Ask Their Digital Marketing Agency

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Six Questions CMOs Need to Ask Their Digital Marketing Agency

Page 2: 6 Questions CMOs Need to Ask Their Digital Marketing Agency

6 Questions

CMOs Need to

Ask Their Digital




Yes, your digital marketing agency specialists know more about mobile

strategy than you do, but you should still ask the tough questions to ensure

you’re on the right track. What should you ask? These six crucial questions.

For most marketers and brand managers, mobile is still very much an

uncharted territory. It’s a language many of them don’t speak, at least not

fluently. So they often turn to their digital marketing agency. If you’re a

marketer or brand manager, it’s very likely what you did. Unfortunately,

there’s a good chance that your digital agency – the one that totally gets

traditional online advertising and maybe even social – is still far behind in

mobile strategy terms.

How can you tell if your agency is lagging behind and not industry-savvy

enough to get your ahead of the competition on mobile? We’ve prepared a

list of questions you must ask, and the answers you should expect.

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What is our goal?

While it seems like a pretty easy question to answer, you’re likely getting the

wrong answer from your current mobile marketing service provider. For many

agencies out there, the success of a mobile business app is measured

according to just one number: the number of downloads. These install-

oriented mobile marketers will use terms like CPI (Cost Per Install) to try and

quantify the ROI. But as you may have already discovered (or not) installs do

not mean revenues. Your brand doesn’t profit from downloads – it needs


Once you have a clear conversion funnel for your mobile marketing activities,

walk the agency through it when setting your KPIs. Is your goal to complete

registration and get permission to access users’ data? Or maybe you’re

aiming at having a single purchase made through the app? Possibilities are

endless, but they all start with a clear vision. Make sure you and your digital

marketing agency share the same vision.

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CMOs Need to

Ask Their Digital




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Who is the target audience?

You’ve asked and answered this question countless times before, but mobile

asks for a different type of answer. Contrary to campaigns run on other

platforms, where your target audience is predetermined and the creative

assets serve a single purpose, mobile tailors a personalized experience for

each user and calls for many different versions of the same campaign. In

other words, your target audience is broader and much more versatile than

ever. Your agency should be well aware of this, and provide you with suitable,

creative and flexible solutions.

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CMOs Need to

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What are the chosen advertising platforms?

This sounds like a no-brainer, but many still miss this important fact: mobile

products call for mobile advertising. Choosing billboards and TV ads instead

of a clickable ad that will send users directly to your product makes very little

sense. Sadly, some agencies choose to continue to invest in more traditional

platforms, and have no real reason to change course as long as their clients

remain pacified.

This too calls for a change in terminology: replace “premium” and “CPM” with

“performance” and you’ll see the difference right away. The more

sophisticated and informed clients become, the harder it will be for

advertising agents to prioritize their own business politics over your brand’s

business benefits.

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Does our brand even need an app?

This may seem strange coming from someone in the app business, but not

every brand needs an app for every purpose. Having a business app is not a

goal – it’s an ongoing process, and one that you have to invest in. If you want

your mobile marketing strategy to have positive ROI for your business, don’t

create an app without real value.

When your digital agency recommends the development of a mobile

product, ask your account manager about the app’s value for users, and how

they plan on retaining that value over time. You might just learn that there’s a

lot of maintenance work involved in sustaining an effective and engaging

app, and the person in charge of it is, unfortunately, you.

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Are we on the right track?

When presenting this question to your digital agency, make sure that the

answer you receive is short and loaded with numbers. Ignore elusive terms

like “brand awareness”. Demand transparency and clarity.

One of the strengths of mobile is presenting real results in real time. So get

the numbers, and make sure they’re the right ones. Track the churn, retention

and engagement rates and always focus on the most important factor: ROI.

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What happens if we fail to reach our goals?

Mobile marketing doesn’t only allow you immediate access to the results of

your efforts, but also lets you make the necessary adjustments. If your

agency commits to reaching a specific goal (and no, “brand awareness” is not

specific enough), you should expect to see an agile work process that moves

fast and in accordance with the market’s response. This calls for serious A/B

testing on all verticals, including the campaign’s creative content and media

strategy, as well as the product itself. Ask your agency what it plan to do in

case each goal is not achieved, how it will draw the right conclusions and

implement immediate changes.

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Ask for strategy

Marketers should not fear mobile, but embrace it with the new state of mind

it brings to the table. This platform can (and for many brands, does) increase

sales more effectively than others, but it requires the proper strategy and

execution. Demanding answers to these key questions above will let you

know whether or not you’ve trusted the right people with such an important


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CMOs Need to

Ask Their Digital




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About us

Moburst is a full service, global mobile marketing agency that helps

companies grow their mobile business. After redefining hundreds of apps

and A/B testing every possible feature in every vertical, our team knows

what works for each product, and how to deliver the most relevant

experiences for each user. We love solving clients’ tough mobile challenges

and believe that the combination of creative thinking, advanced technology,

and data drives success at scale.

Hundreds of companies, from local startups to large global brands such as:

Microsoft Accelerator, Get-Taxi, Conduit, Sony Music and Nielsen Innovation,

have leveraged our product refinement, app store optimization (ASO), user

acquisition, and mobile consulting services to enhance their product and

maximize their KPIs.

Every day, our team’s mission is to innovate creative solutions that connect

brands with highly targeted audiences that convert into loyal users.

Moburst has offices in New York City, Israel and San Francisco.

To learn more, visit www.moburst.com or contact us at [email protected].